The Christmas tree glistening in the corner, carols playing in the background and an ensemble of festive scenes have added to the air of excitement in the dining room this week.
Read moreArt news... Week Five
Art News… Week Five.
This week has flown by, the sound of children singing in their bubbles again has been such a joy to hear, it’s these little things we take for granted. The weather is considerably colder and extra layers are a must for our well ventilated classrooms.
In Art..
Read moreArt News... Week Four
Art News…
Week Four
How fast the weeks are passing by, each day brings us new learning, new struggles, new laughter, new experiences, we are most definitely in this together.
In Art…
Read moreArt News... Week Three
Art News…
Week Three
Art News… Week Three
With everyone having to stay at home again, we are very grateful that school is still open. This is our school family and we at least have the normality (a new normality) of our days full of laughter and learning.
In Art…
Read more“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” —Winnie the Pooh
The staff and I are so blessed to be able to witness so many of those small things that occur in the dinner hall and on the playground that makes lunchtimes such a special time of day. The acts of kindness, selflessness and compassion that is shown and shared so many times between the children so effortlessly, fills our hearts with joy on a daily basis. and this week has been no exception.
The playground has rung out with laughter, as games have been played, jokes shared and friends simply being together. Unicorns and vets have visited us this week, alongside a cone shop and the mighty power rangers! Super heroes with an array of special talents have been busy saving the day, whilst races have been won and tennis matches played. There is never a dull moment to be had!
Mr Nay has continued to deliver varying activities for all the children to enjoy. It is so lovely to see them beaming with achievement and joy during his sessions, along with their rosy cheeks!
Foundation Stage.
Role Model of the Week: Louisa Reception
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ava Reception
Keystage 1
Table of the Week: Year 1
Role Model of the Week: Roseanna Year2
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: William Year 1
Lower Keystage 2.
Table of the Week: Year 4
Role Model of the Week: Kiefer Year 4
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ruby Lily Year 3
Upper Keystage 2.
Table of the Week: Year 6
Role Model of the Week: Fin Year 5
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Sol Year 6
Congratulations children and thank you so much for being such wonderful role models .
We hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend
God Bless
The Lunchtime Team
Christmas, a time of Charity.
Its been a wonderful week for Mrs Webster, with her mask firmly in place she has visited all the school councillors to discover how they have been enjoying their role so far and to hear any feedback from their classes.
What an interesting time it is in school this month as we have all been thinking of how we can continue our Christmas tradition of raising money for local charities ( who, as we all know are struggling right now.) We have had to be very creative as obviously with the current restrictions we can only raise money within our classes, but that hasn’t stopped us, we have had some wonderful ideas - from a Santa dash in Christmas jumpers, to chasing Father Christmas for a mile around the field. Miss Hornby is very excited to hear our final ideas in the next week. ( check your class web page for updates.)
Autumn Online Safety Day - What is your online digital footprint?
Why not watch the video of our digital leaders introducing this term’s online safety day?
Read more“Fun is good.”-Dr. Seuss
It’s always lovely to see the children having so much fun over lunchtime and this week has been no exception.
Read moreAt the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
This week, Year 6 have really reflected on the meaning of Remembrance. Let our house captains take you through a short worship where you can list and reflect.
Read more“Children have always learned and created places for themselves through play.” ~ Donna R. Barnes
We hope you all had a lovely rest over the half term and managed to make some wonderful memories with your children, despite the awful weather.
Read moreArt News... Week One
Art News…
Week One
Art News…Week One
It was wonderful to see everyone bounce back into school after the half term break, a little bit of normality in this crazy year.
In Art…
Read moreAttention Year 2, 4 & 5
You will need an old, named t-shirt to go over your school uniform, to keep you clean during our ART lessons this half term. These will be kept in your tray’s in class and brought with you to each ART lesson.
Remember the Create room is a little chilly with the doors open so an extra layer on Art days is advisable. Thank you for your co-operation.
Mrs Curtis
Read moreArt News... Week Eight
Art News
Week 8… Half Term
Half term is here and everyone has earned their break, after a full on seven and a half weeks of jammed packed learning.
In Art…
Read more“Sometimes you have to drop the rake and play in the leaves.” ~ Douglas V’Soske
There has certainly been a distinct feel of Autumn this week, with a nip in the air, leaves crunching under the children’s feet and as the gloves and hats start to appear.
Read moreGratitude makes sense for our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.
This half term, Year 6 have been looking at gratitude and how we all have a lot to be grateful for. Please watch our video of our assembly and ask yourself…WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR?
Read moreArt Monitors Half Term Challenge
Half Term Art Challenge
The Art Monitors have a half term challenge for all the children across the school.
Can you paint, draw or decorate a pumpkin? This can be a picture, model or even a real pumpkin. Send your photos to Mrs. Curtis who will post them on here for all to see, we will look at them after the half term break and choose our favourites to display.
Send your photos to
Have fun and have a go.
from Oliver, Annabelle and Alice
(Art Monitors)
Read more"Our brains are built to benefit from play, no matter what our age." Theresa A. Kestly
Another week has passed us by and there has been no end to the creative games the children have played, despite the mixed bag of weather.
Read moreArt news... Week Seven
Art News…
Week 7
With only three days left of this half term, we are all trying to squeeze as much fun learning in as possible before we break for a well earned rest.
In Art…
Read more“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” ~ Diane Ackerman
As another week has drawn to an end, the children have certainly got their neurons sparking with imaginative play.
Read moreArt News... Week Six
Art News…
Week Six
Week six already, this half term is flying by, only another week and half before half term is here. The days are closing in and there is a definite change in the weather, jumpers and coats are now a must have everyday at school.
In Art…
Read more