Year 2 Weekly Blog 14th June- "Health is the greatest wealth!"

Welcome back! We can see that the children have had a lovely rest, they have been super curious Kuba Crabs!

Over these first two weeks we have extra little lessons popping up each day all about “Health and Happiness”. On Monday, Miss Bassett took the class and reflected on prayer, how we pray, what is feels like and how it helps us. In addition, she looked at how other faiths pray and how people from around the world bring God into their lives through prayer. This is something Catholic have in common with our Muslim, Hindu and Jewish friends. During this final half term our RE theme is “Dialogue and Encounter”. At the heart of this is the parable of the Good Samaritan - we grow to understand that Christians collaborate in the service of humanity. We will be coming together on Monday morning for our annual Gym Jam Jog - raising money for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Fire Fighter’s Charity via the Jim Jam Jog, in honour of Harrison Bretherton.

Time for us all to come together.


We have been adding two digit numbers this week, getting trickier as we bridge the ones. In English we continued reading our class novel “The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark”, we have discovered lots of adverbs, these make the writing very descriptive! In science we asked the question “What do all plants need to thrive?”. In response we set up lots of mini experiments trying to investigate what happens when we give a plant everything it needs and also to see what happens when we take something away, for example: water or light. We’ll let you know how we get on! We combined history and drama together on Friday, exploring how artwork depicts Grace Darling on the night of the great storm - are these images a true reflection? We continued with our weekly “fun with shapes lesson” this time investigating 3-d shapes edges and faces and more vertices! Then of course we had our Health and Happiness sessions. We have learnt all about the impact of sleep and exercise on our health and also our ability to learn. In addition to this we learnt all about sunscreens and hydration (not that the sun came out) - we have made some impressive posters! Then on Thursday we took part in a very calm Yoga session.


As we are all about Health and Happiness this week why not reduce screen time and play a board game (perfect weather). Reducing screen time frees up more time to connect with family and friends. Feeling connections with others can help ward off symptoms of stress and worry. Have fun. One of my grown up boys still loves a good game of Cludeo!


This week our Growth Mindset certificates go to:

Xander - super focused Kuba Crab in class, sitting on the carpet wonderfully. Listening with care and contributing to each lesson. You are always excited to be with your friends and you were very kind during council. Keep working on your focus, its great to see your growing independence.

Edward - super Bobby Bee! You have come back to class ready and focused Edward. During everyone of our lessons you have listened really carefully. You have been more confident when explaining your understanding especially in maths which has been a delight to see. Well done.

Elisa - you have been finding maths tough, and a little bit of support has gone a long way this week. You have listened to feedback wonderfully- you are an Isabella Insect! We had a lovely moment in class earlier in the week when you spotted a pattern in the tricky addition problems. Well done.

Lunch Time awards

Marvellous Manners: Edward

Role Model of the week: Michael


Next week is busy - we have the Gym Jam Jog on Monday morning. Please come in comfy PJ’s and little cuddly friend. Hoot toast in class for all those super runners! Remember your sponsor form and money! Mr and Mrs Bretherton will be joining us.

SPORTS DAY - I’ve checked the forecast and it is look positive for Wednesday - come and cheer us all on at 2pm