Year 2 Blog week ending 24th May "Thank you for all your support - thank you!"

We come to the end of a wonderful half term. The children have worked so hard and I can see them getting ready to move on to the juniors. When I reflect on the class as a whole one word continually pops into my head - kind. Everyday there are countless acts of genuine, spontaneous kindness and it is a privilege to be part of this class community. This week the children listened so carefully to Diane from CAFOD who explained how the organisation applies Catholic Social Teaching to their work. We met some lovely animal characters that explained how CAFOD believes we must:

Allow everyone to have a say

All help as part of a community

Recognise that everyone (in the world) is our brother or sister

In RE we shared the story of St. Rita another peacebuilder who lived a hard life. So many people around her, including her family, were fighting and seeking revenge. St Rita understood the power of Jesus’ forgiveness - a real inspiration.

Magic Moments

I think a large group of the class are well on their way to telling the time past and to the hour- keep practicing (see homework). In English we continued with our novel “The Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark”- this week we investigated adverbs and wrote a diary as one of the characters- great focus class! In science we have now planted our beans into the school garden. We understand that they now require soil to thrive. Without this they will not have the nutrients they require to live. We looked again at the events of one stormy night in the North Sea when Grace Darling saved the lives of 9 people. We reflected on what made her do what she did. We had a tricky afternoon completing symmetrical shapes counting squares and using rulers. I have to say, that our ruler control has really come on! In PE we were a stormy sea (dance) and we had our first practice for sports day - we will be ready!


Telling the time. Watch this video which shows you the new interactive clock all the children have used this week we have moved onto past and to the hour. I explain what I have taught and the reasoning. Please encourage the telling of time throughout the holidays building on this strong start- Thank you

Let’s Celebrate

This week the children have voted for the certificates. Each child spent a few minutes with Mrs Maano to nominate a child and give their reasons. So many wonderful things were said. The children who have been recognised for their learning and friendship are:

Dexter- your fellow classmates have said the following about you: We are very proud of you! Really focused and zooming along on his numbots. Listens to the teacher and improved work especially his handwriting. You are always determined and always patient with your learning partners.

Bella - your fellow classmates have said the following about you: You are always kind not only to friends but to animals and creatures too. You have been brave and keep having a go and your getting better and better at everything! Finally, you help others when they are on their own – thank you for being you!

Dinnertime awards:

Marvellous Manners:  Jude Cuffe

Role Model of the week: Henry O


Please look at the school calendar under Mrs Gregans Newsletter. Here you will find many important dates for summer.

Sports Day - Year 1 and 2 Wednesday 19th June 2pm

Please ensue children have suncream applied in the morning and water bottles and hats for the hot days ahead- thnak you

We will be visiting the RNLI station on Thursday 27th June. If you are able to come along with us, please let me know.

Have a wonderful holiday!!!

Thank you for all your support this half term- from the whole Year 2 team!