We are off the Pandora today - a magical planet in another galaxy light-years away from our Planet Earth.
Read moreYear 5 Friday 27th March Learning from Home
Hi children well done, you have made it to Friday - the end of a long and unusual week. Just maths , English and science today oh yes and PE.
Read moreYear 5 Thursday March 26th Learning from home
Wonderful Wednesday went well !!
Read moreYear 5 WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS (25/3/2020)
I cannot tell you how proud I am of you all!!! I have received so much excellent work (via pictures to my email). Today is a little different!
Read moreYear 5 Tuesday March 24th Learning from Home!
Welcome back- let’s continue with our learning!
Read moreYear 5 Monday 23rd March Learning from home!
Here are your lesson for today Monday March 23rd. I hope you have your maths and writing books with you. If not organise picking them up at school. Do your very best and keep in touch!
Good morning Year 5
COMPUTER - please see the blog below titled “Monday 23rd- using SUMDOG while learning from home” here you will find an instruction video and your passwords for this new learning platform, which we will be using while you are away from school. The film is also in our Year 5 “How to help at home” section (orange button on our class blog). Have fun today playing the games. You need to know I managed to balance 13 strange items- let me know if you beat me- you’ll know what I mean once you get started
Reading- let’s move onto reading more SCI FI! If you were away last week the class played with Sci FI toys and wrote toy reviews we also talked about what SCI- FI is to them. We decided it was - aliens from other planets, space ships, blasters, star wars, imperial fighters and Dr.Who saving planet Earth. We then went onto to reading short SCI-FI stories. I have set another one here today called “THE PET SNATCHERS!” Open up the link and answer the comprehension questions in your book. Try to keep your new book neat and organised include a date and title.
Maths division. I would like to keep teaching you maths online- moving your learning forward I have created the lesson boards and filmed myself teaching. I will ask you to pause the film to complete the tasks set. Please press play below:
Finally email me:
Creative challenge:
We played with SCI-FI toys last week. This week I would like you to create a UFO. I have uploaded a picture of one Billy has. If you don’t have Lego what else could you use?
Physical challenge
You will need permission for this one. Have you seen the football stars completing the kick-up challenge with a roll of toilet tissue? My very own footballer is setting you the challenge- he has managed to do 9 so far-
Monday March 23rd - Using Sumdog while we learn from home/school
Helping you to learn maths at home with SUM DOG
Follow the instructions, log on and play!
Dear children welcome to our online learning community. We will be helping you to keep learning every day!
We have subscribed every child in the school to the interactive maths website “SUM DOG.COM”. To get started I have made a little on screen instruction video below. You will need your username and password. The passwords for each class are to be found below :
Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 19th March
Please read every night - we are half way through the half term and our astronauts (reading target wall) are steadily climbing to the moon! Keep up the focus!
This week the children have moved on from the expanded method when completing long multiplication- they are now using the short method. A couple of members of the class helped me to make a little teaching video for you to see. The children have to sit you down and explain the method to you. There are then 8 sums to complete by you- your child will then mark them! I have also given them 8 sums to complete on their own and you can check these! Have fun teachers and be well behaved pupils- mums and dads!
Please click on the “how to help your child at home button” on our blog page for the video
I have set you a research task on Purple Mash all about Galileo- please complete
Science/Sci-fi writing- FOR MONDAY
Next week we will begin our work on Science Fiction. I start this work with an exploration of science-fiction toys. If you have any please bring them on Monday morning. These could include, toy aliens, star wars related toys, astronaut figures etc.
I would like the children to teach you the following saying:
Mr Van eats messy jam sandwiches under Newcastle Pier! They will tell you why.
Relative clause are a very important grammar structure , which we learn in Year 5. I have set you a relative clause task on Purple Mash- have Fun!
Year 5 homework to be handed in on March 12th
What is a constellation? What can you find out? You might want to spend time staring at the sky at night once you have found out. Record what you have discovered in your homework book. If it fires your imagination make us a PowerPoint or film to watch in class!
Read moreYear 5 Homework to be handed in on Friday 6th March
“Do not do good things so that people will see you do them. If you do, you will get no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give money to poor people, do not send men in front of you to blow trumpets or horns.”
Read moreYear 5 homework for the half term holiday!
Tables, tables, tables!!!!!
Read moreYear 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 13th February
Because the children have visited London on Friday I have kept the homework simple and relaxing. They will be tired so it is important that they rest before next week.
