Our class worship was led by Joseph, Rodnie and George. They read beautifully the story of Jesus healing the paralised man (Luke 5:17-26). They chose to sing one of favourite hymns, Glory Lord and honour, you may remember it from our Easter worship last year.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 24.11.23 - Don’t be afraid to step out, have dreams, have visions, have hopes and always, always, always believe in miracles.
Our class worship was led by Lucia, Rosa and Jackson, they told the story of Jesus healing many (Matthew 8:14-16) and read prayers they had written.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 17.11.23 - ‘Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner forever.’
Our class worship was led by Mia-Grace, Fletcher and George. They read Luke 7: 1-10 The faith of the Centurian and chose the hymn Shine Jesus Shine for us to sing as a class together.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 10.11.23 - ‘We will remember them’.
The week has been very reflective, as a class we have visited the chapel and taken time to think about why we wear a poppy. We have also created a beautiful display just outside our classroom door. In assembly, the whole school spent 2 minutes in silence remembering those who have fallen and praying for peace.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 3.11.23 - ‘Imagine no global warming, I wonder if you can…’
The children have returned from half-term bursting with enthusiasm for their learning and eager to challenge themselves. The highlight of our week was no doubt our assembly.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 13.10.23 - ‘When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and hope.’ Wangari Maathai
This week our class worship was led by Martha, Nathan and Anna. They shared the story of Jesus raising the widow’s son and led us all in song.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 6.10.23 -Practise creates confidence. Confidence empowers you.” – Simone Biles
We have had a lovely autumnal week in school, on Monday we managed to get outside between the showers and had a fantastic PE lesson. We had a mini games tournament, using the skills they have been working on this half term. They showed great teamwork and sportsmanship and most of all had lots of fun.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 29.9.23 ‘The future belongs to the curious.’
Our class worship this week was led by Lettie, Hugo and Phoebe, they chose some of our favourite hymns to share as a class and read the story of Jesus walking on water. They ended their worship with a prayer they had written, thanking God for their families and friends.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 22.9.23 ‘You can make anything by writing.’
Our class worship this week was led by Myles and Ava, they shared the prayers they had written and the children enjoyed singing their chosen hymns. It’s always so lovely to start the day with singing.
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 15.9.23 - ‘Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.’
The time is flying by, what a fantastic week we’ve had in year 3. Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Alice and Mia-Grace for being “Curious and Active.”
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 08.9.23 - ‘Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen.’
What a wonderful first week we have had, it was lovely to see the children come into the classroom excited and eager to learn on Monday morning, we know its not easy getting up early and getting back into school after the summer break.
Read moreSwimming lessons Year 3 and 4 Thursday am
Children in Year 3 and 4 will be starting their swimming sessions next Thursday 14th September. Graham Lavine came into school today to talk to the children about what to bring and how things will run.
Children need to bring a plastic bag with a towel and their swimming costume or swimming trunks/shorts. No long ‘bermuda style’ shorts please We ask that children do not come into school wearing their underneath their uniform. PE kits can be worn on swimming day.
All girls and boys with long hair, or a fringe which goes into their eyes need to wear a swimming cap. Please could Year 4 children come into school wearing their cap so they are ready to simply get on the coach. Year 3 will need to keep this in their plastic bag.
Children will not have time to wash their hair so they do not need shampoo, conditioner or body wash. If your child suffers from eczema, they normally have a quick rinse in the shower afterwards.
A letter will come home tomorrow regarding the use of goggles. Please read it carefully. If you still wish your child to wear goggles for their swimming session, then please fill in the form and return it to school by next Wednesday.
Year 4 need to be at school at the St patricks road entrance early each Thursday at 8:30 am so they can be registered and get on the coach.
Year 3 can arrive at the normal time as their swimming session is from 10-11am
Children will not need any money as the lockers are able to be used free of charge. They will get changed in cubicles. Graham and the team are super at helping all students to feel comfortable in water and develop their skills. The first lesson will be an assessment to enable group placement.
Children are always hungry after swimming! Please ensure they have a healthy snack to eat afterwards.
Welcome to Year 3!
We can’t wait to welcome you back to School on Monday for a new learning adventure in Year 3 and in Key Stage 2!
Read moreYear 3 "Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful." - Beau Taplin
Where to begin?! Seeing your children grow this year, this is the greatest gift as a teacher. Thank you for putting your trust in us to not only teach, but to support, love and nurture your precious children.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog 14.7.23 - "Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey." - Michael Josephson
Our penultimate week! I really cannot quite grasp how quickly the year has gone. Getting to be a part of your children’s journey really is such a privilege. Seeing each child grow is a true gift for a teacher!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 7.7.23 - "Love God, Love your neighbour, and while you're at it Love Yourself!" - Bishop Michael Curry
Oh how the weeks are flying by! Today the children found out who will be their Year 4 team next year! What an exciting day! They had a fantastic time with Mrs Lyons and we know they will absolutely love their time in Year 4 next year.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog 30.6.23 - "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."
We kick-started our second week of health and happiness fortnight, with a brilliant sports day.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog 23.6.23 - "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."
It’s been a wonderful week in school, the final term in school is jam packed, but so much fun!
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog - "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new." Albert Einstein
The children have returned to the classroom with sunny smiles this week; it’s been lovely hearing all about their half-term adventures. We’ve jumped straight into our new learning this week and despite the toasty classroom, the children have worked their socks off.
Read moreYear 3 weekly blog - Happy half term everybody!
What glorious weather we have been blessed with this week! With the sun shining we have had a week full of wonderful learning.
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