Physical Development in Action!

When I wrote my weekly newsletter and asked you to send me photographs of your physical development activities I had no idea just how resourceful you would all be! You’ve moved the furniture in your homes, you’ve taken to the back garden and some of you have even continued with your yoga!

Then there are those of you who have created a whole gymnastics display!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller

As the week has drawn to a close, the lunch time team have been overcome with the kindness and calmness of the children as the week has unfolded. It has been such a joy to see that in such difficult circumstances, they have had moments to be themselves and to have time with their friends playing, laughing and having fun. The love and compassion they have shared with one another has been quite humbling.

Table of the Week: The Team have decided that All houses are star table, children, you have been absolutely wonderful this week, thank you.

Role Model and Marvelous Manners: Again, the Team has decided that each and every child should receive both role model and marvelous manners. We are so proud of you all. Thank you so much children.

God Bless
The Lunchtime Team