Class Worship. Thank you George, Martha and Rodnie for leading or worship this week so beautifully. our beaming faces say so much more than my words can, well done! Your prayers were thoughtful and inspiring. You will be our prayer leaders this week.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 28th June - Work hard and stay focused to achieve your goals and dreams in life. That is the path to true happiness.
Our class worship was led by Bea, Albert and Nathan, they will be our Prayer Leaders for a week. They read Brave Stephen Acts 6-7 and shared their personal prayer to the class. There has been a theme of reflection in the children’s prayers this half term, it has been lovely to hear how thankful and grateful they feel about the opportunities they have had this year, in school and at home.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 21st June - In a world where you can be anything, be KIND!
Our class worship was led by Rosa, Scarlett and Ava, thank you for reading so beautifully and sharing your prayer with the class. Our word of the week has been 'Faith’, we spoke about what faith means and what it means to have faith in someone.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 14th June - "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
Our class worship was led by Alana, Louisa and Lucia, they read “A miracle at the temple gate’ Acts 3,4 and we enjoyed singing Shine Jesus Shine. Our word of the week has been Growth, we read about how a tiny mustard seed grows into a huge tree and how this showed us the importance of something so small. We compared it to small acts of kidness that make peoples day, small jobs that add up to something much bigger and small words that often show love and kindness. Next week we will be planting our own tiny seeds and nurturing them to help them grow into something much bigger which we hope will bring you some joy.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 24th May - “If you see someone without a smile give them yours.”
Class Worship
Our class worship was led by Anna, Isaac and Jackson this week.They chose the hymns Shine, Jesus, Shine and All Glory Lord and honour for us to sing and they read God’s Promise (Acts 2). Our word of the week has been “Pentecost”.
In RE, we have learnt about The Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
This week’s learning:
Maths: We been talking all things lines! Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, parallel and perpendicular have been our key words. The children enjoyed spotting horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines on our trim trail. Check out their photos!
We identified parallel and perpendicular lines in shapes and uses mathematical notations to show them.
English: We have come to the end of our narrative writing unit this week as well as the end of our class novel “The Wild Robot". The children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to this heartwarming story. Today they have spent time writing a book review and designing posters for the movie. We’ve enjoyed watching the trailer - you can see it here.
Next half term we will be looking a classical poetry - the children have already had a sneak peek at some of the resources we will be using and are very curious and excited!
Computing: We’ve continued working on our Keynote presentations about St.Annes. This week we learnt how to add media to our slides.
PE - We managed to get outside on Monday afternoon and practised some of the events for our Sports Day. Sports Day will be on Wednesday 12th June at 1.30pm - Family and friends are welcome to watch and support their children.
Science - On Monday we had lots of fun with magnets, we set up four stations in the classroom. We made compasses, magnet mazes, suspended magnets and made them dance and I challenged the children to make magnets float using only a wooden dowel, playdough and some ring magnets.
Choir - Next half term Choir will be open to Year 3’s to join. Choir practise is on Thursday after school until 4.15pm with Miss Woodend. For more information and to sign up please see Miss Woodend’s blog post on the choir page here.
Conversation starter…
As we get ready for the final term of the school year, I would like to reflect on the year so far and think about what your goal will be for the next half term.
Which lessons have you enjoyed? Has there been a favourite topic or lesson this year? What have you found tricky? What has made you proud?
What would you like to achieve in the final term? How will you do this?
We will be setting ourselves goals in the first week back - I’m looking forward to hearing yours.
Learners of the half term have been voted for by the children in the class. The children were asked to voted for children who are focused and engaged during lessons showing great learning behaviour. The children voted for Phoebe and Liam.
Liam - Your friends have described you as a focused learned, who is funny and kind.
Phoebe - Your friends have described you as a focused learner, who is wise and a fantastic listener.
This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.
Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Heath.
Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Lena
Marvelous Manners: Hugo
School reopens on Monday 10th June at 8.45am
Monday 17th June - Jim Jam Jog! - Come to school in your pajamas and take in our sponsored event.
Library Visit - Year 3 will be visiting St Annes Library on Thursday 20th June.
Glazey Days Trip - We will be painting tiles on Thursday 4th July at Glazey Days in Fleetwood - more info to follow.
Nut Free School - Over the last couple of weeks we’ve noticed that items containing nuts are coming into school. It is really important that that doesn’t happen, there are children in school who have severe allergies and we need to ensure school is a safe place for them. Please help us with this by ensuring snack and lunchboxes are nut free this includes nut based spreads such as nutella and peanut butter, chocolate bars with nuts eg snicker type chocolates.
