What a fabulous day we had at the Lancashire Sings event! Choir were an absolute pleasure to spend the day with; they sang and performed with such joy and enthusiasm.
Read moreSpring 2 Extra-Curricular Opportunities
With the sun now shining and daffodils in bloom, we are hoping that all of the outside events can get up and running this half term.
As per previous terms, the Mini-Vinnie group will continue to run on a Monday after school and Choir on a Thursday whilst they prepare for The Big Sing at Lowther Pavillion on the 5th March - only for a few weeks then there will be a break until Summer. On a Tuesday after school, Mr Nay will be working with our All Stars children as part of our club offer there.
We have two school football and netball fixtures this half term due to other schools pulling out of the league. These will be on Tuesday 18th and 25th March for the football and netball and Thursday 20th and 27th March for the girls football.
Tuesday 18th/20th March v Lytham CofE @ LSA
Tuesday 25th/27th March v Clifton @ LSA
Please do look carefully at the dates that the clubs will run on so you are aware when they start and then stop.
Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.
Spring 1 Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Here is our Spring 1 extra-curricular offer. Please click on the button below to see what is available and what your child can sign up for. If you child attends the All Stars Wrap Around Care at school and would like to take part in the clubs, please still complete the form so that we can amend registers. Children will be able to attend All Stars before of after the clubs.
As per previous terms, the Mini-Vinnie group will continue to run on a Monday after school and Choir on a Thursday whilst they prepare for The Big Sing at Lowther Pavillion on the 5th March. On a Tuesday after school, Mr Nay will be working with our All Stars children as part of our club offer there.
Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.
Merry Christmas!
My goodness, how the term has flown! I cannot thank you, the children and all the staff for making the All Stars Wraparound Care a huge success. We have had so much fun, both in the mornings and the evenings. From celebrating Divali to remembering the fallen for Remembrance. Christmas activities have been a plenty, ranging from making tree decorations, wreaths to decorating biscuits and writing letters to Santa, alongside and array of games. It certainly has been an action packed term! The children have been fantastic and we cannot thank them enough!
If you need to book your childs place for next term, please do so using the form on the All Star page. Place are going fast! We look forward to welcoming your children back on Monday 6th January for breakfast club.
Have a wonderful, magical, Holy Christmas
God Bles
The All Stars Team
Choir Christmas visit to Stella Matutina
What a lovely afternoon we had!
Read more“Every child is an artist.” - Pablo Picasso
What an amazing first half term we have had, investigating and exploring various artists to inspire us.
Read more"It is fun to have fun!"- Dr. Seuss
Welcome to All Stars!
Read moreAutumn 2 Extra-Curricular Clubs and Opportunities.
Please click on the button below to see what is available this half term and what your child can sign up for. As always, we will rotate options throughout the year to give all children access, whilst also looking at the competitions taking place. If you child attends the All Stars Wrap Around Care at school and would like to take part in the clubs, please still complete the form so that we can amend registers. Children will be able to attend All Stars before of after the clubs.
We are tweaking what we offer through Judo Education and now offering it as a permanent club where the children will compete and grade. This is really exciting and a lovely development for our school. The children who sign up will be the same children throughout the rest of the year. This will be run direct through Judo Education.
It is lovely that our choir is back on with Miss Woodend as we approach Christmas. Every Thursday, from the second week back, Miss Woodend will be leading a group of children from Years 4, 5 & 6. We are so excited to see what you do! This will then lead into the Big Sing Festival in Spring.
Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.
Autumn 1 Extra-Curricular Opportunities and Names
As we start our new year starts, so does our extra-curricular offer. Please click on the button below to see what is available and what your child can sign up for. As always, we will rotate options throughout the year to give all children access, whilst also looking at the competitions taking place. If you child attends the All Stars Wrap Around Care at school and would like to take part in the clubs, please still complete the form so that we can amend registers. Children will be able to attend All Stars before of after the clubs.
Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.
Play comes in many forms, but it is generally freely chosen, spontaneous, self directed and fun -Unknown
I can not believe we have arrived at the end of another half term!
Read moreSummer 2 Extra Curricular Clubs and Names
Please click on the link below to see the timetable for Summer 2 clubs and the children who have signed up for them.
Read moreComing together to support wildlife, within our school community
The school and Nursery were awash with green today, as we joined together for our annual Green Day.
Read moreSummer 1 Extra-Curricular Names and Places
Please find above the names of the children who have signed up for the extra-curricular clubs this half term.
Archery, Judo and Mr Nay’s football sessions start tomorrow.
For the archery and judo, can all children come in through the main entrance, they will then be directed to where they need to go; depending on where the activity is. Please ensure that you have paid £28 before the session starts tomorrow.
The cricket clubs start next week and will run for the next 5 weeks.
Trying to define play is like trying to define love. You can’t do it. It’s far too big for that. Gordon Sturrock
As we come to the end of another term, it never ceases to amaze me how time flies when you’re having fun.
Read moreNew Arrivals
Today we had the delivery of our new playground bins.
Read moreSpring 2 Extra Curricular Clubs - Timetable and Names
Please click on the button below to see the names of the children taking part in the extra-curricular clubs this half term. Please note, it is just judo that starts this week, all other clubs start next week and will run for 4 weeks.
Children have always learned and created places for themselves through play.” ~ Donna R. Barnes
My goodness, I can not believe we are at not only the end of the half term, but half way through the school year!
Read moreExtra-Curricular Opportunities for Spring 2
Please click on this to see the opportunities for all children this next half term
Read moreSpring 1 Extra-Curricular Calendar
With this half term being such a short one, we have not over-loaded the calendar, but instead tried to ensure that there are opportunities for participation across the year groups.
Choir will resume on Monday with a really exciting focus - The Big Sing. On Tuesday 5th March, the choir will be joining schools across the district to perform at Lowther Pavilion for The Big Sing.
There are two multi-sports clubs for this half term. One for Year 1 & 2 on a Monday morning and one for Year 3 & 4 on a Wednesday morning. Please sign up for these below.
Mr Nay will be resuming his football club after school, starting next Friday. The last cohort have 2 more sessions of their block, then a new one will start. If anybody else would like to get involved, please do!
Have most wonderful Christmas!
I can not believe we are at the end of our first term! The children have been absolutely wonderful this week! The dinner hall has been full of festive cheer, yet calm and reflective. On Wednesday, we all joined together to feast on a delightful Christmas dinner. Thank you so much to the kitchen and lunchtime team for all your hard work in making this possible.
After the New Year, the Lunchtime Blog will be going live every half term, teachers will be celebrating the weekly Role Models and Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners on their class blog.
We would like to thank and say a fond farewell to the lovely Mrs Duxbury, who has been part of the kitchen team. It has been a pleasure to work with you and we wish you all the very best in your new adventure. We will miss you!
Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas
God Bless
The Lunchtime Team