Art News…
Week Five
Art News… Week Five.
This week has flown by, the sound of children singing in their bubbles again has been such a joy to hear, it’s these little things we take for granted. The weather is considerably colder and extra layers are a must for our well ventilated classrooms.
In Art..
Year one made some very special cards for Christmas, we used hot or cold colours and are very proud of the finished artwork. These will come home during the last week of term.
Year two used clay in their 3D lesson as we listened to the story of King Cuthbert and his birthday party. We then transformed two lumps of clay into the greatest party of worms anyone has ever seen. These have come home to dry, they will take a couple of days in a warm place. They look lovely left natural but can also be painted at home.
Year three continuedwith their Victor Varasley optical art in collage. We used green and black paper and created stunning trees of all sizes and shapes.
Year four had part two of their watercolour masterclasses. We painted a beautiful sunrise/set and a full moon night sky. These will be used to create our Christmas cards next week. We also painted with a very thin brush to add detail over the top of last weeks efforts. It was lovely to see such excited faces as their creations took shape.
Year five finished printing their Reduction Block Prints by adding the last layer, the blue third. The pressure was on as this layer is the one that is most on show. We have also finished our Christmas card print. Next week we wil assemble the card and also mount and decorate our prints. These will be on display outside the staffroom for all to see.
Year six didn’t have art this week as it was our Santa Dash day. Christmas jumpers, fun and games with Mrs Gregan, Mrs Webster and myself. The children had an amazing time and collected money for their chosen charity. Next week they will have double art to make up for this week’s loss. Monday and Friday, start and end the week with Art, how lovely. We will be focused on creating lovely cross stitch for our Christmas cards this year.
The Home Gallery is filling up with gorgeous home Art. Do have a look and if you have any you would like to share with me and the school community send a photo to and I’ll do the rest.
Have a good weekend, stay safe.
God bless
Mrs Curtis