Art News… Week 6
The school is alive with the sound of music, as children rehearse their Easter assemblies. Children raising their voices in song is so special, you are in for a treat next week.
In art…
All the classes have created beautiful Easter cards in their Art sessions this week in line with art topics, showcasing their skills. These will come home next week, so please check bags.
Year five also decorated their moving toy, operated with a cam. These look fabulous and all work. These will be evaluated next week and come home on Thursday.
Art club had their final session this week and decorated beautiful little bird houses. Everyone has enjoyed their time and made new friends also. There will be no Art club next half term as Food Technology takes over the Create room and timetables change to fit everything in but will be back in Summer two.
Attention, Exciting News…
Food Technology After Easter!
After the Easter break, all classes from year one through to year six will be doing Food Tech in place of Art. All recipes and dates will be sent home next week as we start first week back. All children will need an apron and a tea towel (we do our own washing up too) as well as weighed ingredients and containers suitable to transport goodies home. There is great excitement brewing as we have been unable to do this during the pandemic. I’m rather excited too.
Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully the warmer weather will return soon. Stay safe.
God Bless
Mrs Curtis