Year 3 Weekly Blog 10.11.23 - ‘We will remember them’.

The week has been very reflective, as a class we have visited the chapel and taken time to think about why we wear a poppy. We have also created a beautiful display just outside our classroom door. In assembly, the whole school spent 2 minutes in silence remembering those who have fallen and praying for peace.

This week our class worship was led by Isaac, Alana and Liam. They told us the story of Jesus healing a deaf man (Mark 7:31-37) and chose the hymn Shine Jesus Shine for us to sing as a class together. It was lovely to hear the prayers they had written about people who take care of others. Isaac, Alana and Liam will be our Prayer monitors next week.

In English, We have read The Weed by Quentin Blake. Some of the children knew that Quentin Blake is known more commonly for his illustrations in Roald Dahl’s books, his style of illustration was instantly recognisable. We have also been looking at speech in text and the use of speech marks. We had great fun reading the story and using silly voices for the characters speech. We noticed that Quentin Blake uses the word ‘said’ a lot in his story so have compiled a bank of words to use instead, I was amazed at how many words the children were able to think of. I cannot wait to see them in their independent writing.

In Maths we have practised identifying adjacent multiples. This refers to knowing that 4 x 5 = 4 x 4 + 4 or 4 x 5 = 6 x 4 - 4. The children have worked their socks off using their knowledge of multiples to problem solve.

We travelled back to 13,000 BC and began learning about the Stone Age. The children explored whether stone age man was simply a hunter and gatherer, concerned only with survival? We also revisited our whole school timeline and performed it with great enthusiasm. Each part of the timeline has an action and I have no doubt the children will love teaching you.

In Design Technology the children have made Japanese fruit kebabs. They all looked very smart in their aprons and hair nets.

Miss Woodend will be teaching music in Year 3 this half term. On Monday the children had their first lesson, they started to learn a song all about Vikings! They learnt that Vikings were very disciplined and applied that to their singing, making sure they were all in time. I wonder if they could sing what they remember over the weekend. There was lots of whoing and harring!!!!


Heath - Heath, you have been a focused and determined learner this week. You’ve sat down from break time eager to continue your learning and let your brilliant brain shine. We’ve loved hearing your ideas and watching you make wise and thoughtful choices. Well done Heath!

Lena - You have been such a brave learner this week. You have shown great resilience and enthusiasm for learning particularly in Maths. We have also noticed how brave you have been at swimming and the progress you are making Well done Lena!

This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Phoebe and Anna


  • Missing coats - Please can you keep an eye out for the following coats. 1) Long navy coat, with a furry hood and the initials Cato R. 2) Grey and orange regatta coat. Thank you so much.

  • First Aid - We have updated how we notify parents about first aid. If your child has received first aid, you will get a text message alongside the usual letter.

  • Weather appropriate clothing - Children should come to school everyday with a warm waterproof coat, hats and gloves are recommended too.

  • Thursday 16th November - Curriculum Evening at 5.30pm.

  • Friday 17th November - PJ day to raise money for Brian House Children’s Hospice.

  • Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Vaccinations

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly