Play comes in many forms, but it is generally freely chosen, spontaneous, self directed and fun -Unknown

I can not believe we have arrived at the end of another half term! My how this year has flown! We have been blessed this term with better blue skies, sunshine and warmer temperatures, which always lifts the children’s spirits whilst at play. The better weather, has meant that the field has been open for the children to use, thus creating more space for their imaginations to run wild!

Mr Nay has provided football nets for the children to practice their skills, it has been wonderful to see so many children take advantage of this throughout the two keystages. Cricket bats and wickets have also made an appearance, as summer sports make a welcome return.

It really has been a joy to watch all the creative games, that the children have come up with. mountaineers have been scaling the heights of the A Frame and the mound, monkeys have swung along the bars. Gymnasts have refined their techniques and dancers, rehearsed routines. Traditional games of Tig, Stuck in the Mud and Hopscotch, have been played by many. Use of the equipment has been high, with Hoola Hooping, Skipping, tennis and all manner of imaginative games. The new seating area around the Birch tree. We are very much looking forward to the outside library to arrive, so that we can enjoy a good book in the shade of the tree.

This term, we have been running a gardening club for all the children across school. They have weeded, planted, watered, organised and tidied, the allotment area is brimming with new growth and we can not wait to taste our the delicious fruit and vegetables. Please do head over to the Gardening page on the Engage section, to see what we have got up to.

Class of the Half Term

Well done to Year 4, for achieving class of the half term in the dinner hall. Keep up being those wonderful role models!

Have a wonderful half term. Hopefully, the sun will begin to shine again!

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team