Year 5 weekly blog "The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man without trials." Confucius

It is lovely to be back in school and teaching face to face once again. The children have worked hard in maths English and geography over the past two weeks so Mrs Nel and I have spent this week really getting to grips with our scientific learning! Instead of telling you what we got up to I’ve posted pictures from our friction morning! We also know all about gravity and what this means for us on Earth and when we travel in space. Mrs Harrison joined us on Thursday and explored the Old Testament to understand how our relationship with God developed. We are leading to the moment when God sends his Son our Saviour to Earth at Christmas time.

On Friday morning, we came together as a class to perform the opening of a special Christmas treat for the whole community (we’ll keep you posted)! We turned bin bags into wings and we flew as a team performing the annunciation Our Lady.

We finished the week in class council. We needed time to come back together as a class family and explore how best to love one another.

Mrs Nel and I decided to award 4 certificates next week so that we have time to really see how well everyone is doing.


In the final week of school we have some lovely events coming up!

Tuesday 15th Danceathon Day - everyone in PE Kit and Jolly hat! Please bring £1! This year the pound will go towards our class charity (St. Peters in Uganda).

Wednesday 16th Sponsored Read Day. Year 5 are raising money for their pen pals at St. Peters in Uganda. The Head Teacher Charles Weleba would like help to buy text books for the school library. The children can come to school dressed as a book character however, because of the current situation the costume MUST be warm easy to move and play in and we cannot have any props.

THURSDAY 17th Christmas Party Day. Sadly, we are not able to party alongside the other children but we will be celebrating Christmas in our class bubbles! Please come dressed for a party - WARM CLOTHES and dancing trainers. The children are asked to bring a drink (not fizzy) and two snacks - these can be chocolate bars and or crisp. Christmas dinner later in the day and a lovely short Christmas film with the perfect message!

God Bless

Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Nel