We started the week as good neighbours a community pulling together for others who need our help! Then in RE we appropriately studied the parable of The Good Samaritan.
Initially, we listened to the words of Jesus and then we acted them out. It was an unusual story for the children to hear as they couldn’t understand why anyone would just pass by! We tried to understand how- some people in the world- simply do not agree and because of this, they make enemies of one another. This can lead to unkindness. We noticed that Jesus told the story because someone in the crowd didn’t like him and was trying to catch him out. Jesus lovingly explained to them that everyone is our neighbour and good neighbours help anyone and everyone without discrimination. That moment of unkindness led to Jesus share one of his most powerful lesson (God has a plan). At the end of the week Scarlet, Jack and Bella led our class worship it was beautiful - all about being patient with one another and taking care not to boast - thank you children
As always a week full of wonedrful learning and time with parents and the community. We kicked off with the Gym Jam Jog - what fun. It was tricky teaching some pretty tired children and their furry friends. Thank you so much for cheering us on and a special thank you to Henry’s dad and friends for joining in and bringing their fire engine! How exciting! Then on Wednesday we had an amazing sports day - what a crowd! We loved it! The children had practised but the effort and determination was just phenomenal - well done everyone and a special well done to the victors Harcourt! In class we have smashed addition of trickier numbers and we continued to solve money puzzles with Mrs Lavelle on Wednesday. We finshed the week with our fun with shapes lesson - 3D models. Special mention to Isla who worked out how to construct a hexagonal prism. In addition to this, Year 6 came to class to teach us how to use TT Rockstars! In English we finished our class novel “The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark - did you know “Dark is beautiful”. In geography we revisited our understanding of human and physical features ready to reflect on the ones we see in our local environment. On Friday, we performed songs in music and we checked in on our ongoing plant experiment which is set up all around the classroom. Just so super busy!!
Money, when we were younger popping to the shop and spending our pocket money was a big part of our childhood. Handling money is something we can go days without doing! In class we have been totalling money (1p 2p 5p 10p and 20p) and understanding the value of coins. Could you get hold of coins and play shop at home - or pop to to the sweet shop? Nice treat - well earned!

This week our Growth Mindset certificates go to:
Halle - wow what a resilient Sadie Spider you have been this week. You have worked so hard to master the addition of tricky 2 digit numbers that bridge. You have been totally independent, recognising that you can do it yourself . Your whole body language changed - your head was down, your brain engrossed in the puzzles - just great. When I came to check them you were so happy to listen to feedback and correct a couple of small errors. You were a super Isabella Insect too. I’m so proud of you. Your smile and pride when you did this on Thursday - really made my week!
Bonny - sometimes we really do have to just persevere and you have shown real determination this week. Even though you have struggled to add those tens and units and bridge (holding facts in your head) you have not given up - not once. I can see that the more you practice the more you consolidate place value. I’m so proud of your determination and your willingness to listen to feedback over and over. Keep going Bonnie!
Lunchtime Awards
Role Model of the Week: Sasha
Marvellous Manners: Jack
Next week we will be going out on Thursday morning to visit St. Annes Life Boat station. I already have two wonderful volunteers and we need just one more. We will be leaving at 9:30 and returning before 1:00 lunch. We wear our tracksuits on Thursday and trainers - perfect for the walk down.
Stuart Robinson returns to visit next week - hopefully we catch him before we leave on Thursday.
Thank you
Have a lovely weekend in the sun - from the whole Year 2 team