The classroom was filled with excitement on Monday as we began our new story focus, The Iron Man. We have spent the week immersed in drama, working in groups to share the poem, ‘The Coming of the Iron Man’.
Read moreYear 3 blog 12.5.23 - "Little by little one walks far” – Peruvian Proverb
The end of another week and my have we worked hard! The children have blown our socks off with their independent writing this week, creating such wonderful stories based on our work of the Green Children and the Greenling.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog - "Service is what prayer looks like when it gets up off its knees and walks around in the world." - Michael J. Graham, S.J.
It has been a very special week, learning all about the King’s coronation ahead of this weekends festivities.
Read moreYear 3 blog 28.4.23 - "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney
Well, we certainly have a class of budding actors and actresses in Year 3!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly blog 21.4.23 - "Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is."
What a lovely start to our summer term we have had. We welcomed the children back on Monday, sharing our Easter adventures!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 6.4.23 - "I am He that liveth, and was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore.2 - Revelation 1:18
We have reached our Easter holiday, and what a special week it has been. As a school community we have gathered together each morning, to share with one another a part of Jesus’ Easter journey. We were all SO proud of each and every member of our class on Monday as they shared with us all the Last Supper. A huge well done children, you did so with such reverence and care, you overcame those nerves and worked together beautifully. To our chanters, thank you. To our dancers, thank you. To our disciples, thank you. And to Ciaran who took who showed us Jesus, thank you. You all did so with the greatest of faith and love.
We have continued our learning of the Green Children this week and have focused on the features of a diary. This is something you could practice our the half term… if you have your own diary, remember how to correctly start each diary entry going forward, only speak in the first person and remember to keep your tenses in the past. We have also finished our electricity topic in science, creating informative posters to keep others safe around electricity. We are hoping to put a few of these up around school.
Well done to all of the children who took part in the Egg decorating competition, to raise money for CAFOD. The entries were so creative! The generous fundraising this half term has been wonderful. Thank you so much for all of your support.
This week we have two DETERMINED and FOCUSED learners…
Finley: What can we say Finley?! You are an absolute delight! Each and every day you show such wonderful determination towards your learning! You always want to do your very best and you love to help others along your way. We could not ask more of you Finley. A huge well done!
Ciaran: The greatest well done for your performance during our Easter assembly Ciaran. During our rehearsals you took direction willingly, and your memory was outstanding! You remembered each and every down to a tea… much better than I could ever have done! You spoke so beautifully, so full of respect and love for Jesus. A huge thank you for portraying Jesus in such a gentle and understanding way.
TRIP TO RIBCHESTER ROMAN MUSEUM: Payment is now on Parent Pay. The price is £17.50. We will be getting the coach to Ribchester on the morning Friday 28th April. We will have an interactive tour of the museum, followed by a picnic lunch (hopefully in the sunshine)! We’ll return back to school in time for a normal pick up.
MISSING UNIFORM: Please can you keep your eyes out for any uniform that belongs to another child in the class. Thank you!
We hope you have a wonderful Easter and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on the 17th April.
God bless,
Miss Bassett & Mrs Marshall
Year 3 Weekly blog 31.3.23 - "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. "
It has been all systems go this week and we’ve not taken many photos I’m afraid! Along with our classroom learning we had a lovely trip out of celebrate mass with our parish on Wednesday. We HAVE to share with you how beautifully they behaved!
Read moreYear 3 blog 24.3.23 - "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa
It is scary just how fast these weeks are flying by! We had a fantastic time on our sponsored walk to Ashton Gardens on Wednesday. We found a sunny spot on the grass and everybody began to write such beautiful messages on their pebbles, followed by brightening them up by painting beautiful patterns onto them.
Read moreEaster Lunch - Wednesday 5th April
Easter Lunch available to book!
Read moreYear 3 Blog 17.3.23 - "The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."
What a speedy week! We have been super busy in maths, and can proudly say that we have cracked subtracting through 100. At first we found this a little challenging, however with perseverance we are now subtracting whizzes!
Read moreYear 3 Blog 10.3.23 - "We know what we are, but not what we mar be." - William Shakespeare
It has been wonderful to start our new reading topic in English. One of our main focuses this week has been to make predictions. We have been finding evidence to support our predictions by looking purely at the illustrations.
Read moreYear 3 Blog 3.3.23 - "The more you that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go." - Dr. Seuss
We have had a fabulous week celebrating World Book day. On the day itself, the children’s outfits were so creative and it was clear a huge amount of effort had been put in. The smiles on the children’s faces when they saw each other were priceless.
Read moreYear 3 Trip to the theatre
YEAR 3 trip to the theatre - details and links to permission form and parent pay. Please read on…..
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog 24.2.23 - "LENT: Prayer, Fasting, Penance, Sacrifice, Reconciliation, Almsgiving."
It was lovely to welcome the children back after their half term break, it certainly sounded as though lots of fantastic memories were created! We have jumped back into our electricity learning, and have been exploring more about how to make circuits using a power source and a range of components. It has been great to see the teamwork and perseverance as they have worked with determination to get each circuit to work.
We have also been putting our drama skills to the test as we have deepened our understanding of the difference between an accident and doing things deliberately. We learnt that doing things deliberately to hurt another person, doing things which God do not want us to do, is called a sin. The children worked in small groups to create a piece of drama which included either an accident or a sin, and the audience had to decide on which the group had demonstrated.
In maths this week we have been busy using our knowledge of multiples of 10 to reason and solve word problems. Again, we have been so impressed with the children confidence in explaining their reasoning! Mrs Hotchkiss has been in and out, quizzing us on our timetables, she is very impressed children, keep practising and spending time on TT Rockstars to keep this confidence growing.
On Wednesday we celebrated mass in school with Father Peter. We sang together and listened to a lovely piece of scripture read by our Head Girl. Following this we all received the ashes, each child doing so with great love and respect. As we now journey through lent together we aim to grow closer to Jesus through acts of kindness. I wonder what you have decided to do as a family this lent?
On Thursday I (Mrs Marshall) returned to school. What a wonderful first two days we have had already! I feel very fortunate that I get to teach your wonderful children again. We wasted no time in growing our brains and travelled back in time to 43AD as advisors to Emperor Claudius. The children weighed up whether it was a good or a bad idea to invade Britain and extend the Roman Empire. We will be finding out what Claudius decided to do next week…
As we journey through Lent we are raising money for CAFOD in school. This has started with the Lentern boxes which you so wonderfully created and swapped on Friday with nursery.
We have also decided as a class to walk to Ashton Gardens to raise money for CAFOD. The children are very excited at the prospect of doing some litter picking whilst we are there. This will be a lovely way to give generously to our community. More details to follow on when this will take place.
ART CLUB starts on Tuesday morning for the following children. Please be in school for 8am.
John Paul, Lily, Gus, Matilda, Bethany, Jacob, Daisy, Rory, Jiana, Hugo, Tilly, Teddy, Ciaran, Sean, William, Rose and Grace.
For being a determined learner. William, you have been so brave with your learning this week. You have challenged your brain in maths and have not been afraid to have a go. We know you can be just as resilient with your reading too! Well done William!
For being a focused and thoughtful learning partner. Finley, this week you have been a considerate learner and have gone above and beyond to help others learn. You were especially kind in Science, when you helped your learning partner with the experiment. Well done Finley!
Please check Mrs Gregan’s blog this week as there are changes to the end of day routine - a little tweek!
This Monday we have our BOOK LOOK. The children have already selected the pieces of work that they cannot wait to share with you. Remember that this is a half an hour session starting at 9:00-9:30
Book Fair: The book fair will open for its final time on Monday morning before school, for anyone who hasn’t had chance yet.
World Book day: Please don’t forget that on Thursday, next week, we are celebrating World Book Day. Please come to school dressed as one of your favourite characters from a book.
As always if you need to speak to a teacher, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Miss Bassett is the class teacher Monday-Wednesday and myself (Mrs Marshall), Thursday-Friday.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Please visit this blog to sign up to the KS2 clubs for this half term.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog 10.2.23 - "Think before you click and always share your worries with a trusted adult!"
Look who was one of the Online Safety film winner!!!! Read on to find out more about our week….
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog - "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms."
We’ve had a great week this week! It’s amazing how much we actually do in one week in school! To mark mental health day on Tuesday, the children took part in a wonderful yoga session ……..
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog - "Kindness is doing what you can, where you can, with what you have."
Our learning this week has been full of excitement and interest. We have been introduced to our science topic… electricity. The children could not wait to share their current knowledge about this topic. They also asked lots of great, curious questions which we hope to be able to answer over the coming lessons! We have already started to gain a greater awareness on energy sources, how some electrical items must be plugged into their power source, and others use a battery that stores the energy.
