Year 5/6 Dynamo Cricket Tournament

First of all, apologies for the late notice. We were given the wrong date initially and have only just been made aware of the actual date.

The tournament will take place this Tuesday 18th June at Lytham Cricket Club- starting at 1pm-5pm.

Due to late notice, we will offer transport to the cricket club but we can not offer transport back to school after the event. So if this option is chosen, we will take your child to the cricket club and then parents would take the children home from the cricket club, after the event has finished. You can pick your child up from school at 12:30pm and take them to the cricket club if you would prefer.

Lunches will be as normal, the children will have their lunch in school slightly earlier. Unfortunately, only 10 children could be taken to the event.

The children chosen to take part are:

Stanley, Evan, Owen, Leo, Edi, Archie, Ben B, Cora, Bella, Sophia

Please complete the form below so we know how each child is getting picked up from school.

If your child can not take part in the event then please let me know ASAP

Swimming Gala Selections- Friday 14th June 2024

Friday 14th June, which is the first week back after half term, will be this years swimming Gala at Palatine Leisure Centre, Blackpool, FY4 2AP.

We were limited to around 4 children in each category.

Well done to the children chosen to take part.

Year 5 Girls:

Elsie, Niamh, Ella, Sophia, Esther

Year 5 Boys:

Benjamin, Luke, Isaac, Arthur

Year 6 Girls:

Millie, Iris, Tabby, Daisy

Year 6 Boys:

Owen, Max, Stanley, Edi

Arrival will be 8:45am as we are in the first slot for the changing rooms. Parents are to take their child straight to the leisure centre and then back to school. Scheduled finish time is 12:30pm so the children will have lunch at school.

Parents can stay and watch with their being a seated stand at the leisure centre.

Children to come wearing their PE kits (with their hoodies) and are to bring their swimming costume, towel, goggles, swimming cap for anyone with long hair and plenty of fluid to stay hydrated. Isotonic drinks are acceptable. No energy drinks. Water is advised.

Make sure to have a fueling breakfast as snacks are not allowed during the gala due to the children being poolside.

Netball Tournament Selections

Next Thursday, the local netball tournament will be played at Lytham St Annes High School. It will start at 3.30pm, hoping to be finished by around 5.15pm at the latest. Please can you collect your child from school at 3.10pm and take them to the event.

We are only able to take one team to the tournament.

Well done to the following girls who have been selected:

Daisy, Iris, Nicola, Tabby, Millie, Faye, Esther, Bella

The girls’ will need to be in full netball kit and school PE kit with appropriate trainers. Plenty of fluid will be required to keep hydrated.

The tournament is being run by the young leaders from LSA who will be supporting, running the table, umpiring and lots of things. Please be kind and courteous to them.

Summer 1 Extra-Curricular Names and Places

Please find above the names of the children who have signed up for the extra-curricular clubs this half term.

Archery, Judo and Mr Nay’s football sessions start tomorrow.

For the archery and judo, can all children come in through the main entrance, they will then be directed to where they need to go; depending on where the activity is. Please ensure that you have paid £28 before the session starts tomorrow.

The cricket clubs start next week and will run for the next 5 weeks.

Half-Term Judo Club - in school

We are always looking at ways to increase opportunities for our children in school. One of the ways that I have been looking into is wrap-around care and how we can support before and after school, and during the holidays. For the past couple of years, Judo Education has been running clubs for us before school on a Friday; very successfully.

This Easter holiday, they will be running a half-term club from our school hall. Places are limited, so if you would like your child to attend, please click on the link below to book.

Please see info below:

This year will now be run at Our lady star of the Sea Primary School in Lytham FY8 1LB. From the 2nd of April to the 5th April.

Where: Our Lady Start of the Sea Primary School Lytham FY8 1LB

Ages: (4-13) *Must be in Reception 23/24*

Dates: April Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th, Friday 5th 2024

Times: Drop off between 8:30am and 9:30am pick up between 4:30pm and 5:30pm 

Cost: £100 for the full 4 days or £25 per individual day. 

What will my child need: Packed lunch, plenty of drinks and snacks, trainers, and dressed appropriately for the weather, warm Jacket/Sun cream. 

Activities: Judo, Fencing, Archery, Gaming area for break times.Plus multi-sports(football, tennis etc)  

Indoor Athletics 2024!

What an afternoon we had at Blackpool sports hall for the 2024 Fylde and Wyre Indoor Athletics competition! The children as always represented Our Lady’s beautifully, with their excellent sportsmanship, the support they offered one another and of course the way the celebrated each other. Although we did not place towards the top, the children continued this celebration and enjoyed every minute of this experience!

Indoor Athletics Competition at Stanley Park Blackpool

This will take place on Tuesday 16th January from 1:00- 4:00. We will be providing a coach to transport the children down to Blackpool- however children will need to be picked up from the Stanley Park Sports Centre Blackpool at 4:00pm. Parents are allowed to watch as there is seated stands inside the sports hall. Children are to come to school in their PE kits and to bring plenty of water. Any children with asthma will need to bring their inhalers.

Spring 1 Extra-Curricular Calendar

With this half term being such a short one, we have not over-loaded the calendar, but instead tried to ensure that there are opportunities for participation across the year groups.

Choir will resume on Monday with a really exciting focus - The Big Sing. On Tuesday 5th March, the choir will be joining schools across the district to perform at Lowther Pavilion for The Big Sing.

There are two multi-sports clubs for this half term. One for Year 1 & 2 on a Monday morning and one for Year 3 & 4 on a Wednesday morning. Please sign up for these below.

Mr Nay will be resuming his football club after school, starting next Friday. The last cohort have 2 more sessions of their block, then a new one will start. If anybody else would like to get involved, please do!

Fencing for Spring 1

This half term, fencing will be available for all children in Year 1 & Year 2. The club will take place on a Friday morning; starting next Friday 12th January. The children selected will need to be in school for 7.55am on Friday mornings for this half term, in full-PE kit. The cost of the course is £20 for the 5 weeks, which will need to be paid before the first session. The payment will go live on Parent Pay next week and a text will be sent.


The time is here and we have now finished our dance, we are so excited to share it with you all. Here are the arrangements for next Monday …

Costumes should be at school now (black top, leggings/trousers and optional tutu for girls), left at school ready to take to the Winter Gardens on Monday- this will avoid any left behind on the day!

We will leave school at 1pm by coach to the Winter Gardens, where 3 members of staff will be taking the group and satying with them in to the evening. The children will be there all afternoon, to allow time to practise and go through the show. Therefore, they will need to bring a packed lunch for their evening meal. We recommend that they have a school lunch before they go, to ensure they have a hot dinner before a long afternoon/evening. Snacks throughout the event are welcomed, but please no sweets/ chocolate and no fizzy drinks, although one juice is permitted. As it is a long afternoon, with waiting time, please feel free to pack a good book, any homework to complete and maybe a puzzle/ colouring book to keep them busy (no electrical devices or aything of value). Children will not be able to see any of the audience before or during the show.

Once the show has finished, children will then go backstage to collect their belongs and then we will take them to our school’s pick up point outside the entrance to the ‘Floral Lounge Bar’within the Winter Garden’s building, so please meet us there. Please make sure you tell us when you take your child, to ensure a safe transition as it does get very busy!I will have all mobile contact numbers in case there are any problems, so  please ensure you have your mobiles with you on the night. Please fill in the form below to let us know who will be taking your child home on the evening:

Doors open to the public on the evening at 6pm- make sure you have your tickets. The anticipated finsihing time is 9:30pm.

Children can wear their PE kits this day. Please make sure yoy pack plenty of water and if your child needs an inhaler, please ensure they have this. We will also door hair in the afternoon, so pack a brush!

Any questions or queries about the event, please come and see me.

A Team Football Tournament- Tuesday 7th November

The boys playing in the A Team have a football tournament on Tuesday 7th November at AKS. The first match will kick off at 1:00pm. Therefore, the children will go in for their lunch at 12:00pm and will need to be picked up at 12:30pm and taken to AKS. The tournament will run from 1:00pm-4:00pm.

The squad for the tournament will be;

Year 5 Year 6

Rex Barrow Owen Probert

Dominic Barrow Evan Probert

Ben Bonixo Stanley Boustead

Liam Fallows Connor Sean McGow

Archie Connor Dominic Vasquez


Extra Rehearsal Time…

After half term, there is only two weeks of rehearsal time to complete the dance and we still have lots of practising to do! Over half term please encourage children to practise and try to remember the dance. We are also going to be rehearsing on a Monday until the later time of 4:45pm, as this may give us that bit more time to get finished!


It is all about the super hero theme! We will organise the majority of the costumes and there will be a small charge of £6 on parent pay added today, thank you for your support. This payment, also covers part of the travel arrangements to the venue on the day. To go with the costumes, children will need to have a plain black t-shirt and black leggings/ trousers. Some of the children have mentioned their desire to wear a tu-tu, this is fine as an add-on but will need to be organised by yourselves and would need to be the correct colour of their superhero. Half of the children will be red and half will be blue- the children know what colour they are! No shoes or sock will be worn on stage to perform the dance.

I hope you have all got your tickets by now. Arrangements and details of the event will be posted on here after half term.

School Sports Fixture Update

Next week sees the return of the sports fixtures - weather permitting! It always seems to throw a spanner in the works. Please pray for dry weather.


  • Training will take place every Monday morning at 8am. All children from the three squads are expected to attend.

  • The Year 5 & 6 A team and Girls’ Football team will play fixtures for the next 4 Tuesday evenings. The results of these games will not be recorded, they are friendly fixtures to practise their skills and tactics.

  • Children need to be collected from school and taken to AKS ready for fixtures to start no later than 4pm. Both fixtures will be over by 5pm. All football fixtures are being played at AKS, apart from Heyhouses. We will play at their school.

  • The Year 5 & 6 B team will be training ready for the tournament that will take place in November. All three tournaments will be competitive.

  • Kits will be organised over the coming week.


  • Training for the netball team is taking place every Monday and Wednesday lunch for the next week, then just Monday lunches going forward.

  • The fixtures will take place at home and away venues. Please collect the team for the first two fixtures and take them to the school that they are playing at.

  • Games will start at 4pm and finish by 5pm.

  • Kits will be organised next week.

Autumn 1 Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Welcome back to school. We have put together menu of opportunities for the children to get involved in beyond the school day. Sport is the first things that always starts as fixtures against other clubs takes place. Choir and art will take place during Autumn 2. I have written a short blurb on each club so you can decide whether you would like your child to take part or not. Please complete the form for each club.

Read more

Athletics Update

Unfortunately, due to the industrial strikes that are planned for consecutive days next week, transition days for Year 6 pupils in our cluster have had to be rearranged. This has meant that one has fallen on the day when the athletics event was due to be held. All of our schools in our cluster have pupils attending this day - in some cases the entire Year 6 cohort. Therefore a decision has been made to cancel the athletics competition this year. It is just too difficult to organise and to find another date is impossible with end of year plays and trips taking place.

We will be holding a intra-schools competition instead on Tuesday 11th July from 3.30pm - 5.00pm at school. All of the children who have attended athletics club from Year 3-6 are invited to attend and will be able to sign up for events next week. Certificates and medals have been ordered. I am hoping that this will be an elite competition! Parents, of course you are invited to come along and support the children.