Year 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 18th March

English - Spelling.

We are having a little block of spelling lessons all about homophones. These are words which sound the same but have a different spelling - eg main/mane here/hear

This week, children have:

1) A sheet labelled ‘Mark the teacher’ where they need to correct the ones that are wrong.

2) They then need to write a paragraph in their homework books, using the homophones on the sheet that we have focused on this week.

3) Finally, they need to complete the 2 spelling quizzes set on Purple Mash. These are Year 2 quizzes to revise our knowledge.

Maths - Fractions

We have worked really hard at recognising fractions this week.

1) Please compete YEAR 3 IXL units W5 W7 and W15. If you wish to do more from the W section of Year 3 please do! It is good for you!

2) Also we are trying hard to pick up our speed on TTRockstars. Please practise the tables I have set for you this week. Aim to do as many short sessions on it as you can.

Homework books are due in next Thursday. Please write down that you have completed the units set on computer/i-pad.

Year 4 Home Learning to be completed by Thursday 12th November


This week, I have set the 8x tables on TT RockStars for you to play at home. You must put lots of practice in at home this week as I will be giving you an 8x tables test next Friday. We then need to move on to another x table. I know a lot of you have been practising as you were brilliant this week!

Also for maths this week I want you to show your parents how we complete column addition at our school by completing the sums below on the squared paper I have given you. If you forget, there is a help video on our ‘How to Help your Child’ section of the Year 4 page. India, Jack and Isabella have done a super, walk through demonstration!

a) 3426 + 4256 = b) 2809 + 4817 =

c) 5692 + 1430 = d) 2711 + 2718 =

e) 5692 + 143 = f) 271 + 2718 =

g) 2318 + 3218 + 1232 = h) 7894 + 903 + 342 =

i) 1239 + 1245 + 2809 = j) 1889 + 797 + 4786 =


Mrs Maddocks wants you to practise Hot Cross Buns on Charanga. See if you can now master playing B, A, G.


Year1/2 spellings to revise: father, brother, , mother, other, walk, talk

Year 3/4 spellings learn, heart , famous, different, through, group


Sheet in book - forming adverbs with adjectives. We have practiced these spellings in class this week. Make sure you also do your 5 sentences - don’t forget best handwriting and punctuation.

Year 4 homework to be completed over the half term

Mainly online homework this week

Holy Communion

This week please share and complete together p21-p39 of Called to His supper Book. Next week we will have our final session so please complete all the rest of the book to the end, over the holidays.


Please complete IXL: A11 F5 J4 which practise negative numbers AND the 4xtable

Also 8 x table. We have been practising it in class. The best way to learn tables is as follows:

  1. Learn how to count in 4’s. Do whilst marching, clapping, do slowly, build up and get faster. Write out all the multiples of 8

  2. Learn the key facts which are 1 x 8, 2 x 8, 5 x 8 and 10 x 8. All other facts can be worked out from those. eg 9 x 8 is 10 x 8 - 8. Also write out the 4xtable and compare. It is DOUBLE the fours! The more patterns we can see - the better!

  3. Begin to recite your 8 x table and learn your Percy Parker song!



Also complete IXL F9 and J8 over the hols which practise the 8X table.


Go on Charanga and practise Abi’s Blues and the new song below it. Begin to feel confident at blowing a B and an A note.

Don’t forget to sterilise your recorder and bring it in for Monday.

Purple Mash

I have set you a 2do to complete either this week or over the holidays. It is linked to our Geography focusing on extreme environments. Choose ONE postcard 2do out of the ones I sent.

Year 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 1st October

Online homework this week.


IXL: B1 B2 B4 B5 B7 - these are all things you have practised in class. Some are really easy!


We have been finding out about Plants all around the world. It has been helping us brush up on our knowledge of where countries and continents are.

I have set you two purple mash tasks to complete about countries in Europe and continents. Before you do them, have a look at an atlas, globe and/or Google Earth with an adult and locate the continents. Play a game where you name a country and try to locate it. Eg Thailand, Italy, USA


after  again  any anyone    beautiful   because      behind    both    bought    break some    every

If you know you need lots of practise with your spellings in general, there are lots and lots of games on purple mash, if you do a search on there for spellings.

Here are some more ideas to practise:


Please practise the first not you have learned on your recorder - B. ( Left hand. Index finger on first hole, thumb on back hole. Prop up with other thumb at back of recorder) Also, Mrs Maddocks wanted you to practise some rhythms of your name on your recorder. Eg Miss - is Ly - ons


Lets really go for these reading targets now. Have a big read at the weekend.

Nessy children - every night please.

Year 4 homework to be handed in on Thursday 17th September

This week homework is internet based.


Children have been working very hard learning to round numbers. Please complete YEAR 3 IXL units M2 and M3 which practise the year 4 skills.

Then you can play this game:


This week children have been learning all about seeds and how they germinate. They have a purple mash 2do ‘All about Germination’ to complete - they started it in class.


We have been learning all about our amazing brain! Please go on the internet and find out all about your amazing brain and Growth mindset. Make a poster or power point explaining your amazing brain and how it can always grow!

Reading and Nessy

Please keep up with that wonderful reading at home!


If you do Nessy - please do for 20 minutes EVERY day at home to become a firm reader and speller

Year 4 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 10th September

Homework will be set on Friday and handed in on Thursday. I will be sending the homework books home on alternate weeks and then setting the next week online to complete on Purple Mash or another digital platform.

This week I have sent their new homework book home and below are this weeks tasks:

  1. Homework book: Please back your homework book in a style that represents you. This can be with photos, wrapping paper, pictures of favourite films, sport, characters etc. Please make sure your name is clearly marked on the front.

  2. Maths: We have dived straight into maths this week There is a Roman Numerals sheet to complete and stick into your homework book. There is also an IXL unit to complete - A10. Don’t forget, when you get to the ‘challenge zone,’ the Roman numeral D = 500 and M =1000

  3. Timetable: Now you are in Year 4 its time to get organised! Print out this timetable or make your own. Plan out what you need to bring in each day and what uniform you need to wear (see Friday blog for correct PE days) You could schedule in your daily home reading time and your homework time too! Start how you mean to go on! Keep it on your wall or fridge and use it each day.

  4. Reading: You now have your new ZPD levels, reading targets and reading time which I have added in a little book for you. Reading is a joy! Make it your aim to become an avid reader this year. Travel to new worlds, meet new characters and be entertained!

    (Children in Year 4 can now middle interest level Blue books. If any questions or issues about this, please email me!

    Also, please could you write in your child’s homework book when they have completed things such as IXL and the timetable if not sticking it in)

Year 4 Home learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Year 4 - this is our last day of me leading your online learning - our last day together. Tomorrow we are celebrating together as a whole school!

Please make sure you watch my three videos today - one is just to say goodbye - so make sure you scroll down to the very bottom of the page!


Today we are going to have fun looking at themes within all our amazing novels we looked at together. Thor makes an appearance today!


Celebrating Year 4

Create a mind map of all your amazing Year 4 learning in Purple Mash. Include your memories too. Watch the quick video below so I can show you how.

Faith Filled and Hopeful

Let’s look at this final message and make a Mary acrostic poem. Keep it on your wall to remember to say your 3 Hail Mary’s each night throughout the Summer.


Before you reach the holiday this weekend it is really important you make reading over the break a priority.

The Lancashire Library Service is here to help!! Please click on the link to find out more and then click on the next button to link directly to “The Silly Squad” page.


Year 4 Home learning Wednesday 15th July


A new challenge today! Be really resilient and courageous with this one - Sadie Spiders and Tommy Turtles please!!


Celebrating Year 4

You have done so many things to be proud of in Year 4. I would like to reflect on and celebrate all the things you are proud of achieving in Year 4 today in form of a slideshow in Purple Mash.

PLEASE include all your wonderful achievements and adventures from lockdown. I would love to know what you have thought about your lockdown experience.

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

Let us reflect again on our role model of faith and hope - Mary.

Year 4 Home learning Tuesday 14th July


Today you are going to do a bit of Year 4 writing revision and then you are going to create a magical item! My video went a bit wrong! It was supposed to have me in the top right corner but it didn’t work. But it still has my voice! At one point I show you a stone - now obviously you will not be able to see it!


Celebrating Year 4

Today I have set you a purple mash task to write a postcard to a new year 4 pupil. Your aim is to make them feel excited and hopeful!

Give them lots of advice about what it is like in Year 4 and what you need to be like. You could tell them about some things we learn about. I can then display them on our shared school board for them to read.!

Faith Filled and Hopeful

Today we will learn about how Mary praised God. Read and complete the prayer below.