This week’s home learning is to be completed in home learning books.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 12th March 2021
This week’s home learning is online.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 11th December 2020
Please read everyday for at least ten minutes
Set 11 - ever everyone everybody every another father
‘j’ sound - gem join magic large fudge bridge
Please note that the spelling quiz will take place on Wednesday next week due to it being Christmas party day on Thursday.
We have been learning all about the Christmas story in RE. I have set a 2Do for you to complete on Purple Mash. Can you write a newspaper report all about the day that Jesus was born? How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? Who else was there? How did they find their way? Remember to think really carefully about your punctuation and spellings.
Maths IXL
S.5 S.6
Work through sections a-I if you have any spare minutes.
English IXL
Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 4th December
Please read for at least 10 minutes each day.
Please practise retelling our focus story ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ using the story map provided. See how many people you can amaze with how much you can remember. Don’t forget those story actions too!
Set 10 - could would should other brother mother
Words ending in -ing - baking riding making shining racing smiling
Maths IXL
(Feel free to work through sections A-I)
English IXL
V.1 V.2
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 27th November 2020
Read for at least 10 minutes each day.
I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the fairy tales and fairy tale with a twist stories that we have read so far this term. Which new words do you like? Can you remember what they mean? Fill in some sections on your online dictionary. For an extra challenge, try and put them in alphabetical order!
Set 9 - I’ve I’m now call house school
Adding the suffix -ing - stopping shopping grabbing slipping dropping running
Science and Online Safety
As part of online safety day, we learned about safe searching and where we can share our work safely with our friends. I have set a 2Do on Purple mash to complete the life cycle of a butterfly. Once you have completed and saved this, see if you can save it to our Year 2 Display Board by clicking the share button. Remember that everything posted here is checked by me before it can be seen by the rest of the class.
IXL Maths - S.2
IXL English - L.3
Please complete the units above. If you do find that you have spare time and would like to complete more IXL sections throughout the week, feel free to work through sections A-I. These link with our previous addition and subtraction learning.
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 20th November 2020
Please ensure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes a day at home.
Complete the short reading comprehension in your home learning books.
Set 8 - when who where here how why
The igh sound spelt y - by cry dry my fly reply
IXL Maths
D.15 D.16 D.17 D.18 D.19
IXL English
G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 13th November 2020
Read for at least 10 minutes each day. Don’t forget about the reading challenge mentioned on this week’s blog! If you take your time to read and quiz carefully, it might just be you taking home one of those special books!
We have been reading so many fairytales in class this week, but have paid particular attention to The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs in your own words. Remember I will look at these and mark them, so please try your best!
Set 7 - have do little out our saw
Kn or gn - knee knife know knight knock gnome
Online Safety
On Tuesday, we will be having our first Online Safety Day of the year. It would be great if the children could complete the quiz set for them on Purple Mash to see what they can remember from last year.
Maths IXL
H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5
English IXL
F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 6th November 2020
Please complete the addition sheet attached below. I have also included a die template for the children to use if they wish. Alternatively, the children can use a die that they may already have at home.
Have a go at playing the game below which will help to consolidate counting in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s.
Please read your reading book for at least 10 minutes per day. I have spoken to the children this week about quizzing and reminded them that some books should be read more than once before quizzing. For those children on longer books, I reminded them to really take their time so that when it comes to quizzing, they have a good understanding of what happened.
As mentioned in this week’s blog, we have been using dictionaries to help us to discover new vocabulary. If you do have a dictionary at home, it would be great if the children could practise the skill. You could give your child a word to find each night and time how long it takes them to find it.
If you don’t have a dictionary at home, you could write a list of words for your child that they then have to put into alphabetical order. Can you challenge them by writing two words that begin with the same letter?
Set 6 from the spelling pack -
some come they this there that
Adding the suffix -ly -
sadly loudly quietly slowly quickly bravely
IXL Maths
I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4
IXL English
H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 16th October 2020
Please note that home learning is to be handed in on Wednesday next week before we break up for the holidays. Thank you.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 9th October 2020
Homework is online this week.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 2nd October 2020
This week’s homework is to be completed in home learning books.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 25th September
This week’s home learning is online.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 18th September 2020
The children’s home learning books have been sent home containing this week’s maths sheet.
Read for at least 10 minutes every day.
Some children will also have brought home word reading sets to practise this week which can be found in their home learning folder. These will be used in the same way as they were in Year 1 - when the children can read them fluently, they will move onto the next set. Therefore, please ensure that your child has their word set with them in school every day. Thank you.
If your child doesn’t bring home a set but you feel a little recap would help, please find the word list in the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page.
Complete the place value sheet.
Here are this week’s spellings to learn.
the to he she we me be my
I have attached a ‘Spelling Support’ sheet on the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page. This gives some practical and creative ideas for practising spellings each week.
(You may recognise these spellings. They are the words sent home by Miss Lane last year for word recognition on the little laminated cards).
IXL English
E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4
IXL Maths
A.6 A.7 A.8
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 11th September 2020
Home learning is ONLINE this week
As we have been focusing on Place Value this week, I would like you to have a go at playing the games below. Click the button to take you to the website.
C.1 C.2 C.3
A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.
This week’s spellings have been set as a 2do on Purple Mash. There are 10 that will recap spelling rules taught in Year 1. I explained to the children today that they might need to write them down to practise them more than once.
Please read with your child every day for at least 10 minutes. Books must be brought back into school daily as we also have independent reading time throughout that day.
Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 4th September 2020
All of the children brought home their new homework books and folders this afternoon. As mentioned in my induction video, home learning is to be returned to school on Thursdays. New homework will then be given on Fridays on a two week cycle;
One week will be written and sheet based. These will be given in the homework folders on a Friday and should be stuck into homework books and completed before being handed back in on a Thursday to be marked.
The second week will be online based activities. This will allow for home learning books to be quarantined for 48 hours before being marked.
This week’s home learning:
It would be great if home learning books could be backed with wrapping paper, sticky back plastic, etc, so that they can withstand being transported to and from school for a little longer. These should still be able to fit inside the home learning folder provided.
As I have only been able to meet you all from afar, I have asked the children to draw a picture of their families in their home learning books. This will help me to get to know you all a little better.
The children should have brought home two log in cards in their home learning folders - one for Purple Mash and one for IXL. These cards are to be kept at home. I would like the children to have a go at logging into both IXL and Purple Mash this week. How quickly can they do it? Can they do it without looking at their log in cards? Feel free to have a play on both Purple Mash and IXL and become more familiar with it.
I look forward to collecting home learning folders in on Thursday.
Miss Woodend
Reading for pleasure is all part of the perfect summer break!!! Read on for guidance on keeping essential skills ticking over during the summer holidays!
Read moreFriday 17th July - Today we come together to reflect and celebrate!
We come together today to say goodbye.
Read moreYear 2 Home Learning - Thursday 16th July
Good Morning Year 2!
Well, this is it! We have reached the end of our year together, and what a year it has been! Tomorrow, the whole school will be completing the same activities so that we can celebrate the end of the year as a whole school community.
Although this year hasn’t been as we would have expected, I couldn’t be more proud of you ALL. Both your learning in school and at home has shown just how far you have come, how much you have grown, and what independent and confident learners you are becoming. You all amaze me with your determination and resilience. Although this year may have been tough, you never once gave up and continued to shine like the stars that you are.
Not only are you precious in God’s eyes, but you all truly are precious in MY eyes! I wish you all the best of luck for Year 3, but I know you will be fine and are going to love the new challenges you will face. I will most certainly be popping in to see you all as soon as I can.
Here are today’s activities
Enjoy listening to the story below - ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson
In the story, Spinderella learns an important lesson. Can you think what it might be?
Now I would like you to reflect upon the personal qualities and skills that you have developed throughout your time in Year 2. Think about our learning characters. Do you feel like Year 2 has helped you to grow more determined? Do you feel that you are now a kinder and more loving friend?
Use the flower template to record your reflections on. You could put your name in the middle and add your ideas to the petals, or you could add your idea to the middle and colour the petals. It is up to you!
Extra activities
Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:
Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 4 - Millilitres. Watch the video and complete the activity below.
Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).
To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!
Happy Reading!
Year 2 Home Learning - Wednesday 15th July
Good Morning Year 2!
Have a look at the image below. Do you recognise it?
That’s right! We looked at this image right at the beginning of Year 2 when we were thinking about our class rules and expectations. Have another close look at the classroom and think carefully about the following questions:
Which Blob do you think best represents you and your time in Year 2?
Do any Blobs show any of the great choices that you made in Year 2? Do any of the Blobs represent any of the wrong choices you may have made in Year 2?
Which feelings do the Blobs represent? What colours would you associate with those feelings? For example red for anger or yellow for happy. If you are able to print the image, you could colour each Blob in the colour to match their feeling.
Remember that everyone looks at the image in different ways. What you think might be different to what someone else thinks. Did you ever think that someone felt a certain way in Year 2 when it turned out that they didn’t feel that way at all?
Maybe you could give the Blobs that represent you a number and then write about when you felt like that in Year 2 and why. You could have felt like many of the Blobs - remember this is perfectly fine!
Enjoy reflecting upon your thoughts and feelings throughout your time in Year 2.
Extra activities
Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:
Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 3 - Compare Volume. Watch the video and complete the activity below.
Enjoy the final chapter of the owl who was afraid of the dark - Dark is beautiful. Complete the comprehension questions below.
Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).
To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!
Happy Reading!
Have a wonderful day,
Miss Woodend
Year 2 Home Learning - Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Year 2. How are you all today?
Last week whilst working with some of the Year 1s, I discovered that many of them had worries about Year 2 and felt a little nervous about moving into a different class with new teachers.
Therefore, today I would like you to write a postcard to Year 1. In your postcard I would like you to tell the Year 1s what they can expect when they come into Year 2. Do they need to be worried? What will they be learning about in Year 2? Include your favourite memories from your time in Year 2. What made you smile? What advice would you give them? If you could go back, is there anything that you would change? Have you grown to be more of our learning characters this year?
Use the template below if you wish. I have also created a 2DO for you on Purple Mash if you would prefer to write it on there.
Here are some photographs to inspire you!
Extra activities
Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:
Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 2 - Measure Mass in kilograms. Watch the video and complete the activity below.
Enjoy chapter 6 of the owl who was afraid of the dark - Dark is wonderful. Complete the comprehension questions below.
Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).
To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!
Happy Reading!
Enjoy your day,
Miss Woodend