We have made it to the halfway point in the year!
We are pilgrims together sharing the journey of life as a loving, learning family. This week we studied the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus shared this important story with us to teach us that we are so important to God. God’s grace is never earned he simply gives it away. When we accept it our lives are flooded with his love. If we turn away from him and get lost he will never stop looking for us.
Love too was the theme of this weeks children’s worship. We had a lovely few moments as the children passed the little cross around naming those they love. Benjamin reminded the teachers that they could say the children in class - which I dutifully did (all of them). Finally, we went to church this morning to celebrate the Jubliee Year. Father asked us to do the following three things: pray more, forgive one another and ask for forgiveness and to be kind (tolerant). It was a lovely service and Frank and Theo got a special mention for their beautiful singing!
On Tuesday this week it was National E-Safety Day. We have had three short lessons this week exploring how easily we can be tricked online. I have attached here the lessons we completed together so you can have a little read. Ask your child to list types of personal information - this is the information we must never share online.
We have some beautiful clay penguin sculptures drying in the art room! On Monday Mrs Harrison took the class for “Enrichment” the children went all strictly learning how to Cha Cha Cha! In science we learnt how to plan a simply investigation. We wanted to know what happened to the length of an elastic band if we hung masses from it. We worked in threes co-operating like Roger Robins. Mrs Hotchkiss was part of a group and forgot to take photos!!!! Sorry. We have been rocking it in maths - taking the bridging further and deeper with subtraction puzzles. We completed our work on Kenya watching children in Nairobi going to school. We discovered how similar our lives are. On Wednesday we had a real treat visiting St. Bede’s to watch old friends performing Aladdin!
What a super end to this very busy half term!!
No certificates this week but we do have our Lunchtime stars:
Role Model Alfie
Marvelous Manners Eliana
Shout out too to our parents who joined us on our trip to St. Bedes! Thank you!
Parents day tomorrow
Return to school on Tuesday 25th February
Have a lovely restful holiday- form the whole Year 2 team!