The half term rest has given us the reset we all needed. The children have come back ready to learn! In RE this week we reflected on our two new virtues “Generous and Grateful". The children made the link to our “My Happy Mind lessons” where we learnt about how important it is to have an “Attitude to Gratitude”. Below you can see a picture of our worship group leading us in a liturgy all about being generous. During this session we shared all the people who are generous to us! We are using these individuals as our role models this term. In RE we revisited the Jubilee Year - a year of HOPE. We reflected on what a beautiful message this is for all Christians. In response we completed the decorating of our classroom door - a nod to the “holy doors” which are opened every 25 years. During this lesson one child explained how poorly Pope Francis is and we had a prayerful moment during which we placed him in the center of our hearts.
Reflect on Pope Francis - light a candle for him in church this weekend at this important time. Offer up prayers for him. Could you find out a little more about him. What made him become a priest? Where was he born? What has he achieved?
Look who came to visit us!!!!
We may have only been in school for 4 dayss but we packed in the learning! We have been exploring adding 2 digit numbers and the children have been doing loads of fantastic reasoning! In English we started our new class novel- we’re all excited. In Science we are learning how to work like a scientist- this week we were testing which paper was the strongest- turns out they are all pretty strong even tissue paper! In started internet searching in computing and we worked brilliantly in teams for Mr Nay and Mr Murray. Then on Friday we joined Miss Lavelle at her exciting forest school - what a great end to the week!
This week our STAR VIRTUE award goes to Rhys. Rhys has demonstrated gernerousity fo spirit all week and got a special mention (from his peers) for this in council and worship!!! - Well done.
Our Learning Certificate for being a KUBA CRAB goes to Leo Thorley! Leo has magnet eyes and is always ready straight away - he has been a super role model!
We have adapted to a new timetable this week which has meant a new routine in the hall - we have a whole new kitchen and a whole new apprach to lunch- we were all stars
LENTEN BOXES - it is the beginning of LENT next week and we will be meeting our class partners in Year 4 to swop LENTEN BOXES (see home learning blog for details). Please bring to school next week.
ASH WEDNESDAY - Next week is Ash Wednesday if you would like to join us at Mass we would love you to walk with us (setting off 9:10am).
WORLD BOOK DAY - THURSDAY 6th March. Time to get dressed up! No pressure, if you want to come in pajamas with teddy ready to read a book with your class partner go ahead!!!
Have a lovely weekend - lovely weather forecast!