What a busy week we have had in Year 6. We’ve managed to keep all of our learning going whilst finally finishing our play. Next week we will be running all the way through, making small changes and improving what we have done. There are still some children not fully familiar with their lines, please spend time this weekend going over their parts, making sure they know all their lines off by heart with the right expression. They have had their scripts for 5 weeks now and there is only one week to go! Most have booked tickets now, so these will also be sent out some time next week. Most costumes are not put together, could I please ask that anything they need to bring from home is brought in to school for Monday? Thank you.
This week we have continued our learning in Geography, where we have looked at countries, cities and towns that make up the UK. In Science, we finished our learning around fossils and classified living things. Our transition learning continues, this week our focus has been on whether we have a fixed or growth mindset and what we can do to change our attitude. On top of this transition preparation, all children have now been for a visit to their new high school and all have come back positive, looking forward to their new chapter, with of course some nerves. We have spoken in class about these feelings and how we need to share them with the people around us. We will of course, be discussing this in more detail over the next two weeks.
Our final DT groups completed their ‘Come Dine With Me’ experience and I have to say the desserts looked delicious. Here is a few pictures over the last few weeks, you can see just how much they have enjoyed this …
Leavers Day
As we approach the final two weeks of the school year, the celebration of our Year 6 children is at the forefront of our minds. Over the past 7 years, the children have grown into young people who are ready to fly. Young people who know how to be the change that they want to see in the world. They could not have achieved this without the love and support that they received from their school community, and more importantly, their family. For this we thank you.
On Wednesday 19th July, the whole school community will come together at the Leavers Mass to celebrate the class and Miss Hodges, who is sadly retiring in summer. This will take place at 9.30am in church.
Following the mass, the children will set off on their day of celebration. They will be walking down, along the beach, to Fairhaven Adventure Golf and Adventure Playground, where we will stay and have lunch and games for the afternoon. We will then head back to school for the end of the day.
There is just a small charge of £5 for the day, we will subsidize the rest and this will be on parent pay on Monday.
Next week we will finalise arrangements and what your children need to wear and bring with them on the day.
Well done to Grace and Saul
Grace, you are such a calming influence on our class. Your little acts of kindness and consideration goes a long way, as you discreetly help those around you. You are always a cooperative learning partner, that supports and encourages others- thank you.
Saul what a pleasure you are to teach! You are working hard independently in class but most of all we love your positive attitude and fantastic sense of humour, so thank you for making us laugh daily!
Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Max for being intentional and prophetic.
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Jessica Stephanie Mason India
Final Notices:
‘Green Day’ on Friday 14th July- please bring a pound and wear green to help the Eco council raise money for new general and recycling bins- thank you!
Please can costumes start to come in next week.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance: Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July at 6:30pm.