Year 2 Weekly Blog "You shone in radiance before the eyes of Your Apostles so that they could testify to the beauty of the life to which we are all called" Matthew

We continue our pilgrimage through Lent. Our focus on prayer, forgiveness and reconciliation have been at the heart of our everyday interactions. In our RE lessons we studied Palm Sunday. The children were given a beautiful painting of the event and they spotted so many interesting images. We noticed the people were trying to touch Jesus, others looked “suspicious” and we saw gates to a city. One thing that confused us was the Romans - why were they there? This led to a lovely discussion about the Romans being in charge!

Next week we find out what happened next!

During our worship session the children thought carefully about Jesus’ words when he asks us to forgive…..


This week we learnt the “Act of Contrition" this is a beautiful prayer thanking God for his loving grace and forgivness. We had a great conversation about the statement: “God always forgives”. We realized that God always forgives if you are truly sorry. Being able to say sorry and be honest about how actions really helps us to stay close to God. This Lent would you like to use this prayer at bedtime. We have learnt actions to go with it!


This week our little owl “Plop”, from our class novel, had a lovely time with a bunch of boy scouts. He discovered - dark is fun! Inspired by the chapter we wrote Campfire Poems. I’m enjoying marking them at the moment! In maths we have been grouping numbers into equal and unequal groups and Miss Bassett has been adding up money (grouping into tens to help us). We had fun being historians. I explained that something important happened in the past- then I gave them 5 pieces historical items and they had to work out what happened when where and who was involved. We discovered that the first flight in a plane took place on 19th December 1903 in the USA and two brother were involved Wilber and Orville Wright. Further to this, we’ve been expressing ourselves in clay and our PE involved our memories as we got adventurous outside. Great week everyone!!!


This week the Certificate goes to Maya - you have been such a wonderful resilient Sadie Spider. You have been ready determined and on it!! Well done!!

Our VIRTUE STAR is Aubree. You are always ready to learn and your Attitude to Gratitude is a joy. If I counted all the pleases and “thank yous” I received from you Aubree each week - it would be well over 30 plus!!!

REMINDERS - up coming dates

The Ducks arrive in class 18th March (would anyone be willing to look after them on the weekends after their births - send me an email - I’ve had no volunteers yet!!!

Friday 21st March - Chocolate Egg donation day

Monday 24th- Wednesday 26th - Book Fair

Wednesday 2nd April School Photos

Monday 7th April - Our Easter Assembly - Palm Sunday 9:10am

Tuesday April 29th (after Easter) - Visiting the Grand Theatre Blackpool to watch RSC perform THE TEMPEST.


The class have decided they would like to raise money for the RSPB, BLUE SKY HOSPITAL and the HOMELESS- FLYDE FOOD BANK. We have had a long discussion about how we could raise the money. We have decided to go on a sponsored PILGRAMAGE on Tuesday 8th March. We would like to walk from our church to Fairhaven Lake. Along the way we will pass 7 churches. We are going to imagine that each of the doors are HOLY DOORS and take a picture outside each one. We will be carrying our Pilgrimage flag! Once at Fairhaven we can have a rest, eat dinner and have a play. Then we will return on the bus to school. If you would like to join us (I will need several volunteers) please let me know: I will send sponsor forms out in due course.

Thank you

Have a lovely weekend from the whole Year 2 team.