Welcome to Year 2!

And just like that the summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to begin to get ready for a new school year!

We hope you have all had had a wonderful summer together, making memories and recharging those batteries ready for the adventure ahead. Your classroom is ready, and we can’t wait to welcome you back on Monday as we begin our journey together in Year 2!

What do I need to bring to school with me?

  • Your trays are already filled with your brand new pencil case and writing tools, so there is no need for you to bring any of your own stationary.

  • A reminder that all uniform should be clearly labelled, as well as your water bottle.

  • Our snack tray will be stocked each day with a choice of two fruits or vegetables, however you are most welcome to bring your own healthy snack for our morning breaktimes.

  • We kindly ask that you bring in sun cream (labelled) for your child to apply themselves.

PE Days

  • Outdoor - Tuesday afternoon

  • Indoor - Thursday morning


  • Art will be taught on a Wednesday afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your art shirts with you.


  • New homework will be set on a Tuesday, to be handed in the following Monday (starting 12th September).

  • Weekly blog’s will be published on a Friday.

You are always welcome to email us, should you have any concerns or questions: l.hotchkiss@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk c.bassett@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 2. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 2 page.

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday, and we hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Your Year 2 team,

Mrs Hotchkiss, Miss Bassett, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson