Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 4th March "A book is a gift you can open again and again!"

This week we celebrated the beginning of Lent. With our class partners, we walked to church to receive our ashes. It was a beautiful service and the class took time with Jesus and sang beautifully too! In RE we learned what Lent is all about. We know it will last for 40 days and Emilia made the link here to the length of time Jesus spent in the dessert. It will end at Easter when we celebrate Jesus resurrection. We also know that Lent is a time to say sorry for anything we may have done and in turn to forgive those who may have made us sad with their unkind actions - this can be hard at times.

Once we were back at school we joined with Year 4 to swap our beautiful, creative Lenten boxes (thank you). Now is the time to think about how, as a family, you could collect money in really meaningful ways.


Lent is such a special time of the year. It is an opportunity to not only fast (if your an adult) but to do more. What little family traditions will you be planning - chat and reflect on how to make this Lent meaningful and holy.


What a super busy week! This week we have been poets! In English we read the beginning of our class novel and our little character experienced fireworks for the first time. In response we wrote poems using the language from the text! Then on Thursday we wrote “Who am I?” riddles for our World Book Day character. These came home alongside our “toilet roll” book characters we had fun creating! I hope you liked them! Ask your child to open their Purple Mash account too and find the books we created on WBD using the “Create a Story” app. In maths we have almost completed our addition and subtraction unit and we’ve moved onto money with Miss Bassett. On Friday our new history topic lifted off - we are studying the Wright Brothers. Of course the highlight of the week was Thursday - here we are in our creative outfits!!!


Our Virtue Star this week is Annabelle - you are always thoughtful - noticing how our actions help others in the school - Thank you!

Our Learning certificate this week goes to Evana who is a real Bobby Bee!!

Well done!!

REMINDERS - up coming dates

Quiet week next week!

The Ducks arrive in class 18th March (would anyone be willing to look after them on the weekends after their births - send me an email.

Friday 21st March - Chocolate Egg donation day

Monday 24th- Wednesday 26 - Book Fair

Wednesday 2nd April School Photos

Monday 7th April - Our Easter Assembly - Palm Sunday 9:10am

I’m trying to organise a trip to the airport too - I’ll keep you up to date.

Have a lovely weekend - form the whole of the Year 2 team