The gift of new life arrived in class this week! Our long anticipated wait for the duck eggs ended when they came to class on Tuesday - before the end of Wednesday we had witnessed three hatchings! The children were so excited and they are really beautiful!
During RE this week we re-enacted the last supper and thought about Jesus’ words. It was lovely as the children completed the words of Jesus with prompting- as they know them so well from church. We realized that Jesus was giving us the gift of his life and with this he was taking away our sins. In return we wrote words of thanks to him and added these to our Lent display.
Children’s Liturgy - all about listening to one another
Here are two pictures from our alter Bible. Look carefully what can you see? Can you explain to your mum and dad the connection between the two images?
We have done ALOT of writing this week. We have written the diary of our little Owl Plop from our class novel. Then we wrote our own little “Duck Diary” recording what is happening with our ducks. We also took our Campfire Poems and rewrote them for a book we are making! In math we got familiar with the multiplication sign - creating different representations. Of course we have had time with the ducks - handling them today!!! In computing we moved onto “creating pictures” and we also got creative again with Mrs Mather in art. PE was great fun as we used maps to solve a jigsaw puzzles and we loved RE because we used drama to retell the events of the Last supper - such a BUSY week!
This week our Learning Award goes to Olivia. Olivia you have been so enthusiastic, focused and determined in every lesson. I do love the fact that you really take on my advice and you’re always happy to learn from any mistakes - just a great all round attitude to learning!
Our Virtue Star is Henry. Henry is grateful for his friends and every learning opportunity!
Next week Friday 28th - Forest school pm - PE kit please
Wednesday 2nd April School Photos
Monday 7th April - Our Easter Assembly - Palm Sunday 9:10am
Tuesday 8th March Pilgrimage sponsored walk - I have sent home the sponsor forms this week please check bags. We will collect sponsor forms and monies on the day and the day after.
The class have decided they would like to raise money for the RSPB, BLUE SKY HOSPITAL and the HOMELESS- FLYDE FOOD BANK. We have had a long discussion about how we could raise the money. We have decided to go on a sponsored PILGRAMAGE on Tuesday 8th March. We would like to walk from our church to Fairhaven Lake. Along the way we will pass 7 churches. We are going to imagine that each of the doors are HOLY DOORS and take a picture outside each one. We will be carrying our Pilgrimage flag! Once at Fairhaven we can have a rest, eat dinner and have a play. Then we will return on the bus to school. If you would like to join us (I will need several volunteers) please let me know: I will send sponsor forms out in due course.
Thank you