Children take over the teaching this week …..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed on on Monday 10th February
Spatial Reasoning fun for maths this week ….
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday February 3rd
It seems appropriate after all the bad weather that our assembly is all about Jesus calming the storm! Please find lines to learn asap!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 27th January
The Great British bird watch is taking place this week. We will be completing it on Friday why not join in next weekend. Everything you need to know is on the home learning this week….
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 20th January
This week we introduce the sentence dictations - have fun ……
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 13th January
Welcome back everyone.
It was lovely to see all the children excited to see their friends and ready to learn again. We have dived straight back in!
There are some changes to the home learning. We now combine the spelling and handwriting together. We also introduce sentence dictations. This allows the children to listen, sound out and check over. In Maths we will be introducing fluency games to play at home. I’m just waiting for some training on this for myself and then I’ll introduce it to you and the children. This week we have a video explaining the bridging we are doing in class.
Please make reading your priority each evening. Allow your child to build up their fluency and please do read to them - this is were new words and worlds open up!
Please watch the film here you will find CAPITAL LETTER PRACTICE and the dictated sentences.
Spelling rule this week changing single nouns to plurals - change the y into i and add es.
Play “Ping Pong” You say and show the word single. Then the child says the plural and writes the plural - this time dropping the y and adding ies.
cherry cherries
baby babies
family families
story stories
army armies
Before half term, the children were learning how to bridge through ten when adding two numbers. We broke down this process over a number of lessons. We revised it immediately on our return. Some children are finding it tricky and it highlights our need to have automacitiy with all number bonds for numbers below ten. I have made a film especially for you so you can see how we are recording the bridging process. You will see how, over time, and with lots of practice this bridging becomes a mental strategy.
We have glued the maths sheets into their book - if the book was in school. If not it has been handed to the child and placed in their bag.
Having explained all this - we have a number of children in class who can already mentally bridge through ten. For those children it would be good for them to continue with their numbots.
Below is the button for our optional extra learning opportunities. These tasks link into the learning taking place over the next 6 weeks. We love to see your work and it is lovingly displayed in class.
Year 2 Home learning to be handed in on Monday December 16th
Final push towards those reading targets and nailing those number bonds of all numbers to ten …
Read moreYear 2 Home learning to be handed in on Monday December 12th
I new way to learn those sticky spellings - see little video, and some more double letter joins….
Read moreYear 2 Home learning to be handed in on Monday December 5th
Keep singing plus handwriting and spelling - thank you!
Read moreYear 2 Home learning to be handed in on Monday 25th November
Lots of singing this week!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in Monday 18th November
Reading, spelling, handwriting and SINGING - this week …..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 11th November
Nativity lines have been given out - time to master them!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 4th November
Please check out the lines for the Christmas play to have a go at - auditions subtly happening next week …..
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - final week of the half term
Lovely surprise for Ruby! Final home learning tasks for this half term!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning week 5 to be handed in on Monday 14th October
My turn your turn with the spellings this week!
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning week 4 to be handed in on Monday 7th October
Play musical bumps when learning your spellings this week
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning week 3 to be handed in on Monday 30th September
Play detectives when you spell this week ......
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning week 2 to be handed in on Monday 23rd September
Can you get your space rocket nearer to the moon?
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning week 1 to be handed in on Monday 16th September
Can you learn the mnemonics? Have fun .......
Read moreYear 2 - Home Learning to be handed in on the final Monday of term (15th July)
As we reach the end of Year 2 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with home learning throughout the year. Thank you for working alongside your child: reading, playing numbots, spelling and using letter join to develop their cursive handwriting. It really has made the difference.
Lots of super reading going on in class. It is clear that when they read with you and you chat about the story they are super confident when quizzing!
How many books can you read in this final week? Books will be handed back next week so we can take stock. Time now to turn to the library - members of St. Annes library have been to school to share the “Summer Reading Challenge”. Why not pop along this weekend and get cracking!
There is so much excitement around Numbots. We have a group of children who are about to get through the final level- DIAMOND. Please keep going! Please don’t stop - we continue to use Numbots in Year 3. We want everyone to get to the end so that all our addition and subtraction facts and structures are secure. This is a target you can keep working towards during the break from school.
Final spelling list - words ending in al
We have been writing stories this week and I’ve had lovely creative conversations. We have also chatted about handwriting and which letters are tricky. I would like the children to go into letter join and click on “Hard letters” in the menu bar - watch/try and practice K F Z and X.
Thank you!