Well done all for getting straight back into your learning - what a busy week we have had! There are some very important messages on the blog today - please read on
Read moreThank you for being you!!!
It seems to me that we keep supporting one another each day as we continue on this isolated journey! We look forward to the day we we can embrace each other in laughter!
Read more"Every time you look at a flower for that moment the world is that one flower"
I continually feel grateful to be part of such a lovely school family. Thank you for all the hard work this week- please read on to celebrate further
Read more"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." Oscar Wilde
How wonderful it was to see you all today! Please read on for a lovely celebration of this weeks learning! Next week we will make sure we give the certificates during our zoom council!!!
Read more"You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved" anon
Can you spot who’s hanging on to this famous statue of Robin Hood? Imagine my delight when I received this photo in my emails!! Please read on as we celebrate all our learning both at school and home.
Read moreAll I can say is well done!
“To trust God in the light, that is nothing. To trust God in the dark. That is faith” Please read this weeks blog as we come together as a class family.
Read moreYear 5 - Tuesday 5th January Remote Learning Begins xx
Dear parents and children. Please ensure you have checked your emails for an important message from Miss Hornby. Now press on the Remote Learning button on this page to find the lessons for today January 6th.
Keep Safe - God Bless Mrs H xx
Read more“Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.” -Pope Francis
Keep one another warm this Christmas - the children will understand the message! God Bless
Read moreYear 5 Weekly Blog "Give me a place to stand a lever long enough and I will move the Earth" Archimedes.
Weekly catch up with all the important message for the final week!
Read moreYear 5 weekly blog "The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man without trials." Confucius
On our weekly blog today there are some very important key messages about the final week in school.
Read moreYear 5 Weekly Blog 27th November " Some beautiful paths can't be found without being lost" Erol Ozan
Firstly, a massive thank you to Miss Edmondson and Mr Bennett for all their wonderful teaching and support this week. Through virtual teaching and many filmed lessons we have all managed to keep well and truly on track!
Read more"I sustain myself with the love of family" Maya Angelou
Even though I have not been physically in class this week I have felt very much part of this special family - Year 5.
Read more"Your wings already exist all you need to do is fly!"
The children may have already told you about our science lessons this week! We have been investigating forces and to do this we made elastic firing rockets, paper aeroplanes and parachutes. It was been fun but very scientific. We have carefully collected data, evaluated our work and thought about other things we could test. I have placed a gallery of use busy at work in class! We have had a tricky time in maths, we are not all confident problem solvers of word problems yet and we need to keep revisiting the whole and part model to help us. In English we have continued to explore Hamlet through drama. Our ghost was pretty spectacular in the end. Alongside this work on the play we are learning to write a really good character description and the paired writing the children completed on Thursday was wonderful. Next week, we will be watching the RSC production in class! Mrs Harrison joined us again on Thursday and shared the story of Noah and the covenant he had with God. She is really enjoying teaching again after her short break. In RHE (relationship and health education) we explored gifts and talents - it was an interesting lesson as we often celebrate achievement but we also thought about who we are and how we are loved: how we are unique :
we are loved- not for what we do but for who we are.
I hope you all have fun with the homework this week ! More aeroplanes to investigate!
Grow your brain certificates this week went to: Emma and Georgia
The classroom is highly ventilated and as the days get colder the class does too. Please encourage your child to wear layers under their white t-shirt. I know some of them just don’t feel the cold but others do. The art room is particularly cool and Mrs Curtis is happy for the children to wear an old spare jumper under their painting shirt.
Thank you- have a lovely weekend
Mrs H xx
"To be or not to be" Hamlet
You may have guessed from the quote above that we have started our short study of Hamlet. We are a Royal Shakespeare Associate school and this involves us in all kinds of exciting theatrical adventures.
Read moreAttention Artists.
Attention Y2, 4 & 5 Artists
Attention Year 2, 4 & 5
You will need an old, named t-shirt to go over your school uniform, to keep you clean during our ART lessons this half term. These will be kept in your tray’s in class and brought with you to each ART lesson.
Remember the Create room is a little chilly with the doors open so an extra layer on Art days is advisable. Thank you for your co-operation.
Mrs Curtis
What more can I say- "Thank you"
Dear Wonderful Parents,
Thank you for all your support this half term. Year 5 have really settled into school and we have established a happy, safe and hardworking atmosphere in class. Myself and Mrs Nel have really enjoyed teaching them all and even though it has been tough at times we have always found room for fun and laughter.
Read moreWe have all been authors this week! Everyday we have written a different part of our own legend! Every night I have marked their next instalment and the children have responded to my feedback.
Read moreThere are no passengers on spaceship planet Earth - we are all crew!!
The highlight of the week may be our RE lesson during which we explored the issue of global warming. The children had a thousands of questions and so many opinions! These children are passionate about solving problems we face as a world community! It give you hope!
Read more"Breathe in experience, breathe out poetry" M Rukeyser
Poetry and drama dominated the second half of our week. We took the events of the Battle of Marathon (last weeks history) and we explored them those words and actions. Using the teaching strategies we share with the Royal Shakespeare Company the children revisited the key events of the battle.
Read more"Believing you can run a marathon is more than half the battle"
We have been to some exciting places this week. We investigated the rise of Athens and then experienced the Battle of Marathon!! We now know why a marathon is called a marathon and why it is 26 miles long (not the extra bit for the king!).
Read more