The children have certainly brought their own sunshine to the playground this week as they braved the elements!
Read moreYear 3 Sports Groups for this year
On a Thursday morning throughout this year, Mr Nay is going to be working with all of the children in Year 3.
Read more"Almost all creativity involves purposeful play." Abraham Maslow
Another action packed week has come to an end and what a week it has been!
Read moreSuccess for our Athletics Team - Bronze Medal Finish!
After jumping, running, throwing and speed bouncing their hearts out for the past half term, our athletics team today competed in the Lytham St Annes Cluster Indoor Athletics Competition. We took a really strong team to the event, a team who had consistently performed and scored highly during training.
Read more"A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement." Rachel Carson
The new term has started with such excitement this week with autumnal sunshine, blue skies and a little nip in the air.
Read moreThe Merchant of Venice at the Grand
The children in Year 5 and our Shakespeare Ambassadors, had the opportunity to experience life behind the scenes at The Grand.
Read more“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ~ Plato
How this first half term has flown! It has been an absolute pleasure watching the children grow over the last few weeks, not only in size but in confidence too.
This week, we have battled wind and rain during the lunchtime period,but not a single child has allowed the weather to dampen their spirits! Mr Nay has continued to deliver an array of sporting activities from cricket to zigzag football rounders. Thank you Mr Nay for all the wonderful opportunities you have given the children this half term. We look forward to seeing you after the break and to more exciting sports.
Year 6 have continued to provide Keystage 2 children with the opportunity to explore Purple Mash and quiet reading time in the Library. Thank you for all your enthusiasm and hard work this half term Year 6.
Star Table of the Week: KS1, Joint winners this week with Year 1 and Reception. Well done to you all.
KS2, Well done Plessington, two weeks in a row! You being such role models in the dining room. Thank you.
Role Models of the Week; Y1 Erin and Y3 Harriot. Well done and thank you girls. You show such kindness to those around you.
Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: This week goes to Roseanna Y1 and Hiruni Y6. Well done and thank you for having such wonderful manners.
Have a wonderful half term holiday and God Bless.
”We did't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” – Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne
From blue wobbly monsters, ballroom dancers treading the lights fantastic to a friendly tennis match being played, the playground has been full of endless possibilities!
Read moreThe Merchant of Venice
As part of our back stage experience Leo and Casey Hornby , who are in charge of marketing, would like to invite you to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The show will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm. Tickets on sale at Our Lady of the Assumption reception. Or you could come along to the Grand in Blackpool. On Saturday at 1:30pm 20 children from our school will be part of the production both backstage and front of house. Casey and Leo will be there to greet you!
“The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.”
The Merchant of Venice
Why not go and experience a First Encounters Performance of this wonderful Shakespeare Play. A perfect introduction to Shakespeare for all ages. Tickets are £5 and available from the school office of Our Lady of the Assumption, Common Edge Road, Blackpool, FY4 5DF or can be reserved by phoning 01253 762833
Read more'Christ be our light.'
To continue the leadership theme that Year 6 have started, on Friday, they celebrated mass with other Year 6 children from our deanery schools. This was a very special time when all the children were asked to consider the responsibility of being a disciple of Christ. Fr Peter reminded them that just as Christ is the light of the world, they too are called to be lights for others.
Read more“A man is getting old when he walks around a puddle instead of through it.” ~ R.C. Ferguson
What a mixed bag of weather we have had this week and there have certainly been plenty of puddles to jump in today!
Read moreHarvest time at the allotment
Carrots!!! Our first sucessfull carrots in 13 years! We have harvested our crops up at the allotment and our little insect friends didn’t eat the carrots!
Read moreMeet our new councillors...
What excitement this week when our new class councillors had their first council meeting. Everyone Introduced themselves, speaking with confidence and enthusiasm - we have great hope for a successful
Read more“Play prepares the children of today to be the innovative thought leaders of tomorrow.” ~ Vince Gowmon
We would like to welcome the new Reception children, they have settled in so beautifully.
Read moreNetball and Football fixtures for 2019 - 2020 announced
Please find attached and also in the club fixtures, the games that the children will be playing on a Tuesday night.
Read moreParish Event - Macmillan Coffee Morning!
Parish Event - Macmillan Coffee Morning!
Read more"Singing connects the mind with the heart and the heart with the soul. So sing ... I dare you!"
Whether you are a returning member or a new member wanting to join; this is the place to find all things CHOIR!
Read moreThe smallest of ideas can change the school...
Today we had our final Student Council Meeting of the year and said goodbye to our council. Each child shared how they have found their experience of leadership and there were some lovely reflections, including the quote above by Jasmine. It has been a successful year as the council have seen their Children’s Choice Wednesday implemented, an initiative which has resulted in increasing lunchtime numbers across the week. Children have enjoyed having ownership of food choices. They want to continue with this initiative in the new academic year and already we have a large selection of suggestions with waffles being the current firm favourite, especially for Ryan who would like a little chocolate sauce with his!
Thank you children for being such a pro-active group of children who have problem-solved throughout the year to help Our Lady’s run smoothly!
A memory to treasure...
After the fabulous performances this week there is now a recording of Peter Pan available. A leaflet will be coming home tonight for orders or it can be accessed here. All orders must be received with money by Friday so that we can place the school order. Please don’t miss out!