Year 2 weekly blog ""Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."

What a wonderful week of learning and understanding. There has been a theme of peace running though our lessons and worships this week. We reflected on the work of St. Paul and then went on to investigate the life of St Bernardine of Italy. What an amazing person! Together we thought about how he lived his life using the gifts of the Holy Spirt and how similar his life was to St. Paul’s as he travelled an preached all over Italy turning crowds of people back to Jesus. We discovered he created a symbol - a devotion to Jesus’ name.We will be studying more “Peace Builders” next week. These lessons were followed later in the week by a beautiful children worship which has peace and after at the heart of its message.


This week we have mastered the ten times tables and reflected on some tricky puzzles and mathematical models. Also in maths, we learnt how to draw shapes very accurately on square paper with a ruler - fun! In English we battled with grammar as we learnt how to use commas in a list. This skill we then applied to our persuasive leaflet writing. PE has been great fun as we learned more 20th century games - “get to London” and “Fist”. In music we played the glockenspiels composing a “motif” which is repeated in a piece of music. The idea of a motif was repeated in computing as we continued with our “picture unit” exploring graphics on a computer. The children used the cover of a “Beatles Album” for inspiration but when we told them they were famous they were very skeptical!! Art was messy but so creative as we had free reign of the paints and collage materials- thank you Miss Neves! On Wednesday we joined Mrs Lyons our half termly ENRICHMENT lesson. This time we cooked! Mrs Lyons could not praise the class enough not only for their cutting skills but for their kindness. Everyone was sharing equally and helping each other. On Friday we moved on from animals in science to start our shorter project on plants. I did a “quiz” with the children to assess there scientific understanding and I know we are a class fully of budding scientists!

We now have seeds germinating in transparent containers- watch this space as they grow.

Even though we had all these wonderful moments nothing could compare to the excitement of seeing our chicks again. We simply love them. They came from their happy home (the Couch residence) to class this morning- what joy!


Motifs in music. We listened to Beethoven’s 5th symphony and Jude shared his enjoyment of “Ode to Joy”. We listened and loved this classical piece. Can you explore your favourite music both classical and pop an listen for the motifs. “Ghostbusters” has a great motif and so does the theme form “James Bond”. I remember the first time I heard Ode to Joy and it had such an impact!


For the virtues of being Learned and Wise: Jacob, understanding the best ways to learn and how to be kind but manage his distractions all at the same time!

Growth Mindset certificates go to :

Michael – well done you have shown more and more resilience. I was delighted to see how focused you became when writing today. Not only did you write the whole piece, but you used your best handwriting and then edited your capital letters. Keep this up and you’ll be ready for Year 3!

Xander - well done, what a week!!

Your enthusiasm for your learning has been infectious and a joy to see. You are so good at listening to advise and trusting your teachers to help with any situation. I loved playing games in PE this week and I was so proud of your gymnastic work!!!

Lunchtime Awards:

Role Model: Ruth Marvelous Manners Jude Clayton

Plus a special award from the Library Service!



Rosary Beads - Mrs Gregan shared the Rosary with the children in assembly today. It is May the month of our Lady and we will be saying the Rosary in school. We have sets of beads to use but if you would like to bring some from home- you may.

WALK to SCHOOL in MAY - Mrs Gregan celebrated everyone who walked to school in assembly - then there was a lovely surprise. The class with the most members walking scootering or cycling won £50 - this was to spend on something the class would like!!! This will happen throughout May and I know the children in Year 2 would love the responsibility of spending £50. So, if you can park the car away from school and walk from there or come on bikes and scooters that would be fantastic!

Bank Holiday on Monday - homework handed in on Tuesday.

PE Tuesday and Thursday SHORTS Thursday for the apparatus - thank you

Next week on Thursday it is the Holy Day of the Ascension - we will be walking down to church first thing. If you would like to join us that would be wonderful!

SHOW and TELL - the children love to share exciting news from home and sometimes it is lovely to have a moment in the morning to celebrate something exceptional. This is not always possible for every show and every tell (we understand that everything is exciting when you are 6 or 7). We have agreed at class council to hold our SHOW and TELL session every fortnight on Friday. So, next week on Friday 10th please bring things to show or have news ready to tell.

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend - God Bless

The whole Year 2 team