We come together today to say goodbye.
Read moreYear 5 Blog - 'Anything is possible - if you have got the nerve.'
Year 5, thank you so much for getting fully involved in induction week - I have loved seeing how much effort you have put into things and how ready you are for Year 6.
Read moreThe RSC Playmaking Digital Festival Goes Live!!!
Watch the Royal Shakespeare Digital Play Making Festival for the Taming of the Shrew! Can you spot the performers who belong to our community?
Read moreInduction Week PE Challenges
This week I have looked at the curriculum for each year group and set you some PE challenges that are specific to your new year group.
Read more"Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow" Albeit Einstein
Well done Year 5 for staying so focused!!! Continue reading so you understand what is happening next week- New Teacher Week!!!!
Read more" The two most powerful warriors are patience and time!" Tolstoy
Thank you for all your hard work !! Please read on as we celebrate another week of dedication and creatively!
Read moreSports Week - What a huge success!
So a really big thank you from me. You need to sit back, smile and celebrate all of your efforts last week. Watch the video with pride and the winners are announced right at the very end! You may want to get a drink, the film is 15 minutes full of a selection of photographs.
Read more"The world is a stage and all the men and women merely players!!!" W. Shakespeare
Who is this in disguise??? Is it Lucentio?????
Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.
Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.
Today’s event is THE LONG JUMP! How far can you jump individually? How far can you jump as a family?
Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.
Today’s event is THE HURDLES. What hurdle circuit can you create in your house or garden?
Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.
Today’s event is THE CHEST PASS PUSH
Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.
Today’s event is THE EGG AND SPOON RACE!
Read more"To reach a port we must sail. Sail-not drop anchor, Sail-not drift" Roosevelt
Keep sailing children and you will reach the right destination! Your next port of call will be Year 6! Speaking of Year 6 the week beginning 6th July Mrs Gregan will be taking over the Year 5 learning blog of the week. She will be setting you lessons and tasks introducing you to Year 6! Mrs Gregan has also organised this years Sports Day. We can’t come together but she is setting a daily challenge next week and you will be telling us how you have done so that we can collect house points! Come on Bamber!!!! Thank you for working so hard this week I know the maths was tough and long- but you got there. I have loved looking at your boats photos and films- you took this very seriously I have included them in the weekly film. Watch with care as some clever headlines appear too! I’m glad you enjoyed learning about the Titanic it was a great little topic. Next week is DRAMA!! Below is an explanation of the challenges the Royal Shakespeare Company have sent us and what we will need to do to take part. Please read carefully. Thank you!
We had two birthdays this week too- Tess and Alice! Happy Birthday girls!!!
RSC Play Making festival- important information for next week
Dear children and parents, studying Shakespeare is part of the Year 5 curriculum. We were fortunate enough to study two plays this year before we had to stay at home. This summer we should have been taking part in the RSC playmaking festival down in Stratford. Two members of the class would have accompanied me to Stratford to perform the Taming of the Shrew with other children from all over the country. Sadly, this will no longer take place. However in its place, the RSC is celebrating the play making of all its Associate Schools through film. We have been asked to prepare part of two speeches from “The Taming of the Shrew”. You will need to listen to my instructions carefully on Monday. You will then film yourself, the film needs to be sent to me by a parent with permission in that email for me to send it to the RSC and The Grand Theatre Blackpool for them to use and publish. Films can be too big to send via email so you will need help from your parents to use Wetranfer or Google Drive. I will then forward your work. You have until Thursday night to send your drama piece. I will be sending them on the Friday 19th. You may then appear on the RSC website performing your lines. This task is set for the next four days for you to practice to give you time to organise the sending via email.
I have create links to useful online videos explaining how to WEtransfer and Google drive via email. You could practice this weekend send me a happy message! I’ll reply with a thumbs up!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Lancashire School Games KS2 Virtual Competition - Challenge 6 Cricket
This week’s Lancashire Youth Games Challenge is cricket. Come on…LET’S GET INVOLVED!
Read morePART 3 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK - June 5th Learning together
Good morning everyone and welcome to our final set of tasks for Health and Happiness week. Today is all about STAYING ACTIVE! There are so many studies that link regular exercise to emotional well being as well as a healthy body. Moving helps our minds too! Discover inside and outside challenges and one last community challenge as Lancashire County Council collect archive material about this unusual time in history- when we all stayed home.
Read morePART 2 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 3rd-4th Learning together
Welcome to Part 2 of our Health and Happiness week. The following tasks and challenges help us to reflect on our feelings. It is so important to acknowledge our feelings and to learn how to manage them. Our emotions really do drive us each day, looking after them and understanding them helps us to become emotionally resilient.
Read morePART 1 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 1st-2nd Learning together
Hello everyone. This week the teachers have put together a selection of learning tasks that help us to reflect on our own well being. Usually we would complete these tasks in class with our friends. This year you can complete them with your siblings and family.
We have divided the tasks into three:
PART 1 - Mon and Tues complete the Healthy Hands - learning all about germs
PART 2 - Wed and Thurs complete the Healthy Feelings - exploring our feelings and managing them
PART 3 - Friday get creatively active! - looking after our bodies
Read more"Prayer delights God's ear; it melts His heart" Thomas Watson
Time for a little break! Please read on to find out what I would like you to do over half term! I bet you can guess!!
Read moreLancashire School Games KS2 Virtual Competition - Challenge 5 Netball
This week’s Lancashire Youth Games Challenge is tri golf. Come on…LET’S GET INVOLVED!
Read more