Helmets- We are hoping to buy some scooters for outside use on the playground, for money we have won for being the BEST class at walking to school! (Well done) We are wondering if anyone has any spare helmets their children no longer wear that they could kindly donate?
Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.
PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.
Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.
Have a amazing half term and we’ll see you bright and early on Monday 10th June.
Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely
Year 3 Weekly Blog 17th May - The Earth is God's gift to us, it's full of beauty and wonder - Pope Francis
Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace led class worship outside this on Wednesday. It’s lovely to be able to get outside with the better weather. We listened to them read Fire from Heavens Acts 2 and sang My Lighthouse and Mary did you know. Our word of the week has been “care” we have spoken about how we care and what and who we care for.
In RE we have read about St Paul and his journey to Damascus that changed his life.
Year 3 Weekly Blog 10th May - I came from the Father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving to the world and going to the Father' (John 16:28)
Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Alice, Heath and Liam. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and All Glory Lord and Honor. Next week, our class worship will be led Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace.
Our word of the week has been “love” as a class we brainstormed and collected words that we associated with love, we can’t see love but we can feel and show love.
Year 3 Weekly Blog 3rd May - 'This year I am trying to spread smiles.' Phoebe
Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Joseph, Lena and Phoebe. They shared their beautiful prayers giving thanks for things that are important to them and asking God to help guide them through their final term in Year 3. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and This is my Body. Next week, our class worship will be led Alice, Heath and Liam.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 26th April - “A true shepherd leads the way, he does not merely point the way.” (Leonard Ravenhill)
Emilia, Fletcher and George led our class worship on Wednesday, we made the most of the sunny weather and sat outside to listen to them share their prayers. We listened to the children read Breakfast By Galilee (John 21) and sang The Table and Sing Hosanna together. Next week, our class worship will be led by Joseph, Lena and Phoebe.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 19.4.24 -Here comes the sun…..
The children have spent time this week, writing their own prayers and planning their class worships. Next week’s worship will be led by Emilia, Fletcher and George L. I am really proud of how the children have taken ownership of our class worships, they really are highlight of week in class.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 11.4.24 - April showers bring May flowers!
Class Worship was led this week by Alice, Lena and Louie. They read the parable of Jesus feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:13) and as a class we sang one of our favourites - All Glory Lord and Honor.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 27.3.24 - ‘This is my body, which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of me.’
As a whole school community we have witnessed reenactments of the events of Holy week, it has been an emotional week, starting with the celebrations of Palm Sunday with Year 2 right up to the Resurrection this morning with Year 6. We have spent some time each day reflecting on what we have witnessed, thinking about the thoughts and feelings of Jesus and those around him.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 22.3.24 - “This is the best swimming lesson ever!”
We’ve had a super busy week in year 3! As always the children have worked hard and really impressed the adults in class. On Thursday morning I went on a course and so the children were able to impress Mrs Gregan with their knowledge of Romans.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 15.3.24 - “Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!” — Constanze Mozart
It was lovely to speak to many of you this week about your child’s progress and achievements so far this year, the next set of Parent’s appointment are next Wednesday - set your reminders!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 8.3.24 - A child who reads will be an adult who thinks!
We have an amazing week in Year 3, topped off with the lovely news that Mrs Marshall welcomed her baby girl into the world on Tuesday evening!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 1.3.24 - Spring showers bring May flowers!
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Book Look on Thursday, it was clear to see how excited the children were to share their work with you and I am sure you will agree the children have been working so hard and are making great progress.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 23.2.24 - ‘We’ve been to the Roman Museum and now the sun is out. This is the best day ever!’
We have had a very busy week in Year 3! Our Class Worship was led by Lucia, Mia-Grace and Rodnie, they read The True God (Kings 12:16-19) and chose the hymn Mary did you know for us to sing together. The children listened thoughtfully as they shared the prayers they had written. Thank you for leading our class worship, you will be our prayer monitor until next week.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 9.2.24 - Happiness is seeing the smile on a child’s face as they learn.
The first half of Spring Term has flown by. Despite the weeks being short, the amount of learning that has happened has been huge! The children are now half way through their school year and should be immensely proud of the progress they have made and the wonderful things they have achieved.
Read moreExtra-Curricular Opportunities for Spring 2
Please click on this to see the opportunities for all children this next half term
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 2.2.24 ‘You are the peace in my troubled sea.’
Class Worship was led this week by Heath, Nathan and Liam, their chosen theme was They read beautifully the story of The Enormous Fish Jonah 1:17and shared prayer they had written. As a class we sang Shine Jesus Shine and My Lighthouse.
Read more