"Your wings already exist all you need to do is fly!"

The children may have already told you about our science lessons this week! We have been investigating forces and to do this we made elastic firing rockets, paper aeroplanes and parachutes. It was been fun but very scientific. We have carefully collected data, evaluated our work and thought about other things we could test. I have placed a gallery of use busy at work in class! We have had a tricky time in maths, we are not all confident problem solvers of word problems yet and we need to keep revisiting the whole and part model to help us. In English we have continued to explore Hamlet through drama. Our ghost was pretty spectacular in the end. Alongside this work on the play we are learning to write a really good character description and the paired writing the children completed on Thursday was wonderful. Next week, we will be watching the RSC production in class! Mrs Harrison joined us again on Thursday and shared the story of Noah and the covenant he had with God. She is really enjoying teaching again after her short break. In RHE (relationship and health education) we explored gifts and talents - it was an interesting lesson as we often celebrate achievement but we also thought about who we are and how we are loved: how we are unique :

we are loved- not for what we do but for who we are.

I hope you all have fun with the homework this week ! More aeroplanes to investigate!

Grow your brain certificates this week went to: Emma and Georgia


The classroom is highly ventilated and as the days get colder the class does too. Please encourage your child to wear layers under their white t-shirt. I know some of them just don’t feel the cold but others do. The art room is particularly cool and Mrs Curtis is happy for the children to wear an old spare jumper under their painting shirt.

Thank you- have a lovely weekend

Mrs H xx