Read moreYear 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday February 6th
Imagine you are writing a factual book all about the Ancient Greeks. You have got to the page all about Greek architecture. The Greeks famously used columns to hold up their building
Read moreYear 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 31st January
Steady progress is being made by all. The children have targets for this term- some of us have time targets as we are not yet reading for 60 mins each day. This includes the 25-30 mins of reading at school.
Read moreYear 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 23rd January
Who is this criminal! We need to catch him….. find your homework here
Read moreYear 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday January 16th
Welcome back- keep working hard! Hard work always pays off!!
Reading is the key to success. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to meet with individuals this week and set a clear new target in their books- I have set targets on the ACR system so a number of children have already quizzed on the books they received/read for Christmas. Well done great start. Please read every night.
We have been exploring some great word problems this week working through different steps to find the answer. We also explored addition pyramids- these were fun. I have set on for homework. I have attached a PDF here. Take care the two on the right are adding the two on the left are take away- I’ve got the answers so I know it works. Be resilient!
We have started our new “crime and punishment” topic in history this week and we have some new words to master. Please learn the following spellings:
death penalty
Spelling challenge: Write a 100 word paragraph about a band of outlaws who get into trouble. I will put the funniest one on the blog next week- good luck!!!
Purple Mash Task
I have set a “to do” task on your Purple Mash account. Please complete the “Highwayman” picture- taking a picture of yourself!!! In the speech bubble make the text smaller and write an account of a robbery you committed last night- make it boastful!!!
Final homework for this term- to be handed in on Thursday December 19th
Singing hymns
Know your songs for the concert on Tuesday
Most children have reached their reading target set for this half term. There is still time for you to finish the novel you are currently reading so you too can get meet target- go for it!!!
We have been applying our understanding of addition and subtraction in problems (varied fluency) and one of the lessens involved finding the missing numbers in a column addition problem. To solve these puzzles the child has to understand the procedure - column addition deeply. Have a go at IXL B3
Science on Purple Mash
Complete the science investigation planning sheet. We have discussed the investigation in class- Mrs Hotchkiss’ shoes are two pictures below. We don’t have the results yet so leave this part out. We will be using your planner in class next week!
Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 12th December
The class are continuing to make very pleasing progress with their reading. It is a rare day when we haven’y been able to spend 20-30 minutes of our day lost in a book. There is nothing nicer than seeing children lost in their imaginations!
We have mastery column addition and column subtraction - applying it to problems and large numbers. Please complete B5.
The ending que when is sounds like c (cat)
The ending gue when it sounds like g (gate)
Please learn them in you favourite way: I have attached some spelling challenge cards to help with fun ways to learn them!
I have set you a new challenge in Purple Mash. This time you have to select an image then place the force arrows on. Please labels your arrows showing the forces acting in the picture. Your Posters were fantastic last week! Have a look at my feedback.
We need to keep practising our songs- we are doing really well
Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday December 5th
The children have completed their Star Reader test and I am conferencing them one to one on their next targets this Friday. As always those children who have put in the extra mile have done really well. Reading is a gift please continue to create space for the children to read at home every day. Thank you.
Final mental maths for the moment. Please complete the table of mental maths sums- think carefully about the strategies you are using!
Now complete IXL B4 the commutative law!
Science - Purple Mash
We went through our replies to Sir Isaac Newton and discovered there was a big difference in the quality of response. I would ask that all the children work hard to make sure their homework is well thought out and carefully completed. Sir Isaac replied but most children did not notice- if I have reset your please reply to him again!
I have also set you a describing forces challenge- use the descriptors on the left to help you remember to use the vocabulary we have used in our science lessons: Push pull, forces, energy, weight, friction , sliding friction, rolling friction fluid friction, air resistance and water resistance. We will be printing out the best work for display!!!
Concert practice
Year 5 homework to be handed in Thursday 28th November
We will be taking our Star reader assessments next week. This assessment may move our ZPD, it also gives me an overview of each child highlighting those on track and anyone who needs more support for reading. Reading at home is so important, some children need to read with an adult share the text and discuss others may read independently too but all children should still be read to. The richness of a shared novel has the greatest impact- no lesson can match it.
A new timed maths sheet- I am not thinking about the time and I’m not comparing- this time is to help you stay focused as you move form one metal strategy to another
Spelling- this week words we have encountered in RE and Science:
Please write the words in a sentence to show understanding then write each one out 5 time or more until you can write it with your eyes closed
We have had some fun this week as we explored forces! I have set the children the next part of their Sir Isaac Newton homework. You will need to log onto purple mash. Sir Isaac has sent you an email you need to reply!
Christmas concert
Please press the link below to watch a video of us singing one of our concert songs- please practice using the video to singalong and learn the lines.
Have fun!!!