Year 4 have had great fun learning this week. The children below led a lovely worship about having Faith. In RE lessons we have been exploring how Jesus reveals He is the Messiah in various ways. In our Happy mind lesson this week, we reflected on how to appreciate ourselves by being kind to ourselves. We thought about ways we can show appreciation - for ourselves, others and experiences.
Our Shakespeare lessons this week focused on working up a storm (or Tempest) Children re-created the second storm in the play whilst learning about the characters shipwrecked. They then wrote a description of this setting including a glimpse of its conjuror, the wild spirit Ariel.
In maths we have learned to calculate perimeter of rectangles and squares ‘Going for Gold’ common multiplication facts this week (see homework) In Science, children learned all about their teeth and the different purposes of each type.
On Thursday we had a journey to Bolton Museum for an Egyptian workshop. Children loved it and it cemented their knowledge from this riveting topic! Here are some pictures below
Conversation starters
My Happy Mind
How can you show your appreciation for yourself? What can you do to be kinder on yourself?
What was your most fascinating discovery at the museum?
Let’s Celebrate!
Lunchtime awards:
Role model: Louisa
Marvellous Manners: Lucia
Flute stars this week: Liam,
This week, the learning certificate goes to Rosa. Another double whammy certificate Clara Clownfish/Bobby Bee. This week we have talked with the class about paying TOTAL attention and we feel you are doing just that! this is helping you notice so much more. You were amazing in the museum, figuring out the answers to the quiz sheet by reading the clues next to the exhibits. Well done!
This half term are virtues are faith filled and hopeful. Full of faith in themselves, God and others and full of hope in each moment as a precious gift from God. This week Hugo receives the star. You went out of your way to warn people about the slippy path outside school. Mrs Nel thought this was beautiful and I agree. What a caring young man!
Oracy Symposium at the Grand Theatre - Monday 3rd February Year 4 will be attending this event to help us practise our speaking and listening skills and debating skills.
Wednesday 12th February Year 4 children going to watch ‘Aladdin’ at St Bedes.
Shakespeare Playmaking festival Thursday 20th March. There will be much more information about this coming up but you can purchase tickets to see your child perform scenes from The Tempest alongside other schools below. Make sure you book the right date - there are 2 showings at 1:00 and 6:00
Have a great weekend with your lovely children,
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray