I do hope you manage to come to the Book Fair this week in school. This is another opportunity for the children to select books that really appeal to them! We are tracking everyone’s quizzing. We are aware that some children have much longer books with chapters now so these take a little longer. Equally we are popping to the library and some children have managed to read the book they borrowed too - and quiz on it!!! We are off to the library this Tuesday again - so an extra book may appear for you to share.
I hope you mamaged to play the maths games last week - that quick f;luency is everything! This week I’d like you to focus on NUMBOTS. Please work through as much as time allows - have fun!
We are trying currently to use adverbs in our writing. Earlier this term we noticed that some words ending in le could be changed to adverbs - we dropped the le and added ly.
Please learn these spelling and then write 5 short sentences using each of the words - as an adverb in your beautiful jpooined up handwriting:
crumble - crumbly
wrinkle - wrinkly
gentle - gently
bubble - bubbly
prickle - prickly
Thank you all your help is very much appreciated!