WORLD BOOK DAY THIS THURSDAY - See last weeks Class Blog
LENTEN BOX for Wednesday
You may have noticed that the children brought home an extra book last week. We have opened up the library after a beautiful revamp! The books in there looked so inviting! The children’s enthusiasm was not lost and we allowed them to take the book they were most attracted to home. Have fun with this book but also read the reading book (selected ZPD) so that your child can quiz once again this week. I’ll let you know when we need the library book back.
I hope you have enjoyed playing the maths games sent home last week. If you were unable to come the parents session - I popped the pack into your child’s bag. Enjoy these again this week and a new set will be coming home next week. In class we have been adding ten and noticing that when we do the ones digit doesn’t change. I’ve found a great interactive bingo game on line for you to play (adding and subtracting ten - level 1). Click the button below.
Last week we did manage to cover all our new spellings (none to learn this week) so this week I have focused on handwriting. The children have progressed to a book with closer lines so we are concentrating on making our handwriting smaller (not too small though).
In English we learned the poem Day and Night by David Windle. I have attached a copy of it here - it is written using the “letterjoin” font. I’d like the children to copy the poem in their best handwriting. I’m aware that we all write at different rates so copy as much as you can. Sustain the task and keep your handwriting joined and even - do your very best.
Enjoy - do your best!