“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” – Vincent van Gogh

The artists in year 2 have explored and experimented different ways of drawing texture using different media one of these was charcoal, messy but amazing results, the children loved it. Then we looked at how our facial expression shows how we feel the most important parts are you’re eyebrows and your mouth, having that in consideration we created our own emojis and there were some extraordinary expressions! Following this we have created our own book and made up our own story and characters, this was so fun and the artists/illustrators have created some beautiful books.

"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” – Pablo Picasso

In year 6 this term we looked at Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, children look at how artists convey a message through art, we explored how imagery, symbols can be. we have learnt the technique ‘chiaroscuro’ and where is comes from (Italian - chiaro= light scuro=dark).

Artists considered audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard and were commissioned(with sweets) by me tp create a piece of art work using all techniques learnt through out this module and to send a message to others of something that they’re passionate about.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

Artists in year 3 were very busy and have leant so much about how artists see when they draw or paint-shapes. Everything around us is mainly made our of a shape or to be easier to put tin to paper they can use shapes. Year 3 looked at how we can create tone in drawings by shading and how we can hold our pencil in a different way from writing/detail (pencil grip)and how texture can be created and added to create art, we use the technique called frottage which is taking a rubbing from textured surfaces to form the basis of a work of art. The term frottage was created by the artist Max Ernst. We did botanical drawing and have explored different parts of flowers and did some closed up sketches, following this we created our own flower collage ( has Henry Matisse once said": “ drawing with scissors”) experimenting the difference between rip and tear in this artwork. We have inspired a lesson by Georgia O'Keeffe and did some abstract paintings of zoomed up flowers using watercolours and adding detail with fine liners, this was a very successful technique.

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Artists in year 1 this term , have been very busy learning about mark making and different types of lines and how to use them in their creations.

We experimented with a range of mark-making techniques, responding to music. We experimented different mediums and did observational drawing using all types of lines, starting black and white to a final piece in oil pastels, these were incredible successful.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

In year 4 the artists have learnt how to create a 3D drawing by adding tone, we explored proportion and tone when drawing. We did a “drawing with scissors” , by collaging random imagery into an abstract design, we then used that design on an abstract wax resist drawing, we coloured a pattern with wax crayons and painted over in black(paint + washing up liquid) after drying we scratched the paint creating contrast revealing the crayons from underneath. This was so much fun! We have then created amazing abstract prints on fabric.

Art is a line around your thoughts.” – Gustav Klimt

This term year 5, have being doing their DT unit (Mechanical systems) the have designed and created amazing pop up books, inspired in their history lesson and each have chosen their favorite ancient Greek for their books.

“ The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” Pablo Picasso

This term the year 1 artists have been very busy.

We looked at Andy Goldsworthy and land art , we had a little try ourselves in the school garden. we also had a try in our sketchbooks with some tissue paper and followed Andy Goldworth technique. This was so much fun!

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! because we were all so in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encourage to create their own using any techniques/mediums there would prefer.

Year 1 Artists also looked at Primary colours and together we discussed and experimented making a colour lighter (add white) or darker (add black), the children absolutely loved experimenting!