Year 3 Weekly Blog 17th May - The Earth is God's gift to us, it's full of beauty and wonder - Pope Francis

Class Worship
Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace led class worship outside this on Wednesday. It’s lovely to be able to get outside with the better weather. We listened to them read Fire from Heavens Acts 2 and sang My Lighthouse and Mary did you know. Our word of the week has been “care” we have spoken about how we care and what and who we care for.
In RE we have read about St Paul and his journey to Damascus that changed his life.

This week’s learning:

Maths: Have you managed to find any right angles at home? We have identified right angles in shapes. We have thought carefully about what makes a triangle a triangle! and what makes a quadrilateral a quadrilateral? Ask your children to tell you but challenge them to use the mathematical language we’ve been using in class. We’ve also been learning directional language including clockwise, anticlockwise and turns ie half turn, quarter turn. We had a great time on the field using our directional language to guide our blindfolded friends to points on the field.

English: Wow! Our creative writing juices are flowing in Year 3 - cruel vicious Romans and angry tribesmen are ready to go to battle, led by our warrior queen Boudicca. In between our stories the children have enjoyed grammar quizzes on Kahoot - who knew refreshing our grammar skills could be so much fun!

Computing: For the next few weeks we will be learning how to use Keynote which is very similar to Powerpoint. We have started with the basics…adding text and shapes to slides. Each week we will be learning new skills and putting them into practise to create a presentation about St Annes. This will link to our Geography work on the local area.

Science - The children have predicting and testing materials to see if they are magnetic.

PE - We have continued to work on our teamwork skills. This week I challenged the children to make holahoop huts as a team. The most successful teams were those who communicated calmly and helped each other. The children worked through a number of challenges, with each being harder than the previous. It ended with the children making hoop huts and carrying them to their teams designated spots.

Conversation starter…

May 19th is the start of Laudato Si Week.

Our common home….how are you taking care of it? What more could you do?

Last week in assembly we watched this CAFOD video - click here!


Ava - You are always such a thoughtful and supportive learner. You work cooperatively with everyone and know that two brains are always better than one. We are very lucky to have you in our class Ava; you are patient, kind and a wonderful friend. Thank you for making our classroom a safe and happy place to learn together.

Alice -Your brain has been buzzing with enthusiasm this week. You have been eager to get down your ideas for your Boudicca story. I’ve also notice how much you’ve been enjoying reading this week, every time I look up your nose is in your book - it’s lovely to see.

This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.

Our Virtue butterfly this week has been awarded to: Jackson

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Louie
Marvelous Manners: Emilia

Reminders and notices

  • Monday 17th June - Jim Jam Jog! - Sponsor forms were sent out on Monday.

  • Helmets- We are hoping to buy some scooters for outside use on the playground, for money we have won for being the BEST class at walking to school! (Well done) We are wondering if anyone has any spare helmets their children no longer wear that they could kindly donate?

  • Pencil cases - Over the last few weeks additional items have been making their way into children’s pencil cases. Novelty rubbers, pencil toppers, flashing keyrings are not suitable for the classroom and causing quite a distraction. Please save these for home use.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely