Making things Right booklet
Please complete up to and including page 15 for Tuesday and bring your book to the session.
You have the lyrics to Katy Perry ‘Roar’ for our finale. Please learn and practise the actions
This week we have our normal spelling sheets, with our rule to practise too.
Complete the small maths sheet in your homework book working on the 9x table
TTrockstars working on going green - keep practising in the garage to turn your heatmap green. The more effort you put in, the more you are teaching your brain to recall facts.
Gone green - If you have turned your heatmap green, practise in the studio now to raise your rockstar status. Or you can go on multiplayer and select Rockslam. Challenge someone else who has gone green to a speed match!
Optional Home Learning - Spring 2
Please click on the link below to access this and further your learning: