This week our class worship was led by Daniel, Jacob, Elsie Scarlet and Heidi. The led our Liturgy on Tuesday and shared with us their personal prayers.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 28th February
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 14th February
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 7th February
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 31st January
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 17th January 2025
We have had a fantastic week of learning in Year 3, this week has flown by!
School is always such a busy place with lots going on, but there has been calmness in our classroom since we’ve come back from our Christmas break. The children (and the adults) are enjoying moments of quiet and reflection and this is reflected in the children’s work too. There’s always a buzz of excitement when we’re learning something new but I’m noticing more now that we’re settling quicker to focus and complete independent work.
Year 3 Weekly Blog Friday 10th January 2025 - Happy New Year1
Happy New Year! I hope you all have had a peaceful and restful Christmas - last half tern was really long and I think we were all ready for a break and a rest. This half term is much shorter, we have got straight to work and I’ve been so impressed with the children’s focus.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 20th December - Making Christmas Memories
We have the most wonderful week making memories - dancing, singing, cutting. sticking and sprinkling glitter everywhere! It really has been magical!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 13th December - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
This week’s Advent Liturgy was led by Eliza, Michael, Ruth, Barnaby and Wren in the Chapel. We spent time thinking of those who are not as fortunate as ourselves and may find this time of year difficult. We spoke about how we could spread love and kindness in our community. Henry proudly told us how his family have been collecting food and gifts to distribute to those in need. We all agreed that this was an amazing act of generosity and kindness.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 6th December
Our first Advent liturgy was led this week by Xander, Scarlet, Jack and Isla. They spoke about the real meaning of Christmas and how we can remind others of this .We thought about our Advent promises and how we are fulfilling these.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 22nd November -"Will I invite Jesus to be the king of my heart?"
Luca, Eliza and Ruth led our worship on Tuesday. We listen to the story of son Joseph and his beautiful coloured coat. His brother were jealous of him and sold him to market traders for only 20 coins. We were shocked that they valued money more than their brother’s life. We thought about what we value in life and what is important to us.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 15th November - ‘Go and do likewise’ Luke 10:37
Our class worship was led by Michael, Marla and Logan. We practised being still and reflective, and spent a few minutes thinking about how we have been intentional this week. We listened to the story of the runaway (Genesis 31) and listened to how Esau forgave his brother, something we know is not always easy.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 8th November -"Jesus I trust in you.”
Our class worship was led by Freddie, Bella and Jude. We enjoyed listening to the story of Isaac and his two son Esau and Jacob (Genesis 27). We listened to how Jacob tricked his Dad into thinking he was Esau which led to their Dad sharing information that wasn’t meant for him. We thought about how Dad must have felt when he realised he had been tricked.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 1st November -Autumn is a gentle reminder that changes can be beautiful.
We’ve had a great start to the half term, the children have come in rested and enthusiastic to learn. The new year 3 day and routines that the children encountered in September are now the norm. We’re pushing on and grabbing exciting learning opportunities with both hands - it’s great to see.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 18th October 2024 - Rest is as important as working hard
What a fantastic first half term we have had in Year 3! Topped off with a lovely day chatting to parents about achievements.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 11th October 2024 - In every Harvest kindness grows
Our class worship this week was led by Edward, Sasha and Danny. They read with such confidence and led the class in prayer as our prayer leaders.
Next week Patrick, Bonnie and Wren will lead us in prayer and share their liturgy with the class.
Year 3 Weekly Blog 26.9.24 ‘The future belongs to the curious.’
Our class worship this week was led by Henry, Scarlet and Blythe, they chose some of our favourite hymns to share as a class and read the story of the sad day when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 20.9.24- ‘Bonjour!'
Our class worship this week was led by Dexter, Halle and Jacob, the children enjoyed singing their chosen hymns and listening to the story of creation. Henry S, Scarlet and Blythe will lead our class worship next week.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 13.9.23 - ‘Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.’
The time is flying by, what a fantastic week we’ve had in year 3. The children have spent time this week planning their class worships, we have chosen stories from the Bible to share and have planned to sing their favourite hymns. Next week our worship will be led by Dexter, Halle and Jacob.
Read moreAnnual Flu Vaccination
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose. Our vaccinations in school will take place on Monday 14th September.
Please complete the online consent form.
If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.
Online Consent Form:
Use the link below to access the online consent form and enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters - BP119627
Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following:
• If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.
• If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.
• If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination
It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are:
Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984 Morecambe / Lancaster 01524 519430