We have all been authors this week! Everyday we have written a different part of our own legend! Every night I have marked their next instalment and the children have responded to my feedback. Alongside this we have explored some new grammar skills and with a great deal of determination we have included them in our writing. I have really enjoyed working alongside the children they have great imaginations!!! In maths we have been revising column addition and subtraction and applied these written strategies to numbers up to 1 million and measures. In History we continued to investigate famous Greeks and in art we completed some very close observational drawing. One of the highlights of the week was without doubt our rugby lessons. We have played non-contact rugby on Wednesday and Friday- it was fun!! Needless to say I have had to re-plan the lessons and change the drills so that we can keep the lessons safe but is felt fantastic to run around the field!! In RE we continued to explore God’s planet and to listen to what the Pope has to say on the matter- he has very strong opinions. We are now ready to write a persuasive letter to some one who doesn’t think we need to look after God’s creation. Talking of persuasive letters we wrote a very passionate one to King Creon - the tyrant in our class novel! The children had to hold their breath as we came to end of Antigone - things did not go well, it is after all a very famous Greek tragedy!

This week the Growth Mindset Certificates went to: Faye and Zac! - Well done!

Reminders for next week:

Homework is in books this week- see the homework blog for details and important learning messages.

We finish on Wednesday next week at the normal times (3:15 and 3:30)