Castlerigg Residential - October 2023

We are really excited to be taking the children to Castlerigg for their Year 6 residential at the start of the year. Followed by Borwick Hall in May. I think that the children will really benefit from a catholic retreat at the start of the year; and having looked at the timetable, it sounds magical!

The children will leave school at 10am on Monday 9th October and return on Wednesday 11th October in the afternoon. When you visit the Year 6 classroom on Wednesday 13th September for meet the teaching team, all of the information for the trip will be there for you to collect and you can ask any questions.

If you have not paid the £30 deposit for the trip, this needs to be paid this week so that we can organise the initial payment, the remaining money of £70 will need to be paid before the children go. My mission is to spread the payment of both residentials over the course of the year so that you do not feel compelled to pay everything all at once.

£100 - by Friday 6th October

£150 - by Friday 9th February

£100 - by Friday 10th May

Of course, if you do have any questions, please do ask. We cannot wait to take all of the children away and to start the year by looking at our mission as human beings. The theme of the retreat is ‘Let your light shine.’ Each morning will start with morning prayers and each night with reflection and mass.