Painting and Mixed Media- Portraits

And so we come to the end of another half term. I cannot believe we are half way through the school year! This half term, our focus has been on painting and mixed media and how we can incorporate this into self portraits.. The children have had so much fun exploring what mixed media is and how it can be used to create a piece of art. Through combining painting skills with pastels, crayons, photographs, lots of imagination and acetate, they have certainly enjoyed having fun with their images! Texture has played a huge part in developing our skills, enabling the children to bring their artistry to life and create a wonderful self portrait. Next half term, we will be moving on to Structures and bridge building.

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Michelangelo

I cannot believe we have arrived at the end of the second half term! What a wonderful term it has been, as we switched our attention to Design and technology and Textiles. The children have, followed a design criteria to plan, create and produce a soft, stuffed toy. Sewing is a very tricky skill and they have shown such resilience and determination to apply their new knowledge of blanket stitch to their work. The results were fantastic! We also had a snippet of time to have a go at some embroidery!

Next half term, we will be turning our attention to painting and mixed media and I cannot wait to see the wonderful work the children will produce! Please can you ensure your child has an art shirt in school, as we will be getting mucky!

Have a wonderful, magical, holy Christmas.

God Bless

Mrs Mather

Art is a line around your thoughts.” – Gustav Klimt

This term year 5, have being doing their DT unit (Mechanical systems) the have designed and created amazing pop up books, inspired in their history lesson and each have chosen their favorite ancient Greek for their books.

"Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while working!"- Henry Matisse

In year 5 the food tech was all about eating healthy and make healthy choices when making and designing their own Bolognese.

I think it is fair to say that some Bolognese’s were unique and had some unusual ingredients but they smelled delicious.

I think the chef’s in year 5 have enjoyed their taster sessions, enjoyed their cooking as well as eating their Bolognese’s afterwards .

"Art is a harmony parallel with nature." - Paul Cezanne

This term the artists in Year 5, have been learning of portrait drawing, for this they have used mixed mediums and different techniques. They had a go at drawing King Charles III portrait ready for the coronation and these looked amazing!

We also had a visit of an artist and had a painting workshop “ Art without thought”, by Jack Crayton. Jack has told us about his journey in the army and how art has helped him in his life. Jack has taught us to draw/paint in perspective and the final masterpieces were amazing and in the end the children asked amazing questions and were so polite. On our final week we had a charcoal workshop too, the children were showed different techniques that could be use with charcoal, by drawing with the rubber and had lights to midtones and creating contrast , charcoal is a great and inexpensive medium to work with, although a little messy!

" Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas!