Reading for pleasure is all part of the perfect summer break!!! Read on for guidance on keeping essential skills ticking over during the summer holidays!
Read moreFriday 17th July - Today we come together to reflect and celebrate!
We come together today to say goodbye.
Read moreYear 3 Thursday 16th July 2020 home learning
‘They’re beautiful kids, just beautiful children. It’s just a blessing to see and we thank God about it.’
Find a cosy place to read today, could it be on the sofa or in a den? James and Kiefer managed to meet their reading targets, well done boys!
Before you reach the holiday this weekend it is really important you make reading over the break a priority.
The Lancashire Library Service is here to help. Please click on the link to find out more about the Silly Squad library reading challenge and then press the join button on the web page to sign up if you haven’t already.
Here is the last of our RE lessons.
Please spend some time today playing the board game you made yesterday, try to get the family involved. Have fun!
Word cloud
I would like you to create your own word art about Year 3. Please click below for how to make yours.
Purple Mash
Please go on to the sharing tab and look at all of the Year 3 display boards to see some of your own and your friend’s work. There is lots of fantastic work to celebrate!
Tomorrow there won’t be a blog from me, instead there is a whole school learning challenges blog for you to complete.
Look out for a blog later on today to celebrate the end of Year 3 with our photos and goodbyes.
Year 3 Wednesday 15th July 2020 home learning
‘Dream big little ones.’
How is your reading coming along? Will you manage to meet your reading target before the end of the week? Isabella has met her target, well done!
Click below for today’s RE challenges.
Today I would like you to make a maths board game that you and your family can play over the holidays to keep that maths brain of yours ticking. Pick the area of maths you think you could improve on ( x + - or divide), make it fun and interactive. You could even throw some forfeits in! Here are some ideas.
Today we would like you to share your best memory of Year 3. Please go on Purple Mash and access the 2do called ‘My memory of Year 3’. Write about a funny or interesting thing that happened in Year 3 so that others can read about it. Draw a picture to go with your memory. Once you have saved it please share it to the display board called ‘Year 3 Memories’ by clicking on the share option of the drop down menu.
Year 3 Tuesday 14th July 2020 home learning
‘Every child is a different kind of flower, altogether they make this world a beautiful garden.’
Can you finish the book you are currently reading? Could you count how many pages you have left and set yourself a set number of pages each day to get to the end of it. A big well done to Esme and India who have met their targets.
Let’s get on with our next RE lesson.
This week we go back to a little bit of Science and investigative skills. What do you wonder about? There are so many things I wonder about as I experience the world, what about you? I want you to pick something you wonder about and investigate and experiment until you find some sort of answer. It might be that you make something or write a song to teach others about it. Look below for some inspiration in the form of a song, a video clip of questions and a photo of Steph’s wonderings a couple of weeks ago when she wondered about how clouds were formed on a wet weekend.
Secret thank you task
I would like you to open Purple Mash and access the 2do called ‘Thank you’, please draw pictures of our lovely ladies who have worked with you in Year 3. Please read the information with the 2do as I don’t want to say too much now! Shhhhhh!
Year 3 Monday 13th July 2020 home learning challenges.
‘A child has a special way of adding joy to every day.’
How is your reading coming along? This is the last week to get to your target. You can do it!
We are going to finish our time in Year 3 with our last RE topic, please click below for the first lesson of this new topic ‘Being a Christian’.
Please click below to access our last spelling unit of year 3.
Saying goodbye for now
On Thursday Year 3 will all be saying goodbye for now as we head into our Summer holidays (on Friday there will be home learning challenges, but it will be slightly different - a little like the Health and happiness week where there was whole school family challenges to complete). Therefore we will use Thursday to say our goodbyes and see you soons to each other. Today I would like you to make a short video wishing everyone a good holiday, telling everyone what you are going to get up to and that you will see them soon etc. That will be our way of ending Year 3 as our little community. Please email your videos to me and I will make them into a little movie of everyone, it will feel like a big end of year hug when we watch them on Thursday. If you feel too shy to make a video you may instead want to send a photo holding a piece of paper with the message you want to say - make sure your writing is big and bold enough.
Year 3 Meet the teacher week Friday 10th July
Activity 1: Getting to Know you.
We are going to learn a new skill alongside getting to know you today. I am going to teach you how to make a quiz on Purple Mash. You can do a quiz about yourself! I will take it and see how I do!!!
Or you can do a quiz on something that interests you. I will model it in the video, then you can have a go.
Activity 2: Our learning skills - Resilience.
Watch the video about Sadie Spider today. She has an excellent approach to learning.
Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - RE
Our school mission statement is ‘You are Precious in My Eyes.’ This statement is what God is saying to all of us. Watch the video below to see how precious you really are in God’s eyes.
Our school mission statement is not just about how precious you are to God. It also means that we must treat every other human being as precious - because we are ALL precious. No matter how old we are, where we live, what colour our hair is, what our personality is like - EVERY PERSON IS PRECIOUS and we strive to treat them like that in our lives.
Now create a school poster with this statement from Isaiah - YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN MY EYES. You could copy our school logo from the school website. Maybe you could do it in lots of different blues to represent our school.
Whilst you are drawing talk to a grown up. If you are so precious to God then everybody is precious to God. Therefore, how should we treat other people?
Extra Activities today
Can you build or draw a spider web? Use your creativity to design one.
Why not put Sadie in it and her motto ‘Try, Try Try!’
2. Purple Mash 2do ‘AFish- matic’ This is a great game to play to practise your calculations. You need to make the target number by selecting the right calculation. Practise practise! This is a good one to do over Summer to practise your times tables.
Well done to John Joseph, Isabella, Max and Steph for meeting their reading targets.
Well done to Amber for meeting her reading target.
Year 3 Meet the Teacher week Thursday 9th July
Activity 1: Getting to Know you - Your hobby!
Today, in Purple Mash, I would love you to make another slideshow. You did a brilliant job on Monday!
This time I want it to be all about a hobby that you have. This can be anything. Maybe you love football. Perhaps you love to bake. Are you a dancer or a gymnast? It could be something you are really interested in like dinosaurs, star wars or flowers. I want you to do a slideshow all about one hobby/passion.
I am so excited to find out what you really love!
Activity 2: Our learning Skills - Self-Improvement.
Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - Art
As usual, have a look at Mrs Curtis’s Art page to find out your activity this week. You can send your pictures to Mrs Curtis, but I would love to see them too!
Extra Activities
Reading, reading and ALWAYS reading - make it your goal to be a reader that enjoys books every day!
Improving my skills in Purple Mash: Create a 3D maze.
Go on your Purple Mash 2DIY 3D and watch the video to tell you how to create a 3D maze. Like Clara Clownfish, see what you can notice and figure out for yourself as you create your own plan of your maze. When you press the play button, it will turn into a 3D maze! Like Lizzie Ladybird, see if you can make it better and better!
2type - Go on 2type and improve your skills ready for Year 4
2go - Complete the challenges in ‘Find the Treasure’ to get better at position and direction.
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Week. Wednesday 8th July.
Activity 1 Getting to know you - All about your favourite animal.
Complete the 2do My favourite animal, after watching the video below.
Activity 2: Our Learning Skills - Curiosity!
Activity 3 What we do in Year 4 - Reconciliation.
Mrs Lyons knows that you prepared for your Reconciliation before we finished school - but then you never got to do it. We are really hoping you will be able to do your first Reconciliation in Year 4 and then your Holy Communion. To refresh your memory about what Reconciliation is, watch the video below and then answer curious Clara Clownfish’s questions.
Extra Activities today
Don’t forget to read! Ask questions as you read like Clara. You could think to yourself…. ‘I wonder what will happen next….’ or ‘I have noticed that….’
Have a go at these pattern spotting activities below!
Well done to Evie for meeting her reading target, there is still time for you to meet yours!
Year 3 Meet the teacher week! Tuesday 7th July
Activity 1: Getting to know you.
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?
Today, I have set you a 2do in Purple mash called ‘If I was a Superhero…’
Read the prompts in the 2do to help you create this poster. You could make up your own superhero and give it a name!
When you have done it, you could even dress up as the superhero you have created!
Swing/Pedal bin liners make good capes!
Can you make up your own logo to stick on your cape?
Can you make a mask? Here are some examples below.
Please send me pictures!
Activity 2 - Our Learning Skills - Self belief and Enthusiasm.
I’m so sorry Year 3 - I did not realise the sound didn’t work on Cooper Crab’s video yesterday!!! I hope you still managed to read the story and concentrate!
All the sound should work for the rest of the week now!
Activity 3. What we learn in Year 4 - History.
In Year 4, we love history - just like Bobby Bee! I know you have already learned lots of history at our school. You learned about The Great Fire of London. You have learned about Florence Nightingale. In Year 3 you found out about some of the earliest history of OUR country - The Stone Age, the Celts and the Romans.
I would love you to tell me all about your favourite part of history and give me some information about it. It could be something from above. Or it might be about a famous person from the past or a different famous event. It might be about a famous king or queen. It can be any aspect of history at all!
I have set you a 2do called My History Book. Don’t forget to add images. You could look at the clip art first to get ideas about what aspects of history you could pick.
For research, you could use the sites below to help:
Activity 4 My hopes for Year 4
I have set you a little task to complete in Purple mash - every year group is doing this task and it will be displayed in September in the hall. It is called:
2do Year 4 hopes.
Extra activities today
Have a go at these maths games:
Don’t forget to get your book(s) out for half an hour today and improve your reading skills.
Well done to Amber for meeting her reading target.
Year 3 Meet your teacher week! Monday 6th July Home learning
Dear Year 3 - it is meet your new teacher week. Watch my video below where I say hello!
Activity 1: Getting to know you.
Activity 2: Our learning skills - Concentration.
Activity 3: What we learn in Year 4-Science.
Our first Science topic after the Summer holidays is Plants. Mrs Lyons loves plants as you know!
I would like you today to find a flower or tree and do a detailed observational drawing of it. I hope the weather is nice so you can go outside to draw! If not, you could take a photo of the plant or find one on the internet. You can colour it too. If you want to draw more than one, that is fine too.
Now label all the parts of your plant. Send me pictures of your wonderful work at
Finally, there are lots of short Purple mash tasks all about plants in your 2dos. Complete these to begin learning about this exciting topic!
Extra activities today.
Which IXL units have you not completed for Year 3? Pick one to do which interests you.
Keep up with your reading. Make a commitment to read for 30 mins every day. I would love to know which book you are reading at the moment!
2type on Purple mash. It would be great if you could practise your typing each day to get nice and quick ready for Year 4! Start easy and get harder every day.
Year 3 Friday 3rd July 2020 home learning
Wouldn’t it be lovely to make your way towards your reading target by the end of this week? There are a handful of you who are so close! You can do it! Amber, Lexi and Jacob O have made it to theirs, well done.
Narnia film time
You are in for a treat today, click below for the film of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It is quite long, so you might want to watch in little parts around your other learning. I think you will enjoy it.
Please click below for today’s spelling challenges.
After today you have made it to the end of Year 3 fractions, well done! Click below for today’s challenges.
Year 3 Thursday 2nd July 2020 home learning
The weather has been gloomy this week, where have you curled up out of the rain to read? I wonder if you can manage to read for more than 30 minutes on any day.
Our final chapter, I’m a bit sad that we have got to the end. Enjoy!
See below for today’s video for maths.
Take a look at what Mrs Curtis has planned for you today.
Year 3 Wednesday 1st July 2020 home learning challenges
Brilliant news, we have another three children who have met their reading target this week, a big well done to Lexi, Amber and Jacob O.
Read the next chapter and complete the challenges below.
Click below for today’s work.
Continue with yesterday’s computing challenges to make your own animation. Mrs Lyons and the Year 3 children at school made this animation yesterday, she used Movie Maker which is available on Windows as we couldn’t get the app needed on school ipads. So if you are in the same position then have a go at Movie Maker instead. I have added lots of children’s animations so you can see how others are getting on, don’t worry if yours isn’t finished yet.
If you have completed it and fancy doing another feel free to send a second one! Children I have been blown away with how amazing your animations are, you have really taken what I taught you and ran with the challenge. I’m so impressed! You are super stars.
Please go all the way to the bottom of the page you don’t want to miss out on any of your friend’s animations. Enjoy!
Year 3 Tuesday 30th June home learning
Mason and James have both met their reading targets, well done boys. Can you meet yours this week? I have created a display board on Purple Mash for you to share your book reviews to, you will find it under the ‘Sharing’ tab at the top. There are book reviews from James, Steph and Olivia already on there. Please feel free to add your own by pressing the share button after you have saved your work, you have a template set for you to complete your book reviews on in your 2dos.
A well done to James who recognised yesterday’s reading quote as one from Dr Seuss, he wins a hug off his family.
Read the next two chapters and then have a go at the challenges. These chapters are sad children. I am trying to make sure we get to the end of the book by the end of this week, so there is a little more reading to do today.
Click below for today’s maths.
Thank you for the kind comments I have received about this topic, we have created it for the first time to teach to year 3 and it seem lots of the children have really enjoyed it. I think you will like this challenge too, you are going to make your own animation.
Task 1 - Plan out your story.
Task 2 - Photograph and make it into your animation.
See if you can make yours into a proper little animation rather than just a quick demonstration like mine. Watch the video and then click on the button below it for instructions on how to make yours.
This challenge may be completed over the next 2 days so it will give you time to make puppets, lego figures or models if needed.
Mrs Lyons and the children at school made this animation today, which is brilliant so I thought I would show you so you can see another example. See how the image just changes ever so slightly each time?
Year 3 Monday 29th June 2020 home learning
“Oh the places you’ll go when you read.” Is a famous quote from which author? Email me with your answer. Pick up your latest book and see where it will take you, mine has taken me to Lake Como and Oxford all in one week.
Read the next chapter and click below for today’s challenges.
You’re really going to enjoy this challenge Year 3, it would have been lovely to do all together but make the best of it with your family.
I am really pleased to hear that lots of you have really been Sadie Spiders with some of the tricky maths questions last week, keep up that resilience and determination.