Engage ... with our community as we work to build positive working relationships for all.
At Our Lady Star of the Sea, we place great value on and are striving to further develop the links we have created with not only our parents, but that of our parish and local community. In working together, we all ensure that the children have every opportunity to develop their learning.
This week we celebrate the joy that Mary will have felt as she looked forward to the birth of Jesus Christ. Open your hearts and let the joy of Advent and the coming of baby Jesus flood your body.
This week, as we light the second Advent candle, we remember the long journey that Mary and Joseph took in order to deliver their baby safely.
As we start our Advent preparations together, please join us in prayer and liturgy to celebrate the first week of Advent together. A prayer for HOPE.
As we move towards Christmas together, ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord, we have joined with our parish community to pray, sing and reflect. At 6pm on Sunday, please click on the link above to spend time contemplating the miracle of Jesus’s birth. Our Year 6 children will lead prayers and Father Peter will lead the reflection.
This week, Year 6 have really reflected on the meaning of Remembrance. Let our house captains take you through a short worship where you can list and reflect.
This half term, Year 6 have been looking at gratitude and how we all have a lot to be grateful for. Please watch our video of our assembly and ask yourself…WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR?
The children in Year 5 have been busy climbing their stairs at home. Jayden worked out how many times we would have to climb the stairs for us to reach the top of Mount Everest. We think we have done it!! The children who got involved raised money for “Amazing Grace” food bank in Blackpool! Pray in action!!!
““If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.””