Thank you for all your support this half term - it is very much appreciated ……
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog Friday 11th October "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." RL Stevenson
What a super busy week- so much learning .....
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog Friday 4th October "I wisely started with a map" JRR Tolkien
Binoculars at the ready - out on a fieldtrip thinking like Geographers ......
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog Friday Sept 27th "The Good Shepherd feeds his sheep first"
Picture of today's events and some more dates for trips out - please have a look and hopefully you can volunteer and join us ....
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog - 20th Sept "Rainbows are a promise!"
Find out how exciting our week has been .....
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog Friday September 13th - "Through discernment, we recognize the good and find peace in the decisions we make" St. Xavier
Find out what we learnt this week, plus important information!
Read moreAnnual Flu Vaccination
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose. Our vaccinations in school will take place on Monday 14th September.
Please complete the online consent form.
If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.
Online Consent Form:
Use the link below to access the online consent form and enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters - BP119627
Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following:
• If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.
• If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.
• If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination
It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are:
Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984 Morecambe / Lancaster 01524 519430
Year 2 weekly blog Friday 6th September: What a wonderful start to the year!
Lots of important messages in the blog today. Please read to the end where there are forms to complete - thank you
Read moreWelcome back to our super new Year 2!
We are very excited to welcome you all back to school this week. Mrs Carragher, Miss Slater and I, Mrs Hotchkiss, will be waiting for you on Tuesday morning. We look forward to a year full of wonderful learning and life long memories!
The children only need bring their water bottles, snacks (healthy) and smiles!
Other things to note:
Indoor PE days will be on a Monday. Outdoor PE on a Wednesday with Ms Lavelle. We recommend that no earrings are worn on PE days to save your child needing to take them out. Please come to school in your tracksuit. Make sure you wear your shorts underneath you tracksuit bottoms on Monday - for quick and modest changing. Shorts are essential for gymnastics.
Art is on Wednesday- please remember to bring in your art tops to stop your uniform from getting paint on- we will keep this in your new individual Year 2 tray.
Homework- will go out on Tuesday afternoons and will be due in the following Monday.
No pencil cases required - there is a lovely new one full of equipment waiting for you!
If you have any medication please send in and drop me an email.
Please use this email at any time to share, messages any concerns and those special pictures celebrating achievements beyond school for our hall proud cloud.
Please make sure all belongings are labelled from coats to water bottles. If they have a name they almost always find their way back home.
Enjoy your final days of the holiday! See you soon.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
Words for thanks and special messages for special families……
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog - Friday 12th July "Shalom my friends"
Synagogues, charity and creativity ………
Read moreYear 2 Blog week ending 5th July - "Why walk when you can dance!"
Dancing, new teachers and being creative! Read on …….
Read moreYear 2 Blog Friday 28th June " I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people" Maya Angelou
A week of local history and heroics …….
Read moreInformation for Trip to the Lifeboat Station tomorrow
Important message about tomorrows visit to St. Annes Lifeboat Station ……
Read moreYear 2 Blog Week ending 21 June "We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another."
A celebration of the wonderful Gym Jam Jog and Sports Day - read on …..
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog 14th June- "Health is the greatest wealth!"
Super busy week - lessons full of healthy messages - please read on…..
Read moreYear 2 Blog week ending 24th May "Thank you for all your support - thank you!"
Wishing you a wonderful holiday - full of quality family time …..
Read moreYear 2 Blog Friday 17th May "How we spend our time defines us"
Please help your child tell the time read on to find a film to guide you and a link to a great interactive clock….
Read moreYear 2 weekly Blog Friday 10th May "He keeps the door open for humanity to enter"
Short and and busy week!!! Read on for all our class news…
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog ""Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
We have had an exciting week of learning. We have been writing, puzzling, painting, cooking creating motifs and more please read on ……
Read more