We have also had so much success in our computing lessons… we have certainly become much more confident when coding. This week we looked at how we could use timers when commanding an object to move. It was great fun!
We have taken to bridging over 100 in multiples of 10 this week, and learnt a fantastic method to make this super easy! The children were amazing each one was so focused to really make sure they grasped the method before setting off to use it with such confidence and enjoyment! I wonder: ask your child how they could answer 80 + 50, using the new bridging method. On Thursday and Friday we explored the relationship between multiplication and division - plus some really tricky word problems - good paired talk here!
In English we have really been developing our reading skills, using the punctuation to help us to read with understanding and expression. We have now read up to chapter 3 of Ice Cat, and we are once again, left desperate to read on! Along with our reading skills, we have also taken time to understand how we can use prepositions when writing, and each child has completed a lovely piece of writing, including lots of prepositions to explain how Tom built his ice cat. In geography we wrote our very own non-chronological report all about our a favourite artic animal. We challenged ourselves to use conjunctions to join up clauses!Well done everybody!
Finally, we started our class council with a beautiful worship based on the Beatitudes. We reflected on what makes us happy - then we listened to the words of Jesus and we could see that our happiness is connected to our relationships with one another and our God.
Have a blessed weekend.
Well done to Joseph who keeps on trying and trying again- just like Sadie Spider. It is not what we do sometimes that matters it is how we tackle it the next time. Every small improvement leads to greater success
Well done Rory - we could give you every character Rory, you are focused, creative, determined and resilient. I just loved the way you explained how you had used a rhetorical question in your non-chronological report. Just great!
Oline Safety day is coming up on Tuesday 7th February. Get ready by joining in the competition Mrs Gregan has set for the school.
Year 3 weekly blog 18.1.23 - "Be the reason someone smiles today."
It’s been another great week in class with lots of fantastic learning! On Monday many of the children couldn’t wait to share how they have been practicing their 8 times tables, we must say, you have been very creative in finding fun and effective ways to help remember these number facts!
This week in RE we have been focusing on understanding the Hail Mary. We have had a great discussion about the meaning of this prayer, and how we are able to say this prayer whenever we find ourselves wanting help from our Mother Mary. We have been very enthusiastic to create our own acts of prayer and liturgy in small groups. Each group needed to decide on what theme their worship would be about, what piece of scripture they could read to highlight their theme and a reflection for their friends to take part in. They will invite the rest of their class friends into their worships over the coming weeks. We are sure these will be such special moments to look forward to each week.
In our English learning we have discovered our ‘reading brains’. This is a reading strategy that allows us to make connections in what we have read, and remember the key points and the order of the story. We created a big spider diagram to share what has happened in chapter 1 of our book, ‘Ice Cat’. We discussed how it is always important when reading to create our own reading brain, to help us remember and fully understand what we are reading. We have also moved on to chapter 2, which we read on Tuesday. This Chapter taught us a lot about the main character Tom and his Dad, who we read is very poorly. Together, we thought carefully about how Tom was feeling from what the author tells us, we used the text for our evidence. We cannot wait to read the next chapter next week!
Mrs Hotchkiss swooped in on Thursday and Friday and the children are really rocking those 8 timestable facts. They have also explored 10 different artic animals researching them ready to write a non chronological report on them next week!! In dance, we completed phrase one of our Stone Age performance - hunting down two woolly mammoths! In Music we learnt a new upbeat song - we now need to perfect our recorder playing to go with it!
Jiana you have been a super focused Kuba Crab - both Miss Bassett and Mrs Hotchkiss could see how hard you have worked. It is great to see you thinking deeply and expressing your ideas on your wipeboard for the teachers to see. Keep up the good work!
Daisy- what enthusiasm! You brim with a love of learning, you’re quick to make links and find the solution to a problem. You have really controlled your desire to shout out - you have been just brilliant ! Well done for using your super neat handwriting too - all the time!
Lip Balms and creams for chapped skin are considered medical in school and need to be in the care of the class teacher. Please ask your child to hand the item to the teacher and the teacher will allow them to administer. It is very important that children do not share these items - thank you for your help in this matter.
Homework Must be handed in by/on Thursday ready to go back out on Friday.
PE remains Monday and Friday. It is cold at the moment so a beanie/bobble hat for PE Monday would be great.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Barker, Mrs Carter and Mrs Connelly.
Year 3 BLOG - " Carve your own path slowly - like all great glaciers!"
Have a lovely family centered weekend- please read on for a reflection on the week and messages ……
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