With the sun now shining and daffodils in bloom, we are hoping that all of the outside events can get up and running this half term.
As per previous terms, the Mini-Vinnie group will continue to run on a Monday after school and Choir on a Thursday whilst they prepare for The Big Sing at Lowther Pavillion on the 5th March - only for a few weeks then there will be a break until Summer. On a Tuesday after school, Mr Nay will be working with our All Stars children as part of our club offer there.
We have two school football and netball fixtures this half term due to other schools pulling out of the league. These will be on Tuesday 18th and 25th March for the football and netball and Thursday 20th and 27th March for the girls football.
Tuesday 18th/20th March v Lytham CofE @ LSA
Tuesday 25th/27th March v Clifton @ LSA
Please do look carefully at the dates that the clubs will run on so you are aware when they start and then stop.
Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.