Year 3 weekly blog - Happy half term everybody!

What glorious weather we have been blessed with this week! With the sun shining we have had a week full of wonderful learning. We finished reading chapter one of The Iron Man this week and we have been left with lots of questions that we are desperate to learn the answers to. We focused our learning on the fantastic descriptive language which the author uses to describe the Iron Man for the reader…

“His great iron head, shaped like a dustbin but as big as a bedroom.”

We loved how this allowed the us, the readers, to paint a picture in our minds as to what the Iron Man looks like. After identifying all of the key information to describe the main character, we used this evidence to create our own drawings and descriptions of the Iron Man…

On Tuesday we finished our friction investigation, and we had some unexpected results! After realising that we hadn’t carried out a fair test the previous week, we decided that we would re-collect our data. We tested four different materials to see which made the car travel the furthest. We chose from carpet, plastic, rubber and sandpaper. We found that the car travelled the least furthest when travelling along the sandpaper. We concluded that this meant there was more friction present, slowing the car down. Rubber and plastic allowed the car to travel the furthest. However, when testing plastic, we found that it made the car move SO quickly, that the car kept falling onto its wheels. Not only did we conclude that smooth rubber and plastic created the least amount of friction, but also that they would be terrible road surfaces!

“Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believed.”

In RE this week we have been learning all about the apostle Thomas. We read how Thomas doubted that Jesus had risen, and that he needed proof to believe in his friends and this news. We have had some interesting discussions about whether we understood and agreed with Thomas’ difficulty in believing that Jesus had risen, as well as reflecting and sharing times when we have needed proof to believe something. Our discussion led us to think deeper about Thomas’ relationship with Jesus. We spoke about the many miracles that Thomas had seen Jesus perform, and we wondered whether this could have helped him to have more faith when hearing the news from the two disciples.

In Maths we’ve been fraction enthusiasts. The children have worked their socks off to tie up our fraction learning ahead of the holidays. I could not be prouder of the resilience the children have shown this half-term. They have all embraced the challenge of fractions and can now compare, order, add and subtract fractions up to 1. WOW!

In Geography the children have communicated their learning of Italy in a ‘Lap Book’. They planned and created interactive information books all about Italy. They’ve covered it all, from Pompeii to the Alps! They’ve really shown off their learning!

In RHE this week we discussed physical and emotional bullying. We discussed how others can put pressure on us and how we can be resilient to overcome these difficulties.  As a class we reflected on how we all have the right not to be bullied and how we can all be active in standing up for injustice, as well as using our voices to say “NO!”.


Grace, you have been a true Tommy Turtle this half term. We’ve been so impressed with how you have shared your ideas during class discussions and how you have embraced new challenges with a smile. You’re not afraid to make mistakes and will always have a go! We’re so proud of you Grace!

Charlotte, you have been buzz, buzz, buzzing with enthusiasm this half term. You love to learn and know that your brain will never stop growing. You have thrown yourself into all learning challenges and have encouraged your class mates to do the same. You make the most of every opportunity to learn and if given the chance will pick up your book to learn more! Well done Charlotte!


  • We have had quite a few trading cards popping into class this week, we kindly ask that these do not come into school.

  • Uniform - During the half term please could you check that all uniform has your child’s name on. We have some children who are missing items of uniform so if you happened to come across an item that has got mixed up please could these be sent back into class so that we can pass them onto the owner. Thank you!

We hope you have the most wonderful half-term and look forward to seeing you on the 12th June.

Miss Bassett and Mrs Marshall