We cannot express how proud we are of the children this week! What a performance - full of energy, teamwork, sparkle and fun. I know they have worked so hard over the last few weeks to get better and better and children have come to me to tell me how their confidence has improved in this process. It teaches them they can overcome nerves, they can do anything they put their mind to! They have developed a dear love of Shakespeare to boot. They fully deserve their trip to Gawthorpe Hall to find out more about the Bard on Monday! I am one proud teacher!
It is an exciting time for Year 4. They have had their final session to prepare for Reconciliation and they are ready. In RE this week, children learned about Jesus’ triumphant entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
In History this week, we have used sources of evidence to discover whose was the Anglo-Saxon grave at Sutton Hoo. There is a fascinating film about this called, ‘The Dig.’
Maths has seen us review our knowledge of Fractions. We have nearly completed all our times tables facts now - very nearly there!
Conversation starters
In your life, when have you made bad choices? What would you like to say sorry to God for? How could you put it right with others? Spend some time reflecting on this before Tuesday. Remember, we are all human and make wrong choices sometimes. God is a loving Father, ready to forgive.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the learning certificate goes to Mia-Grace. Another double whammy certificate of Bobby Bee and Sadie Spider! You are so positive about your lessons and you are enjoying working hard at school.
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous . Grateful for themselves, for others and for their experiences in life and generous to others. This week Alice receives the star for being so grateful towards others and for spreading positivity to all around her.
Monday 24th March Gawthorpe hall trip - EARLY START 8:20 at school
Tuesday 25th March - Reconciliation in church. Please come in full school uniform (no PE kits) for 5:45. Children will sit at the front with their peers. This is always a special, calm event.
Wednesday 9th April - Our class assembly at 9:15am
Well done to all your beautiful children! Have a restful weekend,
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray