Year 4 home learning for Friday 17th April


Please complete your explanation/information text set yesterday, trying your very best - on Purple Mash.


Please make sure you have written some questions about soil and shared them with us on the blog. Tune in to the LIVE session at 10.30 on Monday morning here: (if you cannot make it at this time, you can watch later on) You will need a sample of soil from your garden or local area handy.

if you have a printer, you may wish to prepare, by printing this sheet below ready for your fieldwork on Monday:


Please read Chapter 6 of ‘The Sleeping Volcano’ on purple mash and complete the 2do Book review.


Complete the following challenges linked to division with remainders as mentioned in yesterday’s lesson. Answers will be on at 5.00pm. there is also a quick division game to play

Geography extra!

If you have finished all these activities, I would love you to draw a labelled diagram of a volcano - use the vocabulary from earlier in the week to label it. You could do this on 2animate Purple Mash

Year 4 home learning for Thursday 16th April


Watch the following slides to find out about features of volcanoes. Then, over the next two days, I would like you to type an explanation text about how volcanoes erupt and also include some information. I HAVE SET THIS AS A PURPLE MASH TASK TODAY.

You can use my example of an explanation text below and my glossary to help you include the things you need in an explanation text

. Don’t forget, you could also refresh your memory by looking at yesterday’s slides.


Go on Purple Mash to read Chapter 5 of ‘The Sleeping Volcano’ today.

Here are some comprehension questions to answer:


Today we will revise how to solve simple division and make sure we understand remainders. Follow the lesson below then complete the division problems below.

Year 4 home learning for Wednesday 15th April


On Monday, we will be watching a LIVE FIELDWORK session produced by EDucation Edu all about soil. I would like you to come up with some really interesting questions about soil - I know you are great at this!

Send me your most interesting one or two on the Purple Mash class blog - I have created a special blog for this topic. You may get a ‘shout out’ during the live session on Monday as I will be sending your questions to the producers!


The story continues…. Go on Purple Mash and read chapter 3 and 4 and do your quizzes!

If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.


Today, please watch and read the slides below all about volcanoes and how they erupt.

Now see if you can explain to an adult what these words mean: crust, core, magma, lava, pressure. Can you explain to an adult how a volcano erupts?

Tomorrow and Friday, you will be writing an explanation text to explain this process.


Today we are learning to find factors. First watch the video below

Now follow my lesson below to learn further. There are activities to complete underneath the lesson.

Year 4 Home Learning for Tuesday 14th April

Welcome back Year 4. I hope you have had a lovely Easter with your families and are ready to learn afresh!

This week in Year 4 it is VOLCANOES WEEK!

Each day this week, you will have Geography or Science work to do around the subject of Volcanoes or rocks. For this reason, there are no separate ‘weekly activities’ as we usually have.


Read the information below to find out all about volcanoes around the world. As you do this, you will be brushing up on your Geography - finding the volcanoes and seeing how close they are to the Equator and which hemisphere they are in.

Task 1

Go on Google Earth and type in the names of some of the volcanoes. What do they look like? Are they all the same? Zoom out and look at the shape and location of the country they are in.

Task 2

Use the world map and anything you have at home to help you plot these volcanoes using the symbols below. Then answer the questions:


To practise your skill of multiplying 3 digit numbers by one digit numbers I would like you to solve the problems in IXL H13. You will find many of these are easy and can be solved mentally or with jottings - until you get to the challenge zone! These last ones will need to be worked out using the extended method in your maths home learning books. You must finish it to challenge yourselves!

I have also set you a new Sum dog challenge to practise this skill - you have until Sunday to complete it.


This week, all of our English will be done on Purple Mash. We will be reading parts of a story each day called “The Sleeping Volcano.’ I will set you some reading and comprehension challenges to do each day about this so check your 2do’s today and every day please.

If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.

PE this week

Keep active each day. Complete any school PE challenges. You could do a Joe Wicks workout, some yoga, have a good dance round your kitchen, do some gymnastics or simply go for a walk or bike ride!

Year 4 Friday 3rd April Home Learning


Today, you are writing your ending to your Dragon Slayer story. You need to think what might have happened to the Dragon Slayer and his little dragon family in the future. Maybe you could use one of our novels as inspiration - what happened at the end of Charlotte’s Web or the Butterfly Lion? Make sure the reader feels happy at the end and the Dragon Slayer is no longer a killer!


Let’s use our extended method for multiplication now with three digit numbers. Fist watch my short video and do a few examples with me.

Then complete the further activities on the sheet below. I will put the answers on from 6.00 tonight! No cheating though!

Purple mash time - conversions.


Have you managed to do a quiz yet this week? Which books have you enjoyed? Why not share what you have read on our class blog. Is there a good book you can recommend?

Weekly activities

How did you get on? Which have you got left to do?

Year 4 Thursday 2nd April Home Learning


Time to write your resolution paragraph. This is when the Dragon Slayer makes his decision and then the other babies appear! Try to use those fronted adverbials to make the start of your sentences more interesting. You may need possessive apostrophes and don’t forget to slip in some extended noun phrases!


Now complete IXL H8 and H9. You will need to work out some of the answers using the extended method in your maths books but others are easy enough to work out mentally.

Purple mash Time - mixed clock times.

I have also set you a new Sum Dog challenge - practising multiplication and division. On Friday, I will set you a few to keep you busy over the Easter holidays. I know you all love it!

Daily reading and select some thing/s from the weekly tasks. Happy learning!

Year 4 Wednesday 1st April

Happy April Fool’s Day!

English - Writing your Dragon Slayer Story

Today it is time to write the dilemma. What does the Dragon Slayer DO to show he is in a dilemma? Why is he in a dilemma? Write this paragraph including some speech-dialogue and show the reader how he feels. You can still use extended noun phrases to describe the little baby dragon. Aaaah!


Today we re going to learn another new skill - multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number using THE EXTENDED METHOD. It is really important that you do this just as I teach you, rather than skipping to the next step.

New Sum Dog challenge set today Practising x and divide.

there is a Purple mash time 2 do - if you have time!

Daily Reading

I hope you have a really good book you are enjoying like me! Don’t forget to quiz!

Weekly tasks

Remember to go back and choose from these fun learning activities. Feel free to send pictures to my email about what you are up to!

Year 4 Tuesday 31st March Home Learning

English - Writing your Dragon Slayer story

Check the story planner below and write the build up paragraph today using extended noun phrases. You should watch that part of the film and maybe make a few notes of key actions that happen to help you remember.


Practise your new skill of multiplying 3 numbers on IXL. H12 and H13

Purple Mash telling the time 2do - Five to the hour today!

Daily Reading

I hope you have a really good book you are enjoying like me!

Weekly tasks

Remember to go back and choose from these fun learning activities

Year 4 Daily tasks Monday 30th March


Watch again the film below. Each day this week, I would like you to write a part of the story (1 paragraph) as we do in class. I have included a story planner below. Today, you need to write the beginning paragraph. Introduce the setting and main character, using extended noun phrases. Don’t forget to include the weather!


We are going to learn a new skill today - multiplying 3 numbers. Look at the help sheet below and complete the activities in your maths book. I will put up the answers tomorrow so you can mark it!

Also, complete the quick 2do in purple mash about time - Quarter to today.


I am still watching those reading targets on Accelerated reader and have set some new ones. Every day, curl up and read somewhere for at least 30 minutes. Then don’t forget to quiz when you’ve finished. There is a link to Accelerated Reader log in on the Help your child section. There are also lots of free books to read on the site too!

This week I finished my book ‘The Colour Purple.’ (I cried!)

Year 4 Weekly tasks for Week beginning Monday 30th March

To try something different this week, alongside daily Maths, English and reading, there are weekly tasks that you can pick from.

You can choose to do them any day which gives you a bit more freedom - see what you are in the mood for each day. You could choose to do a few on one day and none on another!

Follow the links below this image for the Science task

print screen image for weekly mon 30th.png

Year 4 Friday 27th March Home Learning

Hello everyone and a happy Friday to you! Here is your home learning below. Have a good rest over the weekend - or catch up on anything you are behind with! Keep up with all that lovely reading too.


The Dragon Slayer grammar! Today we are thinking about using Possessive Apostrophes. I know you did this in class with Miss Edmondson. I have put a video on the Help section and I would like you to read my helpsheet below and then complete the mild, spicy and hot activities in your Yellow Home Learning books. Make sure you feel really confident with how to use apostrophes and especially WHEN NOT to use them - they are not for every word ending in s!


Quite a lot of Sum Dog challenges today to practise those tables. If you dont finish today, do some over the weekend.


I hope you enjoyed your investigation into PItch and Volume yesterday. Today we are going to be thinking about ears and how the sound reaches them. Please read your instructions below on my helpsheet/experiment sheet.

Then read the info about Animal Ears.

Finally, Check your Purple Mash 2 dos make a leaflet all about Animals with the best hearing!

Year 4 Wednesday 25th March Home learning

Good morning my little sunshines! It has been lovely to hear from some of you on the class blog or through email. I am missing you all very much! Ready to extend those brains and be like Sadie Spider today? Good!


Growth Mindset ‘Home School’ poster

I would like you to create a poster for your home school with all our learning characters on. Do you like the Lyons’ family home learning poster? It is up in our office! You could put it up in your work space at home! Why not tell your parents all about our learning characters and how each one helps us to learn? If you are learning at school, ask a teacher for some card and create one for your learning space at school!

Contact me!

Today, I would love to hear from you in the class blog. Access it in purple mash.

I would also love an email with a photo showing what you have been up to if possible.


Here is Megan, who has been busy with her school work but also doing a spot of decorating too. I love removing wallpaper!

Mrs Hotchkiss’s class are sending jokes too. I do love a good joke. Here are some for you on one of my favourite themes!

How do two cats end a fight? They hiss and make up!

What do cats say when confused? I’m purrrrplexed!


Continue to complete fresh challenges on Sum Dog today. Also begin to practise your 11 x table. Write down all the multiples up to 12 x 11 in your Maths home learning book. Whats the pattern?

Purple Mash maths task

This is in your 2do’s on telling the time.


You may need to go back and watch the Dragon Slayer film again today because I want you to get descriptive! You are going to teach your parents the grammar skill extended (or expanded noun phrases) and do lots of lovely ones about the Dragon Slayer story in your home learning books. You can draw the characters too if you like. Try and use powerful vocabulary. There is a song and a quick film in the ‘Help your child’ section to jog your memory.

Again, don’t forget daily/weekly learning. Have you made your rainbow yet? Have you spotted any?

Year 4 Tuesday 24th March. Home Learning


Good morning everyone! Are you raring to go? I have set up a class blog in purple mash, where you can ask questions and share things. Why not take a look?


Today you should find you have two challenges set in Sum dog. Log in and have a good go so I can check your progress later. If the site is slow, keep trying at different times of the day!

Purple Mash maths task

This is in your 2do’s on telling the time. It is easy today but it will get harder!


Today, we are focusing on using the key Year 4 grammar skill FRONTED ADVERBIALS. In the ‘Help your Child’ section, there is a video explaining all about them to jog your memory. The Purple Mash 2do activity, ‘A Day out,’ you did last week, explored fronted adverbials - so if you’ve not done it, log in and try now.

We have done them lots in class, so you will be able to teach your parents all about them. Then look at the sheet below for a grammar activity to carry out in your Yellow home learning books.

Eventually, (next week) we will be writing the story of the Dragon Slayer - so don’t be tempted to do it yet!


This is your normal Art day. Check on the Art page to see what Mrs Curtis wants you to do today.

Weekly/Daily challenges

Don’t forget your other daily/weekly challenges on the main Year 4 page. Are you keeping up with your daily reading? Have you thought about buying and reading ‘The Butterfly Lion’ to your parents at home? It is such a good book!

Mrs Lyons is reading a book called, ‘The Colour Purple,’ which is actually my favourite colour too!

Year 4 Monday 23rd March Home Learning


We have a new and exciting way of practising our maths skills! This is called Sum Dog. If you go to the ‘Help your child’ section of Year 4, Mrs Hotchkiss has made a lovely video to explain all about how to get started. Today, I would like you to log in and have a play at some of the games. They look BRILLIANT! From tomorrow, you will have set tasks to complete on this that will appear when you log in!


We are going to be practising some of our grammar skills this week, whilst studying a great film called ‘The Dragon Slayer.’ (Click on link below to view) Today, I want you to get familiar with the film and carry out the activities given on the sheet attached below - Becoming familiar with the story.

It is important that, at first, you only watch the film up to 3 minutes 7 seconds, because then I ask you to predict what will happen next before carrying on watching.

You can answer the questions about the film orally to a grown up or write the answers down.

Don’t forget about your other daily/weekly challenges in the blog section - eg Reading, PE etc

Monday March 23rd - Using Sumdog while we learn from home/school

Helping you to learn maths at home with SUM DOG

Follow the instructions, log on and play!

Dear children welcome to our online learning community. We will be helping you to keep learning every day!

We have subscribed every child in the school to the interactive maths website “SUM DOG.COM”. To get started I have made a little on screen instruction video below. You will need your username and password. The passwords for each class are to be found below :

Reception Sumdog Passwords

Year 1 Sumdog Passwords

Year 2 Sumdog Passwords

Year 3 Sumdog Passwords

Year 4 Sumdog Passwords

Year 5 Sumdog Passwords

Year 6 Sumdog Passwords

Homework to be handed in on Thursday 26th March

Homework set early this week. If you are at home you can be doing this in the next 3 days. More home learning will be set for you tonight. Enjoy!


7x table. As last week you can use the sheet given to practise. Look for patterns eg Are the answers odd or even?

Try learning Percy Parker’s 7 x table song below:

There is also a link to a site where you can practise all your times tables learned so far. Do a little bit often!


Please complete the Purple mash grammar 2 do’s ‘Day out’ and ‘Harry’s Party.’

Don’t forget to learn your spellings too. Can you write a short paragraph including all your spelling words to show you understand what they mean?