Year 6 Remote Learning - Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good morning Year 6. Thank you to all of you who responded to my ‘touching base’ emails yesterday. It was lovely to hear from you and to see what you enjoyed.

The Class Council blog is live…please contribute to it ready for this Friday’s Zoom.

Here is our timetable for today!

English - Frankenstein

Do you know much about the story of Frankenstein? Today we are going to learn all about the story and then think about some of the tricky language that we meet.

Task 1 -Complete the task on Purple Mash that asks you to understand and use the language in the right context. The second part of this asks you about your feelings towards the monster. Do you empathise with him?

Task 2 - Monster Mash Cam - become the monster in Frankenstein and write in role. Choose a period in the story that you want to tell from your perspective as the monster. How did you feel? This is a YEAR 6 piece of writing so think about the quality that I would like to see. How are you going to ensure that your writing is at expected or GD level?

Think about:

  • Sentence openers

  • Level of descriptive words

  • Use of punctuation - can you add advanced punctuation into your writing.

  • Characterisation - do you portray the character well with your choice of language and pull the reader in?

MATHS - Adding and subtracting fractions consolidation

Today is a practice day from the past 2 days of learning. How confident can you become?

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

Task 1 - Fluency. Watch the video and complete your fluency on Purple Mash today.

Task 2 - The fractions maze on Purple Mash. Colour the right path to get to the middle.

Task 3 - IXL K2, K3 and K4 - all with the same denominators so should be straight forward.

GEOGRAPHY - UK Towns and Cities - Two Day Task

Please use the lesson above as the starting point to your research. Read the lesson slides and make notes as you go.

Day 1 - Choose a UK town or city to research in detail. This can be a place from the county that you researched last week or a totally different place.

Think about:

  • Location of the town or city.

  • Population

  • Size

  • Famous Landmarks

  • History of the town/city - when was it granted city status?

  • Geographical features - is it on a river? Near a mountain range?

  • Tourist attractions.

Day 2 - Create a poster about your town/city (just like you did with your county) thinking about the feedback that you received last week. How can you make an improvement? Submit via Purple Mash

PE - Gymnastics

In school, we are really working hard to master strong balances. This is something that you can practise at home. The gymnastic challenges give you an indication of the balances that we will be doing in school. Can you master them at home? You may have a partner you can work with, do not worry if not.