Year 3 Weekly Blog 3.11.23 - ‘Imagine no global warming, I wonder if you can…’

The children have returned from half-term bursting with enthusiasm for their learning and eager to challenge themselves. The highlight of our week was no doubt our assembly. The children delivered their lines with such joy and spread a powerful message of hope for God’s world. We hope you all came away feeling inspired and eager to do your bit to look after the planet. Thank you so much for your help with costumes and for joining us.

This week our class worship was led by Emilia, Lena and Albert. We listened to the story of Jesus healing the servants ear (Luke 20:49-51) and talked about how he had shown empathy and kindness, qualities that we were able to recognise in our friends. The children sang Shine Jesus Shine and we listened to prayers asking God to help us to make wise decisions and work together to care of the world.

In English, we started our new unit of work ‘The Green Children’. We have spent the week looking at pictures from stories that are set in forests or have greenery and plants in. Without reading any words we looked at the information we could find just from the pictures. We used the phrases ‘I can see…’ and ‘Tell me more.’
We then went on to think about questions that we had after looking at the pictures, we used our question hands to help us remember the question words - who, what, when, where, how and write questions making sure we were using question marks correctly.

In Maths we have begun our new unit of 2, 4 and 8 times tables. So far, the children have been practising skip counting in 4s. As you already know, times table fluency is incredibly important. The more practise, the better! Children should be practising on Timestable Rockstars as much as they can to build their confidence and speed.

In Geography this week, we wrapped up our learning of the Arctic, by comparing a UK city with a city in Greenland. The children have loved this unit and have learned so much! Next week we will begin learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age, in History. The children are going to love it!

This week in RHE, we revisited our learning of Kidsafe and went over the key messages again. We will continue talking about yukky feelings, trusted grown ups etc as they year goes on and beyond.


Rodnie - Rodnie, you take a full and active part in all of our lessons. You contribute to class discussions sharing your thoughts and ideas and ask questions that deepen your understanding. It is lovely to see your enthusiasm and the enjoyment you get from learning something new. Well Done Rodnie!

Bea- Bea, you have been such a Bobby Bee this week! You have embraced every learning challenge with a smile and have made the most of every chance to grow your brain. You also delivered your assembly lines with confidence and joy. Well done Bea!

This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Emilia and Nathan.


  • Snacks - We have noticed that children are bringing in more and more unhealthy options to eat at their playtimes. This is just a gentle reminder that all snacks at playtime MUST be healthy and in line with our school policy. From next week, if your child is found with an item of food that has a high sugar or salt content, then they will be asked to go and put it back in their bag and they will not be allowed to eat it. Thank you for your support in educating our children to make the right choices in order to be healthy! Here are our ideas for some of example of healthy options, please click on the button below:

  • We’ve been kindly informed that there are threadworms in class. If your child has threadworms please ensure they are treated and re-treated if necessary, as well as sanitizing hands before school.

  • Thursday 16th November - Curriculum Evening at 5.30pm.

  • Friday 17th November - PJ day to raise money for Brian House Children’s Hospice.

  • Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Vaccinations

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly