Watch our little ducks swim! Lots of important reminders too …….
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in Monday 31st March
Welcome Year 2 to the Easter Assembly story! Each Year each class form Year 2 to Year 6 takes one part of the Easter story and performs an assembly one each day over a week. Together we tell the story to the whole class and it is wonderful for everyone especially our youngest children. The assemblies help us to piece together the events of Jesus final days and his glorious reresection.
Year 2, we have the job of producing the opening assembly- telling the story of Palm Sunday (Monday 7th April). We have already started staging the play. We have limited time in the hall so it is super important that you know your line and who you come after before this Friday. We all have a line to learn. I have given everyone a copy of the script to take home and I have attached the script here too in case it is mislaid. Remember to practice with your biggest voice. I have also attached the song we are learning which we sing at the end “The Lord of the Dance”
I have given the children a copy of the maths games WEEK 3 of 5 on card and the instructions and diary. A massive thank you to parents who completed the diary last time (printing it out at home) and giving some feedback. Have fun with these. I’ve attached here again just incase the pack is mislaid.
When marking I have noticed a join the children are struggling with - this is the r. I have given the children a practice sheet with this join (attached below too). I have also chosen 5 red word to learn. These are “words for life” they also have the r join in them. Ask your child to show you how we learn these spelling in school using a piece of paper folded into quarters. We write the word (correctly): then copy; then fold and hid to spell without looking; then we finally write it with our eyes closed.
Have fun
Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 21st March "There are no ugly ducklings!" L Young
Please read our blog . There are pictures of use holding the ducklings!!!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on March 24th
Adding an adverb to a sentence challenge this week ……
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog "You shone in radiance before the eyes of Your Apostles so that they could testify to the beauty of the life to which we are all called" Matthew
Super week full of exciting learning. Read on to find out how we want to raise money this Lent….
Read moreYear 2 Homework to be handed in on Monday 17th March
Tricky homophones this week and new maths games …..
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog Friday 4th March "A book is a gift you can open again and again!"
Spit! Spot! …… find out what we’ve been up to this week……..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday March 10th
Handwriting focus this week and a rest from spelling ……..
Read moreYear 2 Blog Friday 28th February "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." — John Bunyan
Prayers for Pope Francis and our classroom is now a Holy Door read on……..
Read moreYear 2 Forest School Information
Dear parents,
The whole class will be joining Ms Lavelle at forest school this week. Year 2 have been invited to have story around the campfire on the following dates:
28th Feb
21st Mar
25th April
16th May
27th Jun
These are all Friday afternoons. Miss Lavelle will involve us with games outside and then we’ll come together around the campfire. The children will need to wear their PE kits on these Fridays. As you can see this Friday is our first session - I’m really looking forward to it!!!
Thank you Mrs Hotchkiss and Ms Lavelle
Year 2 Home Learning to be handed in Monday 3rd
Making Lenten boxes and new optional tasks ready for the new half term …….
Read moreYear 2 Half Term Blog - "Believe you can and you're halfway there." T Roosevelt.
Sculpting, dancing and visiting the theatre it was all happening this week ……..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in after the half term - Tuesday 22nd February
Children take over the teaching this week …..
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th February "Let Jesus calm the storm within!"
What a busy week for the arts: Collage, drama and poetry ……..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed on on Monday 10th February
Spatial Reasoning fun for maths this week ….
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog - Friday 31st January " Believe in miracles - hope is never lost" EJR Holland
“Why are you so afraid?” - together we help manage the choppy seas of learning…. read on to find out what we’ve been up to in Year 2 this week….
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday February 3rd
It seems appropriate after all the bad weather that our assembly is all about Jesus calming the storm! Please find lines to learn asap!
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog Friday 24th January "in order to see birds you have to become part of the silence"
The picture is a little clue to the country we are exploring in geography …..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 27th January
The Great British bird watch is taking place this week. We will be completing it on Friday why not join in next weekend. Everything you need to know is on the home learning this week….
Read moreYear 2 Weekly blog - Friday January 17th " This is my Son the beloved I am pleased with you!"
Look who went to London! Find out what we’ve been up to this week….
Read more