With the sun still shining and a picture gallery so full of landmarks it’s hard not to smile!
Cruising down the river...
Changing Guards at Buckingham Palace!
Having a brilliant time - just seen the changing of the guards and now basking in the warm sunshine and looking forward to our River Cruise!
And so the adventure begins...
"Fair Padua nursery of arts" Taming of the Shrew Act 1 scene 1
FRIDAY- LONDON Please remember the following:
Read more" Best beware my sting!" Kate (Taming of the Shrew)
I love this class! When I say Shakespeare they cheer! We have launched ourselves into the Taming of the Shrew this week and we have had so much fun! You will notice from the pictures that we are wrestling, arguing and it even looks like kicking! However do not worry, these are our excellent acting skills on show!
Read more"Stand and Deliver!"
We have spent the last too week exploring our history topic “Crime and Punishment”. We have met smugglers, highwaymen, outlaws, Robin Hood and crusaders. The children have come to realize that all was not just and fair especially when it came to witches!!!
Read more"Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures"
Dear Parents,
I have made the blog more formal this week because I need to communicate some very important dates. This term is super busy and Year 5 are out and about a lot. I have listed here the key dates and details.
Read more"Rise above oneself and grasp the world!" Archimedes
Ask you can see from the pictures on our blog that we have been busy in science! We have explored simple machines and how they give us “mechanical advantage”. We discovered that mathematician Archimedes, an ancient Greek, discovered how levers and pulleys could be used to help us lift heavy loads with less effort- “Eureka!!!”.
Read more"Nothing humbles a man like gravity"
This week was filled with tricky science! The children spent Monday exploring gravity and the theories of gravity.
Read more" The gem cannot be polished nor man without trials" Confucius
We’ve been busy in science this week. We spent Monday morning exploring friction. We were challenged to think about the experiment and decide what we were testing and from that what variable we would change and which variables we would keep the same.
Read more"What goes up must come down!"
What a busy week! We have launched (literally ) into our Forces lessons in science. In the first session the children were given instructions on how to build an elastic band rocket.
Read more"Many things have fallen only to rise again"
On Monday before we started our lessons we gathered in the chapel and remembered those who have fallen in conflict. The children were very respectful and prayful- it was a reflective start to our week. Following this- children brought in artifacts from Grandfathers and Great Grand fathers which commemorated their contribution to past conflicts- thank you children!
Read more"Every next level in life will demand a new you!"
We’ve been authors this week! Each day we took a different part of our “Legend” story. It has not been easy- Mrs Hotchkiss set the challenge of blend action with dialogue.
Read moreWelcome back!
We have launched straight back into our lessons this week. We have completed our work on negative numbers- as you can see from the photograph we enjoyed having ice in our maths lesson on Monday. Alongside this learning, we collected content for our story writing. We have learnt how to write an effective character description, to do this we explored the work of real authors. We realized when reading these examples of exciting characters that the writer makes the reader work hard to get to know the person and they cleverly reveal important details as they go. In RE Mrs Gawthrope introduced us to three inspiring saints who showed through their example how to love our world and the people and creatures who inhabit it. This lesson led beautifully into Mass on Friday- All Saints Day. It is always lovely to be together in the church praising God alongside our parish community. On Monday we had all the apparatus out in the hall and I must apologize for our very late exit out to you. We got carried away in the hall - the bell went and we had only just started to put the apparatus away! I will make sure I watch the clock next week- sorry. Finally we completed work on the Greeks. We made vases in art (collage), finished our work on the Battle of Marathon and we researched the differences and similarities between Athens and Sparta. This topic is coming to an end - but it continues to pop up throughout the year as the Greeks and their influence spread beyond history and into art, science and politics.
Thank you for all your support at the Dancethon- I sadly missed it but Miss Brisco had a ball!
The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Ethan and Lila
Reminders for next week
Choir Monday
Please see the sports page on the Engage page to keep up to date with the Autumn 2 sports timetable
Year 5- have a lovely holiday!
" All that glistens is not gold" Morocco (The Merchant of Venice)
The highlight of our week was watching the RSC company perform The Merchant of Venice. The children had to describe the play using 5 words, these included: tense, dramatic, hilarious, disturbing, frightening.
Read more"The quality of mercy is not strained" Portia - The Merchant of Venice
What can I say about this week? It is hard to put into words what it’s like teaching Shakespeare to young children. The “active approaches” we have gained from working with the RSC transform the classroom into a place of self expression and exploration.
Read moreThe Merchant of Venice
As part of our back stage experience Leo and Casey Hornby , who are in charge of marketing, would like to invite you to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The show will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm. Tickets on sale at Our Lady of the Assumption reception. Or you could come along to the Grand in Blackpool. On Saturday at 1:30pm 20 children from our school will be part of the production both backstage and front of house. Casey and Leo will be there to greet you!
“The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.”
"Go forth and set the world on fire" St Ignatius of Loyola
We have thrown ourselves into the story of St Ignatius this week, preparing for our assembly next Tuesday. I wont share anymore details as we are looking forward to the performance- see you there.
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